Pen autism thread

pen autism thread

Favourite pens?
I'm a big fan of the one in pic related
Cheap, really nice for writing maths with. Doesn't leak at all, doesn't spludge the ink, feels smooth but has just the right amount of resistance

all around 10/10 and it only costs like £1 for a packet

Ball Point pen master race

these things cause they're blue and cheap but of good quality

I do all my math with this bad boy


this hot bastard

can't go wrong with those

fountain pens are the biggest indicator of autism

how does it feel to be this much of a pleb


Pen: Uniball Signo DX
Pencil: rotring 800
Paper: Rhodia

biro pen masterrace

my fellow black person


How do you guys feel about mechanical pencils?

the best

GOAT tb.h

ever since I got marked down on an assignment by a math prof for not writing dark enough, i have stopped using pencils of any kind. also, it gets harder to read as time goes on so in two months when I am reviewing notes, chances are I will have a harder time reading it than I will my notes that were taken down in pen.

also, erasing is just a waste of time and usually screws up the paper. So i'd rather just use correction tape to get rid of my mistakes.

these two are my favorites, my biggest complaint with uniballs is that they can sometimes leak ink

this but in 0.5 mm

pentel mechanical drafting pencil, 0.5 mm

Have you tried the .3 mm? I was considering it

While I respect the use of finer tips, I cant use anything under 0.7mm. I feel like maybe my hands are too big or something? Whenever I use the smaller diameter pens I feel like I scratch too much.

a pencil

Long time user of the pilot precise v5 here. It's a good pen through and through. And it's cheap,

I recently tried a uniball vision elite a while back though, and they are awful. They write incredibly for the first day, then for some reason they stop laying down the ink well. The one I am currently using right now still has 95% of its original ink level and it writes like shit.

who gives a rip
fuck off!

Pic related and a black lamy safari

I love these, but one of them fucking exploded on my notebook and ruined my bed sheets once

Fucking this, I've never really given to many shits about pens before but I am never buying anything other than these again

Spoiler that shit. It's too lewd.

The ink quality is superb. I can have my eyes almost shut and still be able to see every detail.

Pilot G2s are only good bold. 10 >>> 7

>not using exclusively found/stolen pens
I haven't paid for a writing instrument since elementary school

this is why i fucking love Veeky Forums

I like the idea of them. They take more effort to write with because of greater pencil-paper friction compared to a good pen. Also, I don't ever make mistakes so I have no need to erase. :)

>Be mechanic
>Be the only pen autist in the shop
>Everyone keeps stealing my Pilot G2s out of my toolbox
>"It's just a pen, user, why do you care so much? Here, have one of mine to replace the one I lost."

Fuck off and get your own, you fucks.I don't want your 100 for a dime cheap shit, I want my goddamn G2 back.

>still using pens

The one and only. Accept no substitute.

zebra f-150 when i was in the military

now it's all about TUL auto advancing lead. if not that, im all about the kuru toga's

and yes, i stopped using pen when i got into academic shit. i only use pen now for signing documents. if it's a paper it's almost always printed so whatever


>retractable fountain

Everything else is for beta cocksuckers

Got some the other day. Fantastic for the small-font writer. No blotching (yet) and no bleeding through the paper.

Pens are popular promotional gifts.
Those freebies just work well enough for me.

I use those a lot for work. They are nice. The biggest problem I've run into is that it's hard to write small notes since the ink line is rather wide.

Never erase things. Your false positive error catching rate is positive and nonzero.

>doesn't use cross
Pencil: Cross Century Classic
Pen: Cross Century II

Pens/pencils are a lifetime commitment. If you even let your notebook get molested by a fucking Pilot G2, end your career.

Pilot Razor Point II master race


You know how I roll.
