Have sci ever experienced gender dysphoria? Many of you are pretty vocal about transpersons, but can you really put yourself in their shoes?
Have sci ever experienced gender dysphoria? Many of you are pretty vocal about transpersons...
When I was five I asked my mom why I can't marry my best friend and then I put on a dress
My mom said 'because boys don't do that'
It made sense
most of us are busy doing actual stuff to have time to feign made up conditions on the internet
>Be man
>Believe inside I am a woman trapped in mans body
>Reverse this
>Be woman
>Be man trapped in womans body
>Flip this
>Be me, trapped in me body
To answer your question OP, No I can't put myself into the shoes of a mentally ill person, but then again I believe the spartan ideology when it comes to them.
>Be me, trapped in me body
>trapped in me body
>me body
Top kek, pretty much sums it up.
No, come to think about it there is a whole gamut of mental illness I have not experienced, like having voices in my head and so on.
The general consensus in the medical community seems to be that transitioning is the best way to deal with it so I'll take their word for it.
It's not like any of it affects me.
get out fucking degenerate
Get back in your containment board.
nah i'm not a mentally ill degenerate
>The general consensus in the medical community seems to be that transitioning is the best way to deal with it
I'm not a /pol/ guy. Just accept the fact that transgenders are retards.
It's p much the best option available.
The two approaches you can take to gender dysphoria is to alter the body to match the mental perception or alter the mental perception to match the body. Sure the second one would look cleaner but since brains are fucking complicated we have no idea how to do it beyond Clockwork Orange-ing them. As such altering the body via surgery is currently what we go with.
>I feel as if my mind is the one of a disabled person. My only solution is then to do an operation to remove a limb!
You see the faulty reasoning?
A permanent physical change in the body is not a solution to a psychological problem. There were actually pills a while back against gender dysphoria.
No thanks, I'd rather be severely mentally retarded.
I'm more of a transnigger myself
The pills weren't really effective, plenty of satisfactory gay sex worked better, but it's also incomplete.
LARPing works at reducing suicidal rates, but ultimately what they want can't be done yet.
shut the fuck up
>having voices in my head
You dream two hours every night.
No dialogues in you dreams?
t. zero empathy autist
Let's tell schizos the voices are real, that would be really empathic.
those are two different things
>implying I experience gender
I am an extra-dimensional asexually reproducing slime.
Check your privilege
Yes, two different things that share a crucial element - patients are experiencing severe delusions. In one case people believe space slugs are telling them to kill dogs, in the other people believe cutting off their dicks is a splendid idea.
>share element
>describes two different things
which one is it
One of them doesn't hurt anybody and is currently the best way to treat it.
I don't know why people who have absolutely no clue whatsoever about the subject believe their opinion is worth more than what scientists and doctors say who have a lot of experience in the topic.
>Many of you are pretty vocal about transpersons
I think you're confusing Veeky Forums with the /pol/tards that have started shitting up our board recently
I'm at MGTOW
so you wanted to be a girl when you were 5?
>tfw at "wanting to BE the gf" already
How do I climb back up?
I never experienced it myself. I have a friend who is a trans male though. He has a vagina. Sure, I get where they're coming from. If I was really feminine looking I wouldn't feel right. It would likely mean I have a testosterone problem that needs fixing, but the discomfort could feel similar.
Nah, I have to pay for this shit. I wouldn't care if my tax money didn't go it. Mutilate yourself on your own dime.
Holy fucking shit
>6 year old me: tfw no gf
>12 year old me: anime
>13 year old me: waifus
>14 year old me: misogyny
>15 year old me: homosexuality
>16 year old me: wanting to BE the gf (didn't go to far but I started being really femenine and I was even shaving my legs)
>17 year old me: mgtow
>18 year old me: Have a gf now, but still consider myself mgtow and women are obviously inferior and should be second class citizens with no human rights
It's been a rocky road but I never toad that this all started with anime. Fuck. Not gonna stop watching anime though.
you were a normie from the very beginning
It is not possible, desu.
Not if you think women are simply pussy slaves to wet your dick. Which is what they are.
> "transitioning"
Just wait for CRISPR to advance or its succesor to come along before cutting off your babymaking apparatus.
both you fucking retard.
Don't try and make points about semantics if you can't into reading comprehension
You can be male and feel feminine, yet when you decide that means you should mutilate your penis, that's when you're crazy.
The only reason behind it would be to want the treatment of the other gender by society. That's the real problem, genders are treated differently.
>One of them doesn't hurt anybody
It hurts the person they're enabling. You don't solve mental issues by giving them what they want then ignoring them as they destroy their life because they're mentally unstable.
Let's say for the sake of argument that transexuals have a mental illness. What then? Has any form of therapy been shown to help? If we don't know how else to help them then why not try hormones / surgery?
Put them in asylums until they have their shit worked out. There are better solutions then just handing over hormones to anyone who asks and fucking our societies up even further by sending a message that we're willing to enable mental illness and turn a blind eye to people mutilating themselves because they kill themselves if they can't.
>someone has something wrong with them and needs help
>lock them in a cage and give them drugs until they magically start acting like you want them to
you are literally retarded
What is the "better solution" you have other than indefinite imprisonment?
>Put them in asylums until they have their shit worked out.
This is what /pol/tards think is a good use of tax dollars
That is it. How else do you treat people who continually self harm? Just hand them a knife and say "have at it"? You need to seperate these people from society and monitor them for their own good. Self harming people need professional help.
They obviously need some kind of help, their STD rates are huge, the abuse rates are huge, the suicide rate is high.
The first two mean that they engage in behavior that is extremely risky. The sad thing is that suicide rates after transition arent much better.
Its a mental illness, cut and dry. They need therapy and drugs, not a scalpel.
Post boipucci
>the suicide rate is high
Gee, I wonder if rounding them up and putting them in asylums will help with this one.
not him but i kinda wanted? i know i wasnt attracted to boys but i liked girl clothes and jewelry a lot more and also wanted to paint my nails
>The general consensus in the medical community seems to be that transitioning is the best way to deal with it
im in no way expert but the suicide rate amongs people who have transitioned and people who havent is around 5%
no other medication or treatment would pass with 5% success rate, thats actually lower than placebo in many cases
>I don't know why people who have absolutely no clue whatsoever about the subject believe their opinion is worth more than what scientists and doctors say who have a lot of experience in the topic.
doctors generally dont give a shit. go to a dermatologist with hairloss, he is gonna prescribe you finasteride and tell that its a safe drug with rare side effects. go to an urologist and he says youre just exploiting the side-effects of a prostate shrinking antiandrogen and would never give it to a young man.
prescribing hormones is the easiest and safest way they can do. patient might get happy. doctor is happy. patient kills himself later. doctor cant be blamed. its a win-win
>you're trying to tell me
>trannies don't pay taxes
>and they get away with it
Call me Caitlyn, bitches.
>can you really put yourself in their shoes?
We are all autistic and lack empathy, so the answer is no.
>54 replies
>36 posters
>multiple " fuck off degenerate"
If doctors and scientists really believe trans people should mutilate themselves because the voices in their heads are telling them to, then those doctors and scientists probably are just afraid of being burned at the stake, hung, drawn and quartered (professionally, that is) should they have said anything else.
Medical and academic research are some of the most politically controlled fields out there. These are the same people who say climate change caused Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina.
And to be fair we're talking about psychiatrists, not real doctors: these ones were at the bottoms of their classes.
And even granting them scientific authority, look how many times in hiatory the scientific consenses has been hideously incorrect, only to be exposed by some maverick genius like Albert Einstein.
>because the voices in their heads are telling them to
This thread is about gender dysphoria, not schizophrenia.
>It hurts the person they're enabling
How? They are getting what they want.
>You don't solve mental issues by giving them what they wan
Unless that actually solves the mental issue.
I think the current way of doing things is better. Otherwise you also risk them hiding it to the outside and as a result make it worse for most of them.
But they get professional help. And those professionals have concluded that letting them go through with sex change (and have it done by other professionals, not by handing them knives) seems to be the best solution.
>They need therapy and drugs
No drug has helped so far and therapy includes a scalpel.
>mutilate themselves
Nobody asks of them to do it themselves.
>Medical and academic research are some of the most politically controlled fields out there
Because they disagree with your opinions? Maybe it's you who is politicizing it, not the researchers.
>we're talking about psychiatrists, not real doctors: these ones were at the bottoms of their classes
Psychology is a whole study of its own. Separate from other medical doctors.
So .1% of the population, which can barely hold down a job as it is, is somehow going to pay enough in taxes to pay for their own gender reassignment surgery.
and I thought this board was smart.
give em LSD or something, theyre freaks already, cant get much worse.
and btw >>>/reddit/
>I have no argument left
>I know, I'll tell him to go to reddit!
What's next. Calling me a cuck?
>patient kills himself later. doctor cant be blamed.
Are there even any situations where somebody(not necessarily a doctor) CAN be blamed for another person's suicide?
yeah if they found out he was mistreated, which in this case would be not prescribing hormones most likely.
hollywood doctors in general when get caught. look up michael jackson's death for example
No, because I'm not mentally ill
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated and not indulged.
Best treatment so far seems to be to let them indulge.
why the fuck do people still act all offended when people point out that it's a mental illness - it literally is and 1. you're stupid if you feel bad for having a mental illness that you can't control and 2. i thought sjws were pretending to care about mental illnesses, but now it's a bad thing?
You didnt even respond to my argument, cuck
Dont let logic get in your way user, these are the people that never see struggle in their pathetic lives. Theyre people that complain rather than fix.
How is it supposed to be different from genital centric body integration disorder? Oh wait it's not.
People who sell estrogen pills and greedy plastic surgeons looking to make a buck argue that transitioning is the best path of treatment? Oh wow what a coincidence, next you'll be telling me the guy in town who owns six gas stations is going to vote Republican.
I don't really care either way but it's a symptom of societal decay and I'll never be comfortable with it as a concept.
Ez, not my problem nor is my decision ever likely to influence anything important in the external world. Waste of time thinking about it. Do you guys really think your opinion matters? *Tips fedora* check and mate.
(I do unironically think that tho)
You don't need to be a girl or mutilate yourself or take dangerous chemicals if you just want to wear a dress sometimes.
That's ultimately what I hate about transgenderism. It enforces old fashioned gender roles in all the superficial ways and people mutilate themselves to fit into the superficial roles.