My brain doesn't want me to think

So I have something called MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAMING DISORDER [ = ((ADD - OCD)/2)^1000000] which effectively means I CAN'T FUCKING THINK. Whenever I'm doing something ungrounded in the surrounding objects (like thinking as opposed to reading) I can't fucking help but drift away.

Math and physics are my passion, so finally I decided to just skip exercises - which take me fucking forever - and just read the material. Now I'm obviously not planning on being like this forever and am already noticing the effects of meditation, but how much am I missing here? I'm gonna read the solutions to problems as well - at least to pass the fucking tests.

Anybody with the same problem? How are you coping with this shit? I'm not gonna just give up and be miserable doing some bullshit for the rest of my life, I'll tell you that much.

Other urls found in this thread: MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAMING DISORDER

>>unconsciously forced imagination

>Fuck. Do I have this too? I think have this disease too.

>When I am working on problems I constantly think about other things and then stand up and start walking around.

>The only difference is that while distracted my brains seems to be pondering the problem unconciosly so when I come back from walking around I almost always have a solution or something that could take me to a solution.
I doubt it. Maladaptive daydreaming is just like dreaming where what you see is what your unconscious mind is occupied with. Probably you just figure problem out as soon as you're out of the trip, in which case you may be solving easy problems.

Maybe try writing formulas to use while working problems and have the problem written in front of you so you can read over it. I don't really know what to tell you other than work at it and try to condition your mind to work problems. I think the worst thing you could do is give up. Also maybe try rewarding yourself after you finish a problem? A cookie or some shit like that.

Why do you keep making this thread? MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAMING DISORDER

You again?

I was thinking of writing as well. Writing and illustrating everything that comes to mind.
> Also maybe try rewarding yourself after you finish a problem?
That may help with procrastination (and at this point that's not the main obstacle), but this shit is not about punishment/reward, it's about turning on dreaming as soon as you stop being completely mindful.

I suppose everybody's not present most of the time and their consciousness drifts just like mine it's just that they experience skipping while I have dreams. In both cases though there's this persistent illusion that you're "there" all the time.

It fucking drowned. Why do you not ask this in bait meme threads and instead ask this is an interesting and extremely relevant thread?
> gorilla pic
Oh, I see. You just hate everything that's not cancer.

Just as well. I made a note to engage with OP a few days ago and only now got around to it. I don't know what sort of board integrity you guys are trying to defend here. Veeky Forums's viewers are generally people who spent most of their childhood and adolescence watching TV and/or and browsing the Internet, and thus have a completely understandably hard time with the academic study that they aspire to. This subject is basically Veeky Forums's version of /d/'s "help I'm think I'm turning gay from all this deviant porn", only this time responsibility rests with neither the board nor with the person.

That being said, OP you may have better luck by continuing the thread with a differently written post. What did I miss out on in terms of techniques that were offered up? I'm having these issues as well, and I don't want to repeat somebody else.

I have the same problem as OP. I've somehow become addicted to listening to music as it provides and escape from my crooked reality and intense emotions that I feel. I like to listen to aggressive music and pretend I'm some badass combination of my favorite anime characters thinking up of strategic plans, looking cool in front of people I know in real life and being an overall Gary Stu. It's quite embarrassing desu and I feel supremely autistic writing this out. I've been suffering from it for at least the past 4 years and I'm barely passing school because of it.
I try to stop listening to music but as a musician I find that hard to do.

it's quite common

any help on it? i really can't go on like this its becoming a handicap at this point

I'm not sure it's the same thing, unless the music is playing in your head regardless of whether you're physically listening to it.

Don't listen to this fucking moron. It's clueless shitheads like this who bullshit about "hurr i got ocd too cause i like order on the table", "durrrrrr i got sad cause my gf dumped me IM D-PRESSED" or "breh i wish i had that, ive read daydreaming lifts your mood and slows down aging in Wishful Bullshit Magazine".

I had this since forever but only really noticed when I was about 14. Before I figured it's normal for a kid.
I haven't read anybody with the same experience, but I also have negative dreams, where I'm in a compromised position and I feel obliged to somehow alleviate it. Also there'd be pretty neutral stuff like just telling somebody something I've just figured out, like how to kill some fucking boss or something in mathsz.

Throughout the day I write in the journal and after every activity I write it down and write a score of how much I dd'ed. I have a system for this shit.

After taking 5 fucking ADs for more than 1-2 months and getting fucking rash every time before the 3 months pass, I dropped the whole meds thing. When I first took 1 pill of the 1st AD it was fucking amazing - as if my brain would take care of dreams and turn them off right turning them on - like flicking lightbulbs.

General this thing works on emotions and moods in unconsciousness, so when I'm too excited or sad, or whatever it will operate on that. It'll feed on it and then multiply. After watching some talk show or basically any youtube bullshit there's a lot of excitement in there, so immediately it makes me imagine I'm in those situations and then fuck if I can turn it around.

Meditation seems to help even though in 15 or 30 minutes of doing it I'm dreaming 99% of the fucking time. Maybe I should do it with eyes open and doing some sounds cause when I talk to myself I'm too grounded to fantasize.

The idea of low vibration energy vs high vibration energy (I know it sounds cringy especially on sci but it's key) helps to understand this better. When there's a lot of shit in your head (and by shit I mean MOODS like irritation, excitement and anxiety as opposed to EMOTIONS like anger, happiness and fear that create moods) you're basically fucked.
Because you're operated by the monkey brain that makes you go for short-term shit making you procrastinate and be a fucking degenerate in general.
But when your unconsciousness is emotionally clear you feel free, detached and go for the RATIONAL fucking things and you can actually enjoy them. High functioning people enjoy fucking kale and white tea more than burgers and coke. They enjoy working on their passion more than bullshit consumption of videogames and anime.

So everything that helps you detach yourself from your environment, your emotions and even your body helps tremendously. You wanna feel like you just did ketamine basically. Except conscious. You know what I mean.

But of course first you gotta let go of your shitty daydreaming HABBITS. When I stopped (for the most part) walking around the room with music specifically to daydream I was shocked as fuck when I discovered just how infested my mind is with this shit. That's why I call daydreams you are aware of and do more or less on purpose MACRO DDs and those that just pop up and it's a couple of seconds until you are aware of them MICRO FUCKING DDS.

On my best days I only get dds that are roughly no longer than half a minute and I notice and stop them before they stop and then start again after a small break without me noticing. Very rarely I can reliably stop them after only a couple of reply exchanges within one situation or even immediately.

Basically the deeper you go the more shit you realize you're in. I encourage you to watch yourself carefully and see how long and frequent your breaks are. Cause majority of the time you're fucking dreaming - not just when you think you are.

>Maybe I should do it with eyes open and doing some sounds cause when I talk to myself I'm too grounded to fantasize.

I'm going to as many meditation sittings as I can find and one thing I found helpful was to recite the Heart Sutra and visualize each word in my mind as I chant. Unfortunately if I do this too long something in my face and/or body gets strained and I find myself unable to sustain any kind of meditation. For some reason is becomes painful, like.... I don't know how to describe it, only that in a few instances I've actually started dry heaving.

I figure that the practice has two dimensions, mindfulness of thinking and mindfulness of fatigue. I think that the fatigue has multiple components, because I've had mixed success relieving it at different times with completely different approaches, the difficulty coming from not quite knowing which fatigue-component is dominant. I have Asperger's, and I'm wondering if lack of self empathy or alexithymia plays a role in idenitifying those emotions. At these times being able to think on the same subject for longer than 3 seconds, and not getting this weird psychic pain from trying to marshal one's thoughts, would be awesome. After a few hours or a half day I'll get it right and my mind gets the massage/release valve/break that it needs, and on other days I'll just smoke some cannabis and just easy mode the whole exercise.

I don't know why I'm not doing that more often actually, over the last two years I've smoked cannabis for this purpose quite a few times and have only regretted it a handful of times.

>They enjoy working on their passion more than bullshit consumption of videogames and anime.

That's actually the reason I don't like people who look down on sports fans.

>Unfortunately if I do this too long something in my face and/or body gets strained
I sometimes felt my face becoming numb after taking some lyrica or weak benzos and not that long ago it happened during meditation. Felt fucking amazing and reinforced the idea of detachment. I think you either have a negative perception of it or are doing it wrong - like you actually get more agitated and not less.

>mindfulness of thinking and mindfulness of fatigue
It comes down to just taming your emotional background. Fatigue most of the time is just feeling shitty cause of emotions. Unless you're shoving fucking crates there's no reason for you to feel "fatigue". It's all because we are raised in a comfortable environments and brain is in the habit of super sensitivity. Niggers in ghettos don't have fatigue. Not unless they are shot and even then.

>self empathy or alexithymia
What's that?

>negative perception of it or are doing it wrong

But based purely on that description of your meditation, you're taking drugs and/or psychoactive herbs and I am not.

>Fatigue most of the time is just feeling shitty cause of emotions

I've got to go to work soon but I'll get back to you on that later

>what's that?
Self empathy is the ability to predict, identify and empathize
with one's own emotional states. Alexithymia is the inability to describe, mentally or vocally one's emotional experience, a problem experienced by autistics, schizophrenics and certain others.In fact, I think alexithymia is the more useful concept here, I think I might have used to wrong term in "self empathy".

To clarify, I'm not smoking cannabis when I experience this kind of tension-fatigue.

How do you have difficulty sharing emotions with yourself, which is what empathy is?

*, which is what "self" empathy is?*

I have this. I made a thread some time ago, and anons offered advice, but it didn't work.

What advice did they give?

I guess I was using empathy as a catch-all word for emotional intelligence, the ability to reason about emotions. I could have sworn that self empathy was a valid term for that but all I'm finding is advice on compassion meditation.

This is the thread. Much better than telling you off memory. They especially recommended meditation and going to a shrink.

> you're taking drugs and/or psychoactive herbs and I am not.
No that was long ago I was just saying that meditation can give the same "side effect" as meds (under which I didn't meditate).

I used to have this more pronounced, not so much now. I also had harm OCD and just generally having disgusting images stuck in my mind especially when eating (when I first came on AIB), but they all went away on their own. MD didn't.

lad I know EXACTLY how you feel

Here's what I've discovered for my own case so far, after years of being deeply interested and asking that question myself:

>it's your default mode network hijacking your brain
>the reason for that is literally videogames

Every time you play a (highly complex or spatial like CSGO) game, you reach a mental block where you stop progressing, and then your brain just shuts down and becomes semi-conscious, the irony being that that's exactly when you progress in the game due to your subconsciousness being directly trained and having it bypass your consciousness, or the thing that makes you think too much about all the possibilities, impairing you in a fast-moving game. It's exactly the same when training something like martial arts, hence the whole "stop thinking too much and you'll become good" meme.

The way I found this is because I used to play a fuckton of Tribes:Ascend, which is basically a FPS on steroids, and every time I was really into the game my brain simply shut down and I became an automated vegetable with almost 100% hit rate. I can even recall finding myself not processing the visual stimuli consciously, like my consciousness just yielded control over the brain and retreated somewhere to think about stuff. So a few years later I accidentally read something, which lead to another, which lead to being obsessed with the topic and connecting all the dots to reach this conclusion. Sure, it may not be true, but having put quite a lot of thought into this, I think that this is the most likely theory for the sudden increase in DMN hijacking the current generation's thought processes, or what is usually branded as "ADHD" or "excessive daydreaming" by the mainstream.

To add, I don't know *exactly* how to fix it, but what currently works for me is simply snapping out of it as soon as you catch yourself daydreaming and simply ignoring it. Doesn't work the first few times but on the 4th or 5th "snap out" I become hyper-focused for the entire day ahead. What's even more interesting is that my anxiety, which is usually high, actually disappears as well. I have absolutely no idea what's going on and what does anxiety have to do with my focus, but it might have something to do with the amygdala and it probably being dysfunctional in some way for us, causing all of those symptoms at the same time.

Are you an anxious guy?

Very curious findings.

I play this very hard platformer now, Super Meat Boy and I notice that pretty much 95% of the time I'm just fucking daydreaming - it's very much like meditation - in that it's supposed to clear your mind, but for me just ends up inviting the daydreams for a free non-stop party.

I disagree with the consciousness gets in the way thing. The reason it does is because of anxiety and it's this anxiety and it's ruminations that people call "overthinking" when really it's not thinking at all, it's just succumbing to bullshit. Conscious presence is supposed to boost your performance and in fact in every sort of sport - whether cyber or not - competitors try to use their 100% conscious focus. It's especially clear in fightings.

Of course for most people they got performance anxiety even in fucking videogames so that's why you tend to do better when consciously out.

I did have anxiety issues - as of now I don't label myself as "an anxious guy", but overall I'm cooler in some things than most people and in others am perhaps more anxious than most.
Thing about this stuff - it all correlates with all the others. OCD, anxiety, depression, ADHD - all this shit correlates. That's because all of it is overactivity in monkey brain that does emotions and shit.

I think it's gotten somewhat better since I've started meditation 15 min a day.