>Attended one of the smaller Ivy Leagues
>Took every Math course required by Master students by the end of his Sophomore year
>Published a math paper
>Continued to do research
>Made As in every math course
>Skipped 16 weeks of grad level courses to play vidya ga,es
>Showed up for midterm and final
>Made As in every class, except 1 due to the professor not liking the fact he skipped the entire semester
>Knows math better than anyone I ever met
>Never see him study math
>All he does is play video games
>Never showers
>No friends
>Somehow already at PhD level
>Not even a Junior at the time
>Studies math in Eastern Europe a bit because department has nothing else to offer
>2 years later gets admitted to a top ivy League
How do you compare yourself to people like my friend?
Don't compare yourself to other people. Even if you have trouble learning concepts at one point that doesn't make you a shit tier brainlet, it makes you a person that will continue to push yourself to the limit until the very end, and that is very honorable
Can we actually stop with these shitty bait/meme threads, please?
Not bait. 100% real dude. He is very nice and will explain math to you at a level anyone would understand.I think he is some sort of prodigy.
If he has that much genetic potential and wastes it on playing vidya then he is truly an idiot. Also this is a meme thread and Richard Bellman is GOAT.
Good answer user
Seriously? If so, I hope he is the next Neumann.
Not meme. he influenced me more than about any other person I ever met. He didn't even try hard. There were people in class at the top and they worked very hard to be there. He skipped every lecture and only showed up for the exams and aced every one of them. He would host lecture/review sessions if I asked him to to teach the basics of a course I was in. He'd do it and sit back and watch you do proofs and correct you/give you input or just flat out lecture.
Whenever he lectured he did it from his mind with no prep and had every definition/proof textbook like.
You ask a question
>How do you compare yourself to people like my friend
It's like going to a weight lifting forum and asking the guys there, "My friend is 4% BF 300lb and can bench 5 gorillion pounds with no training, how do you compare yourself to him?"
What's the point of asking such a question? How does your friend compare himself to Gauss?
Good point. I'll focus on myself. Good thing about him was he was humble, and kept to himself. Very friendly, he'd explain math to anyone that was interested. I'll just focus on getting good and worry less about comparing myself to others. I like math a lot and find a lot of pleasure in doing and learning it.
Is he autism free?
Well, maybe you can surpass him in different ways. Perhaps, not even mathematical in nature.
No, I think he is on the austitic scale. he doesn't shower, has social issues, a little off in other ways but otherwise normal. Like I said, I never saw him study. He seemed more obsessed with a video game than math even. I don't remember which, that's all he'd talk about. He ended up getting a PhD I believe.
I aspire to understand a niched area of math well. If I can do that, I'd be happy.
Well, there you have your answer. You most likely have better social skills and perhaps he secretly envies people like you.
I don't care about social skills. I want technical skills. I aim to know a niched area of math research extremely well.
>compare yourself to people
>needing comparison for validation
fgt pls
it's better to aim for a combination of both; having a lack of social skills will make you miserable.
You won't move up or gain recognition unless you know some sort of intrigue. You will just end up taking advantage of.
thanks anons. back to studying i go
>I believe
he's not a friend, maybe was but you lost contact.
Anyway the guy is probably shitposting in /r9k/ as we speak, desu I wouldn't even be surprised if he had coded 20 bots to disguise themselves as fembots/traps and be spamming the board right now for major butthurt. That would in fact explain a lot.
But I digress, my point is yeah I might not be a prodigy but my dick is above average and that's what matters.
It's easier to push your limit if you try to get on the level of people better than you. I disagree with you, user.
>my friend
>No friends
Which one is it then?
>>my friend
>>No friends
>Which one is it then?
I would have babbled more, but what he said.
I think I was his only friend he had then. I contradicted myself there. Yes, I since lost contact with him as he shifted schools.
he's on the right way, people are motherfuckers. user
What a believable story