I suspect the IQ of this board has changed as of lately...

I suspect the IQ of this board has changed as of lately. I figured it'd be nice for each of us to know how smart Veeky Forums truly is.

(you can put random letters for your name and email)

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100% of results will be 150+ and less than 100

Maybe, but the incentive to lie in an online poll is questionable. Especially when said person would get more out of seeing the true IQ's than messing up the results.

Incentive to tell the truth:
Contribute to a servery that you already know will have more false results than true ones

Incentive to lie:
mild amusement for several seconds

The only logical choice is to lie

The reason it'll have fake results is because you started it. I've seen more realistic polls on Veeky Forums before.
If a simple poll for the sake of curiosity can't be done anymore I've truly lost faith in Veeky Forums.

125. Shit was nuts by question 22.

22 was one of the easiest, assuming we all had the same question 22, was just a logical AND resulting in a white dot on the right most column by quadrant

And the very last one?


The rules I followed on the last one was that on each turn, everything moved down. If on the result of that turn was that there was a single solid dot row directly beneath the double solid dot row, then the single dot below would be moved two spaces (2 precedents for this). The single solid dot ABOVE the double solid dot would just move down un-impeded. The whole system wraps vertically

These things are hard to explain

pic related
>tfw to intelligent too use their high iq board

That's not the very last one. Three rows of three boxes, all empty but first row, second column a V shape, second row first column a plus shape, and the question was about what to put in the last row last column.


I took pic related to be the answer. I couldn't find any compelling reason for it to be an arrow shape or plus shape, choosing any of those 4 to be the answer would ruin any sort of symmetry.

Logically the only way to keep symmetry (the only definitive rule) even if the symmetry is the entire system with itself, is to choose the only shape not currently represented

In essence, all of these puzzles are just exercises in building rule-sets and testing them to see if they hold and searching for evidence to contradict yourself

Also 2^1 lines -> 2^2 lines -> 2^3 lines? Maybe

that's I what I thought

I don't understand your reasoning

Oh nevermind, you took the row 2 column 1 shape to be 4 separate lines, I interpreted it at 2 lines.

I see. Can you prove that that assumption has any more weight to it than the symmetry one? Especially considering the position of the missing element

I don't usually find symmetry to be a definitive rule as much as patterns are in these sets. For example, the first row of that question is not symmetrical on a y or x axis, and the second column only has symmetry on the x axis.
this is probably the reasoning I should've gone with, but I guessed something else

No. Besides, they seem to be complementary lines of reasoning to the same solution - sort of a "multiple methods" thing. Considering both shapes that actually occurred are options, neither outweighs the other; considering both shapes that occur have a rotation as options, neither outweighs the other; and likewise in regards to themselves. To have a blank circle breaks basically the only emergent pattern.

And all of these lines of reasoning leading to the same solution, so that helps.

I think it was top right. The X isn't rep'd either. I think the horizontal line progresses upwards while it changes orientatiin, tho my choice doesn't find exactly what i imagine the shape to be

I probably should have separated that into a different paragraph, that had little to do with the previous sentence. Sorry, I'm exhausted.

Ii mean vertical line changes orientation

Oh shit, top right also points at plus sign on diagram. Thats the one

>last time (2015) i took iq test i had 110 iq
>now i apparently have 125

alright im starting to think iq is sometimes bullshit

Oh come the fuck on, IQ test.



If you've never taken a test administered by an expert, then you've never taken an iq test. Online "tests" don't count.


I put a blank circle for the answer, because trying to make a pattern out of it is fucking retarded



Reminder that if you didn't take the IB, you're a brainlet.

In terms of relative knowledge and permeable wisdom my IQ is probably around 180 to 240

Using it normally 40 to 80

Got 122 the first time, just took it again and got 130. I still don't understand question 21.

>believing in online IQ tests which were probably just made up in like hour or two, and have no statistical significance

how bout these ones guys?

bull fucking shit

You that would put you between #7 and #2 for the highest iq's ever recorded


24 minutes for a useless IQ test?
I'd rather spend one minute making this shitpost and then spend the other 23 studying more number theory.

This just proves that everyone in this thread who did the test is actually a brainlet, regardless of the score. True geniuses would see this for the waste of time it is and go study more number theory, the only true intelligence tester.

If there is someone with an IQ >200, and IQ is a gauB distribution, doesn't that mean that there also is someone with an IQ < 0?

Lulz, I scored 97 randomly clicking...
Last time I did normal test it was 139

Woah brah..

You know, if you honestly think this then I think you could be right. There is someone with a 0 IQ. It just may not be who just thought it would be.

I scored 130 and I literally have a hole in my brain

Step it up, people

i am in the top 14% of smart people!!!

I tried to answer every question wrong. I am not sure if I didn't accidently got one answer right near the end since I didn't want to spend a lot of time to figure out the correct solution.

I got 90. Seems pretty bullshit.

122, pretty avg for this board apparently. It all comes down to how many patterns you're already familiar with though: motion, "add/subtract" shapes, counting etc.

>everyone not skewing the results by choosing less than 100

You had 1 job!

I got 80 by choosing all the wrong answers. I shouldn't have even gotten 60

>IQ 180

>IQ 160

>IQ 125

>IQ 105

Interesting website...

Maybe your IQ isn't high enough to be able to figure out which answer is wrong.

It takes 5 minutes tops

What's so special about number theory, compared to the rest of maths, that tests your intelligence so much?

>IQ 180

oy vey

The website said 24 minutes m8.

That everyone knows number theory is the hardest mathematics because to do it properly you need to know everything. You need analysis, algebra and topology to do number theory. But if you do any of those you only need the one you are specializing in.

How good you are at number theory summarizes how much you know about math in general, and everyone knows math = intelligence.

>You need analysis, algebra and topology to do number theory.
So what? You also need maths to do physics, that doesn't mean physics is better than maths. When you make use of tangential fields, it's usually in an applied manner.

Test says 130
So should select 120-130 or 130-140 in the poll?

120-130, someone within the 130-140 range wouldn't have to ask.

Yes, apparently even Hitler sat down to do their IQ test: iq-test.net/iq-test-famous-people.html

Personally, I'd be interested in a Trotsky vs Stalin IQ-off.

lol, the page is goy.

132? I'm bordering on brainlet tier now.... s-shit

My IQ is 250.

>tfw not quite smart enough to be in the cool guys club

You missspelled "you're IQ" there, OP.

Your welcome.

Their formula probably puts way too much weight on the amount of time you take.

110 master race reporting in.

How did you guys solve this one?

Definitely a crappy iq test. Literally skipped the last 8 because i was lazy, still got 125..

>all these brainlets

I doubt it does at all desu

130 first time j..j just made it

I got the same, and 135 is normie tier desu.

I don't think it puts any weight on time. The first time I took it, I scored 122 with less than a minute left. The second time, I rushed through as mayn as I could and focused on the last 6 questions to see if I would change my answer with more time. I changed my answers on 3-4 of those to what I believed was the correct answer. 10 minutes to spare, and I got 130 with (I believe) more correct answers than before.

i would pick the upper right one but im presumably a brainlet so who knows

>14 + 34 + 34 + 14 = 95
It seems who designed it is a brainlet.

Already knew I'm a brainlet

Hi OP,
Please increase the ceiling on the strawpoll. I don't want to be lumped in with the IQ-160 subhumans.
>t. 246 from sub-Saharan Africa

this desu

i found a pattern in all of them and scored a 130

>It all comes down to how many patterns you're already familiar with though

You can show all the patterns to 80 IQ person and he will still not be able to substantionaly increase his score.

Top right. Putting all the pieces together (except the square) forms the square.

How could I not notice that? REEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm a brainlet.

>for the sake of IQ faggotry


into the trash it goes

Probability curves don't have to be symmetrical. This is covered in any statistic so class.


Got 120 in this and 135 in the Wechsler I did a few days ago. I don't know if I believe these scores.

She is a genius though. Just because she isn't in academia doesn't mean she's dumb (if anything, deciding to use her smarts to do something actually profitable is a sign of her intelligence).

I've been at supervised IQ tests. My is over 130 but in the end it's just a number. Yeah it'll help you in academic life but in the end we'll gonna die so......

130 will be the new 100

you have to have IQ < 130 to be on this board, mods!

Can anyone explain question 22 to me?
I'm assuming it opposite colors destroy eachother leaving nothing , same colors change the color to the opposite of their color and a dot (of any color) and nothing gives nothing , Is my reasoning correct if not explain please.

Add the first column to the second column, wherever you are adding quadrants that both had a green dot, replace them with a white dot. Any other combination results in a blank quadrant

Answer is middle right of choices

122 at 19.

Am i a nigger yet?

Agreed and that alone doesn't prove IQ

Not both had a green dot, I meant quadrants that both had similar colored dots, you replace with a dot of the opposite color in the third column


I think yeah


green + green = white
White + white = green
white + green = blank
white/green + blank = blank