I'm going with complete lack of hair.
What's the next step in human evolution?
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The next step in human evolution is becoming cyborgs
The next step after becoming cyborgs is to replace ourselves with robots altogether
The next step after that is to unify consciousness (and maximize intelligence) to the greatest extent possible.
The next atep after that? Maybe control the universe so consciousness may continue indefinitely.
Hair actually provides more benefit in have it than not having it.
Next to keeping you warm, it retains your scent and allows you to feel the direction of wind/change in the air alerting you to danger.
A lack of hair would be devolution not evolution.
>next step in human evolution
>complete lack of hair
Is there strong natural selection in favor of -not- having hair?
Is it significantly harder for people with hair to produce viable offspring?
Also, stop watching movies.
and not retarded robots as you would think, robots in the sense that you're just some data in a far-reaching system. Most likely from there we will coalesce into some kind of single entity.
If we don't do these things, we will become extinct, certainly we will definitely not really do much with our species. Present biological restrictions limit us not only physically but mentally, we could do a lot more without bias, ideology, cultures, and other unscientific divisors.
natural evolution is dead with in humans. baring some major natural event that kills off a lot of people before civilization has a chance to compensate for the lack of genetic fitness in the people.
Possibly, if you think in terms of sexual selection.
Trannies, trannies everywhere. It will be a depressing day for humanity. There is no true way to stop degeneracy and the destruction of the human race.
sexual selection favors economical advantages for the most part right now, as well as basic health and beauty, so we won't see any actual changes anytime soon.
We won't see any weird development for a while, but we may see more interesting distinctions between races if increased racial interbreeding produces or changes characteristics that people find attractive, or if some races interbreed more or less than others.
Evolution is not a series of steps.
Stupid people already breed more than smart ones, we're going to degenerate.
I heard evolution has stopped because of the population size, the assorted mutations and variations don't get through anymore until a die off. Only then will nature decide what is important and what is not and select accordingly.
this desu.
evolution is optimization for current environemnt
Non-physical. We discover the root of consciousness as a function of self-awareness, being that the known physical universe is a paradoxical self-originating acausal closed time-loop, and learn to manifest ourselves temporally within the limits of physical bodies, inserting our conscious understanding into moments throughout the time-space continuum... as we have always done. We recognize that the life of a human body is not bound by one consciousness, and that there is no such thing as a "person" in a unitary sense, but rather a collection of points of observation informed by a near-infinite complexity of data stemming from both empirical and genetic sources that stretch on the latter half back to the simultaneous beginning and ending of life itself, and on the former half as far as we can draw a boundary of arbitrary time. We are all gods of a universe whose endpoint is the present moment. There is no hierarchy, and no implicit order outside of the facade of linearity which we must suffer in order to get to where we need to be. We are quantum computers, and we are the product of an intelligence that exists outside of time.
But the hairless thing is kinda sexy, I gotta admit.
By optimization you mean sufficient to pass your genes to the next generation...
We have vestigial organs which have no purpose... and the organs we do have are far from optimized,,,,
Yeah, but this implies that passing your genes to the next generation is somehow intentional. It's not. We have the pleasure principle which results in actions that lead to genetic propagation, but there is no coded imperative or intention behind our actions on any level outside of social construction. It's like the difference between the Lamarckian construction of evolution versus the Darwinian. I think it's a major part of Dawkins' "Selfish Gene," but I haven't read it.
I think that's why male pattern baldness is highly conserved in certain populations. There has to be some evolutionary advantage maintaining it
Not true, we are similar out of the species race. now we just race against our own species, and those that breed will go on
Disease immunity.
This kid gets it, fuck why can't I network here
No, not for aquatic/semi-aquatic animals, which we are
Using CRISPR we will be able to control evolution and become our own god.
There is no such thing, you fundamentally do not understand natural selection.
>I'm going with complete lack of hair.
Not everyone's endocrine system is damaged like your lol
-Third molars (Wisdom teeth) to not exist. We dont use them and half the population gets them extracted.
- Earlobes
Don't you think the perspective of biting into one when having sex gives it an evolutionary avantage in mate selection?
There are no steps in evolution. It's always gradual.
>Next step in evolution
Anyone who uses these words doesn't understand evolution.
I got a wisdom tooth taken out last year
It fucken sucks, now shit rolls behind my teeth all the time and gets crushed between my lower jaw bond and my upper gum
Also all my other teeth on that side hurt as they have moved back slightly as theirs too much space
Removing wisdom teeth is a fucken hoax
> I don't have earlobes
Thank you for being the only non-retarded person in this thread
>Tfw perfect teeth master race
Is it true that are jaws are continuing to get smaller and weaker because of our soft processed diets?
>27 and one of my wisdom teeth just came trough, wut
That's not evolution, that's just the singularity.
You forgot to mention that it helps sense insects when they are crawling on you
Into bio-machine-hybrids.
We already integrate machines as much as we can possible with out current understanding/budget limits. Next step is taking it even further and putting machines inside our bodies to do the essential works. Be it immune system supplement, blood clot repairs, etc. Bio-Nanobots will happen in the next decade.
What will also happen is slow transition towards neural interface then some type of smart modifications to the body. Eugenics is already happening in some places, nation-states will scale up those programs to increase productivity.
I'm pretty sure we're still going to natural selection bigger dicks and taller people.
That's not how evolution works, there are no "next steps" in the sense you're implying. Anyway I doubt that baldness would be selected for, would you fuck a bald woman? Neither would I.
But I'd fuck a white, bald, space daddy with a weird diaper.
Two solid teeth. One up top, one down below.
Thousands and thousands of high IQ Trap twinks that reproduce asexually through science.
>Yfw that's how the elves were born in LOTR
Nothing except prayer can save you from this grimdark future.
At least they are somewhat QT
It's an expression, we will become weaker because of natural selection not working, or encouraging negative things.
We will fuck up our genes with genetic engineering way before evolution by natural mechanics could give us any noticeable changes.
is that the thing that supposedly takes millions of years, but since major ice ages happen every 50,000 years, it's simply not feasible for 60% of the planet?
Not true.
As for this thread I don't think anything meaningful can be said about contueing evolution can be said. A lot of people seem to think in this topic that some changes ought to be happening but that doesn't mean they will.
Picture is related but don't take conclusions too quickly.
objectively pic related
If we can't overcome our cultural machismo complex, sexual selection will make us bigger, stronger, more predatory in the behavior of our metabolisms, less happy, more arrogant, more easily provoked to violence -- and, most importantly, less smart. We'll then die off shortly thereafter, because the human species is pathetically weak and fragile and was only able to become the dominant species by way of intellect, and a few millenia of cross-generational bodybuilding won't be enough to change that.
So, in short, here's the timeline:
>evolve to impress girls with our masculinity
>suffer brain shrinkage
>get eaten by mountain lions
Globalization + refugee mixing with produce a homogenization of skin tone towards the superior Asian and African colors.
Sorry, whitey.
Evolution doesn't work in major steps like sudden, complete hair loss. If we were to evolve where we had a complete lack of hair, we'd probably have evolved in other ways. It only looks like evolution happens in large, significant ways because we look at it that way retroactively, from fish, to crawling out of the ocean, to weird amphibious things, to monkeys, to cavemen, and finally to people.
Although based on trends from recent history (meaning the past few millenniums) I'd guess we'll be slightly taller, dicks will probably bigger on average (also slightly), and we'll see a marked increase in intelligence as generations go on.
>Although based on trends from recent history
What are your sources? Just curious by the way
but then because people are rarely working outdoors anymore, everyone gets whiter
These are just some sources, I've read other studies somewhere. You can look at pretty much any fossil records for humans in past eras and see that they were smaller on average. For the penis sizes, just compare human penis size to those of apes.
To be able to fully understand The Bible.
Everyone is going to be a double digit IQ nigger. Africa's population is exploding. That's the future.
>aquatic/semi-aquatic animals, which we are
what the fuck are you talking about you doublenigger?
I actually think the Grey yyliums look is pretty accurate (and gives me paranoia of them being actually real and being humans from the distant future that learned to time travel or some shit. But let's focus on science).
First of all our brains are growing and our jaws are becoming smaller. In fact, maloclussion is a proof of this: soft food makes the jaw not grow as much and your teeth have less space. In a distant future as our food becomes purely synthetic our teeth will lose their function and tend to dissappear.
We are becoming balder and contrary to popular belief, smaller. Keep in mind charlemagne's tomb is made to accommodate a man of 193 cm stature. Ofc height has had a lot of variation through history due to famine etc. but I'd say manlets will become dominant as they require less food.
In an hypothetic future with highly advanced technology our bodies would become weak due to us literally having 0 need to do physical labour. I'm also assuming in some way we will leave behind our obsolete concept of "sexuality", that makes males spend hours at the gym getting bigger useless muscles as a way to get females.
Speaking of which, with ectogenesis veing a viable option, complete removal of sexual traits would be extremely beneficial. Try to come up with a reason for sex other than "perpetuating the species". Now you could say "b-but it feels good" yeah because your brain is wired that way so our species survives. But with ectogenesis there's literally 0 need, and honestly you can't miss what you don't need. Imagine being asexual, the liberation from all this absurdity that is mating.
If you've ever played RuneScape, it'll be like Lunar Isle meets the end of Chappie
We don't deal with animals naked anymore.
In Tengrism we believe in an infinite cycle,
for instance in combination with the inherent 3 world cosmology you could divide into:
'State That Is' -> Analysis -> Synthesis
Since a synthesis alters the 'State That Is' you can start anew...
'State That Is' -> Analysis -> Synthesis/ 'State That Is' -> Analysis -> Synthesis...
This would be one way to understand the teachings in Tengrism for us in here.
I have a proposition.
It is ludicrous.
But hear me out.
We make tons of robots.
Golems of metal and steel all of them keeping the peace.
We set up bio chambers for our police force to control the bots avatar style.
Bam. Insta peace keeping.
We put our workers in biopods.
They remote control them.
They go to work in their bio pods.
The mine collapses.
Oh no!
Well, Little Timmy keeps his dad. Dad gets exercise. Dad gets paid. New Robot is issued for Dad.
How much time do you spend in the water, retard?
damn this video was actually pretty amazing
>The first hybrids will be born.
>Some idiot is gonna think he can bring mythological creatures to life.
>He mixes spitting cobra, komodo dragon, crocodile, bat and acid beetle DNA and messes around with the ratios to enlarge or shorten as needed + artificial code for rapid digestion of biomass into methane to be squirted at victims, and a code for micro minerals to flint teeth for ignition
>Yfw dragons are reborn unto earth
>He keeps going, making more fantastic creatures in his lab
>centaurs, cat people, male and females.
>The world gets into a huge war over all these new races being created thanks to religious differences and backlash
>Another nuclear winter just like Atlantis
>All that is left are scientific seals that are activated magnetically that activate old energy weapons.
>The seals are written as spells and symbology
>Survivors come out of hiding.
>Few hybrids and humans
>World history is lost to many but a few scientists
>These scientists are so smart they are revered as wizards
>The world starts over again
>Middle Earth and Tolkein style.
Also weaker body but bigger brains as science helps with childbirth.
Ayy lmaos basically.
And that gentlemen is how you fulfil the prophecy of the left handed path.
>the world unified conscious
>people find out about my fetishes
Its possible. To the mating lab!
The gap between the aesthetically pleasing and the beta orbiting turbo fedoras will continue to widen as our bodies adapt to the lack of nutrition we've been subjected to over the generations. These differences will present themselves earlier and earlier in the life cycle so eventually doctors of the future will be able to tell parents if their unborn child will be a supermodel or a neck beard well before the end of a pregnancy even without genetic manipulation. This will spark a serious discussion about eugenics in the future and where we go from there is yet to be determined.
So basically:
>pretty people become prettier
>ugly people become uglier
>children show development earlier
>intelligence remains unchanged until either advent of eugenics makes super intelligent babies or quantum computers happen, which ever comes first.
Don't you mean the lovenasium?
Tree people!
>keeping you warm
That only works when the whole body is thickly covered with it
>Maybe control the universe so consciousness may continue indefinitely.
Here's how you can prove yourself wrong.
Next winter you go outside wearing only a thick coat. Comfy, no?
Now shave your head.
the guy in the picture has too much sub surface scattering and too much screen space ambient conclusion...
This is actually something I have been thinking about:
What is the goal of humanity? Slow advancement Ship of Theseus-style? What if scientists somehow created a completely logical being with no human faults. That doesn't need food, rest or pleasure? Would we even want that? Being replaced by a being that would make for a boring world without any culture?
but if you have no need for pleasure you have no need for culture
the problem is that we don't know where this is going. all we know is that it's going
>What if scientists somehow created a completely logical
It wouldn't work. We need emotions for decision making. And there's more to it.
I hope that we lose the pinky toe all they do is cause pain
how much do you think he can deadlift?
In fact, this is really the only reason computers cant make autonomous decisions. They don't have emotions. You could think of emotions as an invisible hand, controlling us without us even realizing. Sometimes when they become overwhelmingly strong, such us in strong feelings of love or rage, you start to see you're not in control. Most times though it's just to sudbtle to notice. Information from the environment can more easily override them. This is self-control. But even then, it is a choice made in the favor of future emotional states. There's no room for freedom in any of it.
why is human anus so hairy?
>implying transhumanism is not a divisive biased unscientific ideology
>implying what's holding back scientific progress is not fusing our consciousness with millions of african tribesmen
The opposite of that is true, there are numerous genetic mutation arising recently, the idea that an unprecedented explosion of the population, with many groups which are inbreeding, would result in less diversity is laughable.
Actually african migrants to northern europe are being born with autism due to lack of vitamin d during development.
Pale autistic africans will be the new whites.
You forgot 2 important points
>men (in the west and asia) are weaker and more effeminate than at any point in history
>homo sapiens is still one of the largest animal on the planet, able to chase and kick to death 99% of other creatures
You're gonna lead a short life full of pains if you think an hour or two of daily physical activity serves the sole purpose of attracting females. Not only that, but females don't give a fuck or even understand male fitness.
t. fit
it's not always an optimization, people forget that evolution is trial and error sometimes too, you often have an explosion of diverse species and the most successful of those explosion survive, while the other mutations die off
I don't understand the point in becoming robots. Cyborgs sure, but robots? There are many advantages to biology, surely we'd learn to manipulate that rather than have all the vulnerabilities of a robot.