Pretty good watch for all the brainlets out there. He explains how you start as a baby, learn a bit, and then go back as a baby to tackle research problems. superstar Terry Tao explains the 3 levels of math you need
This is an old line of thought from his blog and from a casual text he wrote years ago.
It's actually probably the non-mathematical writing I like the most (the worst being the Hillary shilling).
It's valuable because a lot of guys don't understand that rigor and formal logic isn't the end state of math, or that math in practice doesn't look like the field of logic of theoretical computer science. Let alone that most mathematicans probably couldn't name 5 of the 10 or so axioms of ZFC.
>the worst being the Hillary shilling
What was wrong about his proof that drumpf was no good for potus?
>has an image ready to 'trigger drumpfies'
what are you doing with your life
Studying, going to school, and hopefully making the world a better place. (You)?
Can you find the article?
>Terry Tao
he;s a fucking idiot.
>being this mad about the obvious
>he;s a fucking idiot.
Dubs confirm.
>Mitt Romeny and Hillary Clinton said so hence it must be true.
How naive you have to be to write something like this.
> Let alone that most mathematicans probably couldn't name 5 of the 10 or so axioms of ZFC.
How come they seem to know stuff inside out during lecture? Is it because they taught analysis and solved the same type of problems for years and years?
Because Terrance Tao believes Hillary Clinton at face value that she's a foreign policy expert, even though her decisions in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, and Russia led to mass devastation, escalation of conflict, and abandonment by allies. I wouldn't care if he was a liberal, a fascist, a communist, a conservative, a libertarian, etc., as long as he had his own unique opinions and some skepticism for modern politics, but his unwavering faith in the Democratic Party is comparable to the Organization Man's gullibility, no doubt engendered by his surroundings. It's hard to take Terry Tao seriously outside of mathematics if he is that suggestible. Terrance Tao is living proof that you can be brainwashed as a 200+ IQ man.
but he's right. Otherwise provide a counterexample
Yes, they are specialized in that field.
You can see if the professor is a brainlet by making a question that differs from his usual knowledge about he subject.
Say, ask him about a theorem in another standard book that treats the same subject.
Not all of them are the same.
>How come they seem to know stuff inside out during lecture?
Which stuff?
Nobody in stochastic analysis, number theory, differential geometry, numerics etc. etc. will never care or mention the well-foundedness axioms, or whatever.
They intuitively expect pairing and even collection, but most will not remember a set theory class proper.
The large majority of Profs will not know what you speak of if you ask for deMorgans law, even if they get the law.
Same thing, without being obnoxious with my opinions :^)
>still using ''common sense'' in 2017
>not being a beta
Yeah I'm so glad I voted for Donald "Obama got the British to wire tap me" Trump. The county is in such safe, none deranged, hands.
Kek. He needs to stop commenting on shit that's outside of his field.
Nice job derailing the thread, idiots. God, I fucking hate this - doesn't matter where you go on this site, every thread gets turned into a political shitflinging contest. One would think that after the election this would wind down a bit.
you guys do realize he was being ironic with this blogpost right?
>americans force feeding their politics in yet another thread
Thanks. No being murderous barbarians outside the web isn't enough I guess.
I think that applies to you as well.
i.e. you shouldn't be talking about anything
>he insulted my daddy Trump therefore he's an idiot
You have to go back to your orange orangutan cuckold billionaire worship board.
You're embarrassing yourself.
His argument literally boils down to "He just is" and "His competitors said he was". He gets away with it by being the world's greatest mathematician.
The problem is that people are generally stupid. They equate great skill with intelligence when this is completely unfounded. You ask Terry about what happened in the 1944 Stauffenberg bomb plot and he probably couldn't tell you. Maybe he would, I dunno, point is, skill in mathematics does not a clever person make. Now, the man is exceptionally intelligent, granted, but again, intelligence does not mean skill in everything. A smart man is just as easily brainwashed as a dumb one. Intelligence is only useful if applied, and witth successful brainwashing, you won't be applying your intelligence. Cognitive dissonance means that if you do you may simply throw the idea out.
>I thought it would end after the election
They are the nu right-wing SJW. Only instead of shaming people for perceived misogyny or racism like their leftist counterparts, they relentlessly shame anyone who has ever said even 1 bad word about King Carnival Barker.
>stop insulting my daddy Trump or else!!!
Fuck off with your cult of personality faggot, this is a science board not a board for getting butthurt when people insult your bull
>wow this mathematician doesn't know some obscure little detail about history that doesn't affect his life as a researching mathematician in the slightest
>therefore he's unintelligent!!!
nice meme
How does Trump's ass taste?
>calling me butthurt
>strawmaning me into a fanatical trump supporter
>projecting his indoctrination this hard
You seem quite irrational for a scientist. The thread is about what Terrence Tao says. Tao said Trump is incompetent, therefore it's valid to discuss it.
>any Tao thread is logically equivalent to a Trump thread
$0.05 has been deposited in your account.
This isn't a tao thread faggot, it's a thread about a very specific video that tao made
Just because you want to bring your daddy Trump into everything doesn't mean it's relevant.
Now go back to the board where you can worship a billionaire like the cuck you are:
I really hate it when math/science people try to act like their political candidate is the only logical / scientific choice. Even if I like the same candidate as them.
trump sucks ass
clinton sucks ass
the election is over
terry is good at math
let's not derail the thread thanks
>let's not derail the thread thanks
The thread is already over.
>post about terence tao
>tao : 10 results
>trump: 9 results
Yeah and calling you guys /pol/ is strawmanning. This is just depressing.
That seems so typical to me
people who are really good in a concrete science are usually retarded in some other sphere
That's because there's a thin line between genius and insanity. Most of these guys who are great at one thing (math, physics) are socially inept and retarded in almost everything else. Many can't even take care of themselves. Most can't even drive a car.
Taking their advice on anything else but their field of study is stupid. These people are idiot savants.
What a gay thread
OP here.
Well I guess my thread really went to shit with the refugees shitting it up real quick, I was hoping for a more informed discussion but I guess I was wrong.
Anecdote time: while in undergrad I asked my real analysis professor a question he could not answer. He spent about a few with a mind full of fog, before coming up with a solution. His solution got him two papers published.
But carry on with your shitfest
cool blog, queer.
I'm perfectly happy with:
>First president in 40 years to enforce border policies
>Chairman of Mexican central bank resigns, knowing the shitstorm coming
>Rejection of Trans Pacific Partnership, renegotiation of NAFTA
>Eternal BTFOing of the corporate media, the Democratic Party, and the establishment Republicans
>Rex Tillerson personally fires the FBI-labeled "7th Floor Group" of the US State Department, aka globalist central
>Palestine open to negotiations with Israel under Trump, peace in Middle East now a reality without Secretaries Clinton & Kerry fucking things up for their neocon masters
>End of Syrian conflict, ISIS destroyed in Iraq within one month of Gen. Mattis, detente with Russai imminent
>$2.1 billion dollar fine levied on Chinese company for breaking trade rules, entirely unprecedented
>hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign investment pouring into the United States
If you want to trust the word of the corporate media, which blatantly lied about the election polls (muh 98%), and if you want to trust the word of former DNI chief James Clapper, a spook who lied under oath about NSA surveillance, then be my guest. If you actually understand how politics works, then you'd recognize that Donald Trump is running a pretty decent presidency so far, though not without its mistakes.
I wish he had more airtight executive orders for immigration, though to be fair, the judges on the federal circuit are now going beyond ignoring judicial precedents to openly undermine the president's enumerated powers. I could only imagine how worse it would be under Hillary Clinton, who apparently can get away with destroying evidence after a subpoena.
Yeah it must be everyone else in the America/world that are brainwashed. Only true brilliant minds like yourself and Kid Rock can see the big picture.
>98% chance of victory
go back please
spam belongs to
Best thread title I've seen in a long time
... but Kid Rock endorsed Hilary...
None of this is true, though.
Trump is just a Russian shill owing Chinese banks money.
That is actually misinformation though, it draws hyperbolic implications from certain things, it doesn't indicate those things as themselves, rather as agenda-filled hyperbolic rhetoric and it is "shilling". The cartoon/article is shilling too, a separate instance of it.
To fair they generally don't parade it in such a "shilling" manner. Tao just has a personal blog for personal, non-rigorous thoughts and specifics (of himself), basically. The issue is he didn't do any research on Hillary or geopolitics/politics, not lack of intelligence. It's a surface glance and it narrow-mindedly adheres to the forced dichotomy. Neither Trump or Hillary are good options, actually pretty much the only politicians that are a good options in any level of government, anywhere in the world. Are some European politicians who are actually adherent to their population and are highly scrutinised (don't have such exorbitant salaries either).
Politics in the U.S is simply popularism and misinformation, nothing more. Little to no politician in the U.S is fit to have any position of power or privilege. Let alone the two front-runners of the recent election.
Trump travel ban costed several millions of us dollars to universities already
The repercussions of a road to an ideal system are far more numerous than can be calculated by a single mind.
Especially when that single mind's idea of the "average" person is distorted by its own power of perception and distorted by other highly intelligent peers who can't imagine what normal citizens face.
Did you know there's a long running competition between DoD and the State department for control over the government?
Did you know that Corpus Christi only has a military base because Lyndon Johnson promised the main financier of a congressional campaign a no-bid?
Different pictures of different people can be assembled to widen a notion of what people will exploit for power and status.
I doubt Terrance Tao hasn't faced this. His ability gives him the shelter of academia and freedom for his intellectual passion. Which isn't a bad thing. But it distorts perceptions of the possible range of human behaviors and calculations.
He's not wrong, though.
Much of the disagreement with Hillary is simply because of what people think she represents: A corrupt system that's trying to maintain itself.
Their hatred towards her is based on opposition, and their support for her opponent is based off of a desire to defeat the opposition.
People like this want an enemy; They want to simplify the world into 'us' and 'them' and have a moral framework that both allows them to think of themselves highly without actually thinking for themselves.
Their perspective is entirely position. Same goes for liberals, to be fair. 10 000 years of civilization and people still want to be retarded.