/FEG/ - Flat Earth General

Because the subject seems to be (unfortunately) becoming more popular, let's have a comfy thread to discuss every aspect of it.

>how to debunk /fe/ arguments
>arguments to prove the roundness of the Earth
>psychoanalysis on what caused individuals to become flatfucks
>enjoy the entertainment that is /fe/ memes

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=tZQOAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA170&lpg=PA170&dq=circumpolar southern stars earliest record&source=bl&ots=xniTspKijU&sig=HUGfiG0PdbvLonO9Ic6TjwyD4oY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiN86vt7vbSAhWE5iYKHdMwAQYQ6AEIQzAI#v=onepage&q=circumpolar southern stars earliest record&f=false)

the surface area is 70% water not the earth itself wtf stupid americans

Just ask them to explain daylight/nightime at the poles

How do you test that the earth is 70% water?

fuck off back to

They'll just say those don't exist and it's impossible to visit the edge of the world because it's being secretly blocked by all the worlds soldiers for some reason. Or there's this wall that's impossible to climb but there's no evidence of it or the soldiers let alone simple pictures

This shit will take care of itself once commercial space flight becomes a thing.

Water doesn't seek to maintain its level. Its surface is always one of constant potential. Since the gravitational potential of the Earth is constant for fixed r, the oceans will take that shape. If the surface of equipotential was a cube instead, the oceans would have a cubic shape. Etc.

Tell them there are cities right now where it's darkness/daylight for ~half a year

Why? It's a theory that involves many Veeky Forums topics from geology to astronomy to just logic.

They'll just make up some stupid shit to justify it.

The problem with ignorant people like this is that their will to deny and ignore evidence is infinite where the amount of evidence is not infinite. Basically no matter how much you show them proof, they'll still deny it even without reason

No this is garbage bait

I wish I could still sage, fuck you gookmoot

>flat earth

>It isn't "gravity", it's electromagnetism.
>Please explain to me WHY 'gravity' exists. Formulas only seem to prove HOW it exists within the context of the given variables. Which is why it's not a theorem and instead a theory/ law. Laws are not truth. Laws are glorified theories.
>The electromagnetic properties within the molecules of said object are attracted to the electromagnetic properties of the molecules in the earths crust so it pulls it back to the ground like magnets attract back to each other.

The more you know.

>Finds it's level

Its an equipotential surface, locally they look flat, globally they aren't.

>arguments to prove the roundness of the Earth
>Measure moment of inertia of earth
>Measure density of earth
>Model the earth as a cone
>Model the earth as a disk
>Model the earth as a sphere
>Sphere gets closest to observation.

>how to debunk /fe/ arguments
You can't, it's a conspiracy, therefore everything re-enforces the conspiracy. Even the lack of evidence of a conspiracy is evidence of the conspiracy.

I swear these people live in a 3 mile by 3 mi sphere of ignorance because anything past eyesight doesn't fucking exist to these people.

Was this flat Earth shit restarted by black people? I ask because I have yet to meet a black person who didn't believe in at least one retarded conspiracy theory.
>Illuminati is real
>Systematic oppression
>Tupac is still alive
>MLK didn't die when he got shot
>We wuz kangz and Mozart n' shit
>Flat Erff


I don't think so, senpai.

>implying conspiracy theorists are attracted to rational arguments

>implying highly implausible explanations that don't involve conspiracy are sufficient.


I suspect you underestimate the ability of Twu Beleevers to maintain their beliefs in the face of evidence.

Then you should be glad to have it all in one general thread that you can hide and ignore.

You can still sage faggot. It just doesn't show, I did it yesterday and it worked.

Photo of circumpolar stars, looking north.

Possible under either the flat Earth or globe Earth models...

And now...

Circumpolar stars taken from Australia, looking South, Two sets of circumpolar stars are predicted by the globe model but impossible under the flat model.

This will not convince anybody who is truly insane, nor will it force a dedicated troll to admit defeat. But unless a flatist can explain it, I can be done talking to them at that point.

>implying a flat earther even knows what a moment of inertia is.
Even basic trigonometry is lost with them.

>Was this flat Earth shit restarted by black people? I ask because I have yet to meet a black person who didn't believe in at least one retarded conspiracy theory.
no it started as an ironic /pol/ thing and then became unironic because /pol/ is so fucking stupid that they'll believe anything if you convince them it's a Jewish coverup.

>black people and conspiracy theories
it shouldn't be that surprising that a historically disadvantaged group comes up with conspiracy theories to explain their life outcomes.

Not true, many (most?) of them are trolls who are reasonably intelligent and like arguing nonsense.

>no it started as an ironic /pol/ thing
Maybe it started HERE that way, it predates /pol/ as a thing.

The Flat Earth Society was started as a contrarian irl troll group, but at this point I am not sure anymore how many of them are just dedicated roll players and how many are sincere. And the belief in a flat Earth as a religious tenet or as a contrarian/conspiracy-theorist position were around long before that.

Yes, I meant on here. I knew the Flat Earth Society was a thing, but, as far as I know, that was mostly a contrarian group formed as an exercise in argumentation and trolling.

I enjoy asking them how the sun, illuminating a flat Earth at the height of summer in the Southern Hemisphere, can shine on the area as indicted roughly in the picture.

(Anybody have a better picture? I can't be the first one to have thought of this, but I lack skillz at making images.)

Have you seen it shine there by yourself? No, you haven't.

You're really that desperate to gobble up all the shit, that comes out of (((their))) assess?

pol doesn't believe in flat earth.

I know I'm biting the bait, but

>convex water never before observed
Rain drops
Pic Related
Planet Earth

please PLEASE stop taking flat earth shit seriously. Seeing all these fags get baited is way more annoying than flat earthers themselves.

It all comes down to one thing: Understanding that measuring equipment has limitations on its precision of measurement.

For example, if you fill a glass with liquid, and measure the shape of the liquid surface, you will find that it appears quite flat indeed.

However, the surface of the liquid is not flat -- it's actually shaped like the surface of a sphere with a radius of 6371 km.

The only reason you can't observe that the shape is spherical is because your measuring equipment doesn't have enough precision.

A glass of liquid that's 10 cm in diameter sweeps an arc of 1.5*10^(-8) radians [ = 10 cm / 6371 km ] across the earth. So, at the edges of the glass, the spherical surface will deviate from a flat plane by r(1 - cos), which is approximately [ 6371 km * 10^(-16) ], or very roughly 6 nanometers. If you cannot measure nanometer-scale distances, then you cannot detect the curvature of the surface of the liquid in the glass. If you don't understand that your measuring equipment has this kind of limitation, then you can be tricked into "believing" that the earth's surface is flat.

Doesn't surface tension cause it to form a totally different shape than the curvature of the earth? Gravity is a very weak force, it's just that it's the only one that can be gathered in any significant quantity.

To me this only adds to my impression of how delusional they are. They call most conspiracy theories retarded, but believe theirs are true.

I take it seriously because my friend is unironically a flat earther. They get upset every time I counter them with something and then tell me to read this or watch that.
Which is by the way really difficult since I'm a damn art student who has never been that much of a spacenut, so I have to do a lot of research for even the most basic stuff.

Right now I'm trying to find out what objects going over the horizon would look like on a flat plane. Through pure logic I'd imagine that although the horizon would look more or less the same, objects would disappear as a whole not lower parts first until they become obscured by the atmosphere. But I have no idea if that assumption is correct, and I don't want to use it as an argument if I don't know for sure. Any help appreciated.
And another thing is really embarrassing to ask, but objects disappear over the horizon because the earth curves down, r-r-right? Or is there some other effect at play that I don't know about?

Captcha: Champion Rayleigh

show him the water in space stuff
But yeah, objects disappear as they go over the horizon because the earth is getting in the way.
Horizon line is 8 miles away at head height. It gets farther away as you go up.

On a flat plane there is no horizon.

Why do you guys even bother, flat earthers are morons that don't deserve your attention anyway.

As says there isn't a horizon on a flat plane, but things would still become harder to see due to atmospheric haze. The problem with using that as an excuse as to why things disappear is that it how strong it is changes depending on the air itself, though seeing objects on the horizon is also subject to this too due to mirages and such. Atmospheric haze (or rather, the lack of it) is one of the big reasons uninformed people look at images from the surface of the Moon and think they are fake, they can't tell scale and distance anywhere near as well.

And yes, objects disappear over the horizon because the earth curves "down", but its dependant on the viewers height, the objects height and the objects distance.

Good on you for not just taking your friends sources at face value and bothering to look up things, many people wouldn't do that (which is how shit like this spreads, lazy people believe the more "attractive" option that makes them feel smarter for believing something people don't want them to know.)

>On a flat plane there is no horizon.

This is incorrect. On a hypothetical infinite flat plane, that plane would visually disappear to a line. This is the notion that flat earthers use to justify their idea of the horizon.

Any infinite plane would appear to converge to a line; likewise, any set of parallel lines appear to converge on a vanishing point.


apparent retrograde motion of mars

gg no re

greeks proved the round earth in like 2000 BC lmao just open a book nigga

>I take it seriously because my friend is unironically a flat earther.
No he's not.

> Horizon is infinitely far away

This assumes that a flat earth is an infinitely large plane. The model that nearly all flat earthers use is not infinite, thus there is no horizon.

>Right now I'm trying to find out what objects going over the horizon would look like on a flat plane.
On a flat planar surface, things don't go "over' the horizon. They would just get smaller and smaller as they move in the distance.

>objects disappear over the horizon because the earth curves down, r-r-right?

Actually there are different flat earth models and some do claim the plane is infinite, as absurd as that is. Nevertheless if the earth were a really large disk it would still look more or less the same.

Yes, I have been to Antarctica. Fucking cruise ships go there now.

A nice bit of evidence for a heliocentric solar system, nothing to do with the shape of the Earth.

There are persons taking this bait seriously and this is supposed to be the "smartest board of Veeky Forums"


what flat earth model has the earth orbiting the sun?

One that has a flat Earth, orbiting a sun. Retrograde motion of Mars/Jupiter/Saturn has nothing to do with the shape of the Earth.

Show me a single flat earth model that has anything but the sun and moon literally above the earth orbiting each other with the earth completely stationary.

It's not bait. There are religious fundamentalist types who take it seriously, like creationism and Noah's ark.

most of the models of flath earth used by flat-earthers suppose a flat plain much wider than the limit of human vision through atmosphere

Look up the concave earth theory by Lord Steven Christ.

thank god you cant downvote anymore

>asserting that sage was ever a downvote
lol no

>Show me a single flat earth model that has anything but the sun and moon literally above the earth orbiting each other with the earth completely stationary.

Not going to Google for you, because it does not matter -- Retrograde motions of outer planets are evidence they are orbiting the Sun. Whether or not you know of a heliocentric flatist model. retrograde motion says nothign about the shape of the Earth. The same retrograde motion would happen if the Earth was shaped like my fat white hairy ass, as long as the we are in a heliocentric solar system and the outer planets are orbiting further out than Big Fat White Hairy Ass Earth.

You made a mistake, man, you cited retrograde motion as proof of the wrong thing. Man up and admit it and move on.

Gravity doesn't exist, the theory of universal acceleration explains everything well. The earth and observable universe are accelerating upwards at 9.81 m/s^2

Government projections. All satellite are faked to some degree.

The flat earth spins on its z axis


I didnt think much about flat earth, untill i saw how many people violently react to the suggestion of it. Obviously some kind of programming kicking in. Nobody flips out over time cube, for example.

>not realizing we all live in a klein bottle.

FE & YEC threads should be banned

What are you flat earfers gonna do when in 50 years rich american kids on snapchat are going to be posting pics of their space tourism flight, and the earth is a sphere?

you have the north and sound magnetic poles. this is trivial. however, you also have the east and west magnetic poles. few understand this.

Who's reacting violently?

So the world is Minecraft?



>3 mile by 3 mi sphere
Where the fuck did you find a flat, square sphere? Show me and don't show anyone else before I can claim my Field's medal

>Obviously some kind of programming kicking in.
Sounds like /x/ kicking in.

>Nobody flips out over time cube,
Is Veeky Forums spammed by Time Cube believers on a weekly basis?

>>my friend is unironically a flat earther.
>No he's not.
You know who user is, and you know his friend personally?

>in space
if they believe in flat earths they believe that every space travel we have done so far is fake aswell

You guys know what would really stop flat earthers? Literally taking a fucking whip and beating the shit out of them. Making their backs light up and covered in blood. It may be painful but it's the only way. We're going to have to say goodbye to the 13th to 15th amendment for a while. Other countries can go to hell though.

How can flat earth be real if flath earthers aren't

honestly believe in flat earthers
a friend of mine also believes in creation and that the moon landing (singular, he didn't even know about the other moon landings until I told him) is fake too
he's literally watching conspiracy videos on youtube and believes that gay shit

>'on' a klein bottle

Aww heck

I'm more of a subscriber to cone theory desu.

Has NASA had any more opportunities to take a photo of the whole Earth? There was the one in 1972 and then the one in 2015 iirc, but what about in that middle period? There has been Hayabusa in 2004 and LRO in 2012 (which I'm sorta confused about, I know it's in black and white but shouldn't it count as well? It is NASA's after all)

To take the photo

>the camera had to have been at least 40 000km distance from Earth
>the camera had to have been in a specific place between the Earth and the Sun
>there couldn't be a shadow of the moon

Is there someway to find out how many NASA missions filled all three of these requirements?

Why do you even care if the earth is flat or round.

What do you care about?

Having a happy life then dying.

Hurr Durr muh fundamentalists


Get out

>assumes from first hand experience that blacks are behind it
>ridicules people for living in a sphere of ignorance

Why is the acceleration "due to gravity" measurably less at high altitudes?

>proving my point

How is it that relativistic time dilation is measurable at altitude (with, for example, cesium clocks synchronized at sea level and then you bring one up a mountain for a while) in the flat Earth model? A spheroid Earth would force the mountaintops to be at a higher velocity as it rotates.

Living "a happy life" must constitute caring about a variety of things. You have intellectual interests; you need to make a living; you need to take care of yourself and others, etc.

The fact that you're visiting Veeky Forums at all, that you bothered to look at and reply to a thread, indicates that there is something in scientific knowledge which you think speaks to your own life's betterment, no?

The phenomenon of circumpolar southern stars was first observed no later than 1882 (books.google.com/books?id=tZQOAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA170&lpg=PA170&dq=circumpolar southern stars earliest record&source=bl&ots=xniTspKijU&sig=HUGfiG0PdbvLonO9Ic6TjwyD4oY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiN86vt7vbSAhWE5iYKHdMwAQYQ6AEIQzAI#v=onepage&q=circumpolar southern stars earliest record&f=false)

not sure how many government projectors existed at that time.

>Is Veeky Forums spammed by Time Cube believers on a weekly basis?

Judging by ,
we're getting close.

Time cube is harder to refute because it is much harder to understand what the fuck he even thinks he is saying.

>This will not convince anybody who is truly insane, nor will it force a dedicated troll to admit defeat. But unless a flatist can explain it, I can be done talking to them at that point.