Autism increasing more and more

>autism increasing more and more
>people want an explanation
>"We've shifted diagnoses criteria, goy"

Why do people accept this as an answer to the question of "why is autism on the rise?"

Give me a real answer.

Other urls found in this thread:

autism is the next step of human evolution.
Autists are needed to develop new technology.
Chads are no longer as useful as they were before

Same reason why theirs more Dyslexics

Because what counts as "autism" is completely subjective, as with all "mental illnesses"

You have never seen or met a real person with autism, have you. You've basically formed your image of autism from stupid memes on Veeky Forums. The vast majority of autistic people are as stupid as bricks. They are literally useless. Something like half of them have intellectual disabilities, as well as a bunch of other shit. The only ones with any talents are savants who are very rare, which is probably what you are thinking of. And even they are fairly useless, unable to even function on their own. So go shove your "Hurr durr I'm good at math therefore I have autism" meme up your asshole. Spend a day looking after an autistic person - there will be no memes, no rainman moments, no genius mathematics or code breaking, no da vinci paintings, no mozart moments - just an intense desire in your head to slap the living shit out of that autistic spastic piece of shit.

Do you not understand how evolution works? The gene pool isn't going to create more autists because they're 'needed' and 'useful.' Autism genes (the genetics of autism is a controversial and poorly understood subject) would need to provide an advantage to the autists' parents.

Rising population rate, better diagnosing compared to decades ago, children's overuse of antbiotics disturbing gut microbiota resulting in autistic traits

Its gods will. At least that's what religious people would say

you have never met an actual autist before have you?

>people are having children later and later in life
>odds of having autistic children increase as the age of the parents increase

Really fires my neutrons familia

lol no brainlet.

> (OP)
>children's overuse of antbiotics disturbing gut microbiota resulting in autistic traits

This sounds like a fun proposal for research. Got any source material?

>stomach in pants
Oh lord.

>homosexuality is a mental disease
>it looks like the political climate has changed, okay, being gay is completely normal now and they are just like us, also it's 100% genetic, if you doubt any of this you are Satan
Explain this.

>Implying everyone with autism are on the severe end of the spectrum
What is Aspergers Syndrome?

if you socialize with older people, a decent percentage of them would most likely have been diagnosed with mild autism when they were kids if they were to have the same degree of autism awareness back then. and even today, if you're an adult the doctor might say you have traits of autism but he won't give you a diagnose because you're not fully retarded, but if you were still a kid with some issues he would give you a diagnose so you can get more help in school and autismbux etc

sort of but it's very rare to be a genius like me

>Why do people accept this as an answer to the question of "why is autism on the rise

Because it is actually the answer.

>Rising population rate, better diagnosing compared to decades ago

Not an explanation

>children's overuse of antbiotics disturbing gut microbiota resulting in autistic traits

Better. Got any sources about this?

Medicine moves the goalposts a lot. Happened with Type 2 @ 20 years ago.

I don't think you know what autism means.

Ibs is also increasing more and more. Recent studies show that ibs and autism do have a connection. For 20-30 years children haven eaten shitloads of antibiotics, which in turn cause ibs and thus disturb the deveploment of brain.

i know a sperg girl with ibs. it would be interesting to know how ibs and other hypothesized causes such as high testosterone in the womb correlate with different flavors of autism like if ibs is more correlated with asperger's syndrome (better language skills, weaker math/logic skills, more pedantic) and if high test is correlated with high-functioning autism (weaker language skills, better math/logic skills)

Aspies have lower logic skills? Tell that to all the aspies on Veeky Forums
>People with HFA have a lower verbal reasoning ability
>Better visual/spatial skills (higher performance IQ) than people with Asperger syndrome

the distinction between AS and HFA isn't super clear but i do believe there are different "flavors" of autism

>Not an explanation
Why not. Just because it's obvious it doesn't mean it's not an explanation.

People were not called autists back then, but "retards" or "simpletons" and were just frogotten, like a family shame. These days we try to help them more.

Ah, a shit test

Cause fuck googling it yourself, right? =D=D=D

Thanks my autistic friend.

>t. neurotypical brainlet


irritable bowel syndrome?

The issue is exactly that the vast majority of newly diagnosed "autists" are the high-functioning ones.

Every person with ASD is referred to as an autist.

I am diagnosed as cyclothymic and borderline autistic, according to tests and experiences, for example.

I believe, it's the overdiagnosis, which is to blame.

Mild high-functioning autistic personality traits shouldn't even be called "autism", but a completely separate disease and you would have a sudden dramatic drop in "autism" rates.

Same applies to very light cases of schizophrenia, where you could indict every second artist, were the doctors to follow the code in a direct, super-strict manner.

Not a diagnosis anymore.
