Is there a reason that one can reliably predict someone's personality just by

looking at their physical appearance?

Always wondered zis

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certain traits or characteristics of a personality sure.

Heuristics refined over your lifetime and iteratively refined, drawing on the neurological machinery comprising your subconscious. Coupled with an intelligently created epistemological framework, it's ofte disappointingly accurate. There is such a thing as a "type" of person.

the astrology board would like a word with you

I don't follow.

this, and for example if you look at a literal donkey the donkey is going to behave like a donkey, if you look at a bitch the bitch is going to behave like a bitch, you can't literally read their mind but you can more or less predict certain things

I think you've got it reversed.

People try to match their appearance and behaviors to match with their "group".
This is why metal fans wear band shirts and have long hair.
This is why every SJW has colored hair and problem glasses.

I'm sure there is some evolutionary advantage in doing so.

It really depends on more about where they were born and raised over their life.

It is Clan behavior. It is built into the genetics and affects with every aspect of human life. The advantage is genetic lineage protection, civilization, and strength in numbers.

Physiognomy used to be a thing, but it's dead and buried by the PC crowd because of the uncomfortably realities it raises about human hierarchies.

Besides genetics, mindset has a huge role to play.

People who are confident and love themselves tend to look better, people who don't tend to look worse - skinny or fat.

People who are short or physically deformed in any way (especially dentally) are treated worse by everyone day to day, so tend to be angry and resentful.

And of course then you get into hormones. Things like Oxytocin tends to make the face broader, and dispose the human towards greater group cohesiveness. Guys with low testosterone tend to look like blobs of fat, and fail to stand up for themselves. Women with high testosterone tend to have a pronounced jaw, and are resentful of men.

you can't reliably predict someone's personality without engaging them verbally, you twit.

You can chalk up your perceived rightness to selection bias. You've just simply disregarded all those times you were wrong.

People with brown eyes are more likely to be shitty people. Prove me wrong.

>behavior and appearance have no correlation
Yes we all know personalities are completely rooted in non physical phenomena and originate from the great random number generator in the sky.

Maybe it has to do with how our mood shapes our face and body. More confident people tend to stand up straight and move their muscles in a certai manner that you immediately know that they are confident.

>coupled with an intelligently created
It was here that I realized you are just a retard with a thesaurus.

I wish I had that picture where scientists were ranked according to their hair and eyes color. The best ones were with both brown eyes and hair.

After years being obsessed with people's facial features and trying to link them to their personality and intelligence, I came to the conclusion that one's physical appearance has little to no impact on their personality.

lol retard, for example guys with signs of low testosterone like if they have narrow shoulders, weak chin, weak eyebrows etc are weak leaders, this is ancient chinese wisdom and it applies to cultures all across the planet

I've come to the conclusion you are full of shit then. It's the in the same league as claiming as the size and quality of a reindeer's antlers has no bearing on their propensity for aggression.

I must be an awesome leader then. I have really broad shoulders and a deep voice. The only sign of the possibility of low testosterone in my case is the lack of body hair.

Also, I'm 5'8".

It's not astrology-tier, though. If you see a big, brawny guy with a strong jawline, dressed in biker gear, and a skinny, chinless hipster numale side by side - which is more likely to rob you?

Have you considered the possibility that it's not confidence that makes people look better, but the traits associated with looking better that make them confident? Why the fuck are smart people spendig the entirety of their time trying to prove reverse causalities these days?

non-verbal is the majority of communication verbal is less required.

There you have it, retard. Height is one of the biggest contributors to how physically intimidating you are, and for good reason. That is why you aren't dominant.

My father is about my size and is a great leader. Everyone shits their pants when he is around.
Hitler was also 5'9" and got where he got.
You can learn that shit.

Where are you hiding Tara Calico OP?

>Hitler was also 5'9" and got where he got.
That was above average back then

idk about appearance, but if you know alot about mbti sometimes its easy to know a lot about someone (determine their type) by judging their little mannerisms or how they act right on the spot, what i mean is, how they act when you meet them, or observe them
sorry if this is unrelated, it probably is, but just putting it out there

>observing how they behave
>is really helpful if you want to know how they behave

>Have you considered the possibility that it's not confidence that makes people look better, but the traits associated with looking better that make them confident? Why the fuck are smart people spendig the entirety of their time trying to prove reverse causalities these days?

Personal experience - when I feel more confident people say I look better.

Obviously most of the causalty runs your way most of the time - that's not even in doubt. But I believe that even chad will look like crap if he feels like a loser inside.

its more like seeing their behavior at first glance, and predicting their other behaviors based on that

No it wasn't.

I don't know about psychopaths. But I have observered that fat women are usually over confident and bitchy. Ugly people in general usually lack a self esteem. You can extrapolate from those two points into all sorts of traits.

>Ugly people in general usually lack a self esteem.
Because they get treated differently than beautiful people. Rejection is a bitch on the ego.

Yes but why do people reject ugly people, probably because good looks indicate good genes or good behavior.

>probably because good looks indicate good genes or good behavior.
Exactly. I'm just explaining why ugly people tend to lack confidence in social situations. Being ugly doesn't necessarily imbue you with autism.

>Being ugly doesn't necessarily imbue you with autism.
But are we sure? Recently I quit smoking. Since I'm so old my metabolism has slowed to a crawl and I putt on 40 lbs. I feel pretty autistic and bitch user.

>I feel pretty autistic and bitch user.
Maybe you shouldn't have quit smoking.


what kind of personality does this guy have, i wonder?

Probably fun once you get to know him. Possessing a patrician taste in politics and fashion, obviously.

Yea, just look at niggers xd

dominant, alpha behavior, its hard to stand against him, his will is a bulldozer that passes through everything, even through your objections

Replace the word "Reason" with freedom and now You have a more anglo saxan question and a predictable answhere.

Its not about blacks and whites, its about Education intelect and will of a population to build what You seek.

Niggers are to be exterminated if You globalists want a perfect world.

Furthermore, we cannot build without education and You cannot teach a monkey to build something on the moon.

appearance is form of communication, people try to speak to you through clothing they wear - this is something well known in psychology

I don't know about physical appearance, but if your abductor makes you pose with a V.C. Andrews novel for his trophy photo, that is a VERY bad sign for your future prospects.

It wasn't. I was above average back in the middle ages. On his time, in Germany, being 5'9" meant you were somewhat short.

[citation needed]

>but it's dead and buried by the PC crowd
>but it's dead and buried by the scientific integrity crowd because there is lots of evidence against it and the small amounts of evidence for it are really narrow and fairly recent discoveries. So narrow in fact that no reasonable person could refer to it as full blown physiognomy.

poor tara :(

She died in a car accident in 1988, move on

>Who is Napoleon
>Who is Putin

because people call me racist

Facial structure reveals a lot about an individual. We used to understand this intuitively.

Have you ever lived in or visited a housing settlement for poors? I'm talking about trailer parks or apartment blocks where poors are the tenants. It's a cute liberal fiction to think that "there but for the grace of God go us all" in terms of their plight. But this is a ruse.

Poors have a different physical morphology from the rest of us. You will notice this if you look through police mugshots long enough. There is a very distinct type of poorfugliness that is different from the kinds of ugliness you see in the superior classes. Plenty of kids at elite colleges are ugly, but they are ugly in specific ways. These include failures of symmetry, gawkiness, paleness, blockiness, or plainness.

Poors are ugly as though they were almost, but not quite, retarded. You can see echos of mongolism or downsiness in their faces, as though mom's womb spritzed them with a little tard spray now and then.

Poors in groups live inferior lives. You can take a group of folks from the superior classes, take away their money, and make them live together, but they will never live like poors. They will speak and interact and behave differently. Poors - not merely poor people, or people without money - but POORS - are always recognizable.

shut up retard

If people keep treating a person a certain way then that person will sooner or later just roll with it and serve the expectation. You are participating in this with your superstition OP, good job.

we are shaped by peoples perceptions of us.

Yeah, you definitely can. But it's most likely going to stem from the look that the person is going for. For example those metalheads or skinheads go for a certain look and they all have a certain type of personality. So do Chads.

It can be easily changed, but to be honest, people usually want to look like they feel.

but then who was polaroid?

true. like when i was really into lifting chicks would eye fuck me and randomly touch me and it gave me more confidence to act like a chad