Why does it seem like no group is actively trying to save bees? Any biologists here care to explain why nobody cares...

Why does it seem like no group is actively trying to save bees? Any biologists here care to explain why nobody cares? I thought bees were pretty goddamn fucking important.

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They became a shit meme

Not enough tv propoganda.

But why does nobody care to even shed light on the subject? How much could it hurt?

diffusion of responsibility

Is there a way to at least promote it on Veeky Forums? Maybe bitcoin incentive or something?

Give me some bitcoins and I'll spam the fuck out of it

I think the Bee Movie made everyone want nothing to do with bees anymore.

Certain pesticides are discontinued in some places, but not nearly enough is done. "round up" is a really effective herbicide for weeds, but spreads stuff that is extremely toxic for bees, for instance. In Norway, at least some cities create "bee corridors" through the city by encouraging people living along it to grow flowers bees tend to prefer. That way they can travel from natural hives to feeding grounds with less risk.
I'd have bees if I had even a square meter of land available to me.

desu, all you gotta do is look up beekeepers near you or buy honey online. The bee keepers know.

I heard from some bee keepers near my house said that the bees swarm and people come out and spray pesticides out of fear, when really they potentially killed 2 hives because they think bees are as aggressive as hornets.

>Any biologists here care to explain why nobody cares?
Explaining human idiocy isn't really my department. As much as it pains me to admit, I think a psychologist may be better equipped to provide you with an answer.

I do what I can to support my local beekeeper, buying their honey and some other products when I can and what not. I'd like to have my own bigass bee hive but my neighborhood wouldn't allow it. I'm planning on moving soon into a less dense area and starting it.
Have you personally done anything to help? I imagine biologists would be the most eager ones to do something

Farmers can just do the pollination themselves and nobody cares about the wild life apparently.

humans have an unconscious suicidal desire. we know bees that without bees the world ecosystem will collapse.

but we want this to happen in order to hasten our own extinction

Which is odd, living things tend to fear death
Has technology ruined humanity?


Where are the goddamn butterflies

don't worry about butterflies you goddamn faggot bees need to be saved

Can you not destroy my market please, bees being in danger/going extinct is what'll make me at least a multimillionaire.

Bees aren't cute & cuddly, unlike whales and pandas.

>I thought bees were pretty goddamn fucking important.

Not really. There are tons of pollinators. The problem is if all pollinators in a given area are killed off. The only reason I keep bees is for the honey. There's tons of bumble bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, ants, and flies that pollinate the fuck out of everything already.

Maybe this has something to do with it:washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/10/10/believe-it-or-not-the-bees-are-doing-just-fine/?utm_term=.06c38cf3d176

Because farmers all be like:

>muh neonicotinoids
>muh crop yield

manbabies the lot of them, who starts to cry when having to face the facts of the environmental impact of their favorite insecticides

where do you live?
I haven't seen a single bee in a good four or five years here in Texas

How may bees you have seen is not really data.

>Africanize something
>becomes super aggressive
really makes me think

I don't live in Texas.

I understand this, but I still think it's appropriate to point out that not having seen any bees in such a long time is worrisome. I remember back in like '98 living in this trailer park we'd have an ass ton of bees everywhere and people would just come over for some honey occasionally from the two keepers.
I think this is the closest I've personally directly observed an animal becoming endangered.

>live near bee hives
>see bees

>don't live near bee hives
>don't see bees

Honeybees are not native to the USA. They are native to Asia. Their numbers could be wiped out until they are nothing, but what is left in southeast asia and they'd not be endangered at all.

I mean
you need bees to be a beekeeper
it used to be easy to become a beekeeper where I live but now the only way to do it is finding where to get some online and driving about twelve million miles to go pick them up