If evolution is random and does not "care" about the outcome then why do the strong survive over the weak?

If evolution is random and does not "care" about the outcome then why do the strong survive over the weak?

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it's 2017 and people still ask about evolution

evolution cannot be random. i will not talk about protein synthes chance. why evolution running without any problem?

>evolution is random

"Evolution – change in heritable traits of biological organisms over generations due to natural selection, mutation, gene flow, and genetic drift."

Don't see 'random', do you

evolution by process of natural selection is not random

also define "strong"

Oh so evolution is now not a random process and nature is striving towards a defined goal implying intelligent design?

This has to be b8

Daily creationism b8 thread
Nothing to see here boys

Remember to sage if you intend to eat the bait

not having a goal =/= random

check em

Nice fucking bait.
Not having Goal=random.

lmao outplayed atheist

>why do the strong survive over the weak
Common misconception, is not necessarily the strong who survive but the population that is suitable for their environment. If that means "getting" smaller and thus weaker it will be that way like in island dwarfism.

>why do the strong survive over the weak?
They don't. Only if strength proves to be some advantage over a limiting factor.

Fun fact: only in the us can you be an evolution denialist and be taken remotely seriously. Anywhere else on the globe you'd be laughed at

Because "strong" is a misnomer, resilient and lucky are more appropriate.

And the strong don't always survive over the weak. No matter how strong you are, you aren't going to survive a natural disaster to the face.

If you have two sub-populations of a given species occupying the same continent but on opposite sides and super volcano erupts and wipes out one of those sub-populations. Did the surviving sub-population survive because they were strong? No of course not, they survived because they were lucky enough not to be located near that volcano and it's area of effect.

a boat struggling in a storm has no goal, it'll end up wherever, but the actions to survive the storm aren't random

>mutations in organisms are the randomness of evolution
>an ecosystem lays the path of evolution of a species

>its not your fault you fucked up
>hard work doesn't matter, its just luck xD xD

Typical leftist thinking. The other population got wiped out because they were too retarded to prepare for a supervolcano event. Nature just did them a favour by wiping them out.

>If evolution is random and does not "care" about the outcome then why do the strong survive over the weak?

They don;t., unless relatively more strength gives them an advantage.

Jellyfish are weak as fuck, but the ocean is full of the bastards.

>Jellyfish are weak as fuck

mutation is random
evolution by natural selection is not


Because your first premise is wrong.

They do not kill you by using their huge strength to pound the sjit out of you.

That's because that's what leads to perfection.

so evolution does have a purpose? to fulfill the blueprints of some intelligent design?

it's a copying game, stupid

>why do the strong survive over the weak?

They don't. Its survival of the FITTEST, not the most "strong". Sure being strong helps, but it isn't the only factor.

why does the ecosystem lay a path of evolution?
That doesn't mean it's random

copying of what? Intelligent design?

why do only the FITTEST survive if it's supposed to be random?

Why are there actions to survive the storm?
Could it be due to intelligent design?

>copying of what

>The book also coins the term meme for a unit of human cultural evolution analogous to the gene, suggesting that such "selfish" replication may also model human culture, in a different sense
atheism is a meme

Yup, and funny enough the most relevant country on this planet is the USA. We are the only ones to speak up against the globalist liberal climate change agenda too.

>still confusing evolution and natural selection

Back to 7th grade ya go.

>why do only the FITTEST survive

Because fittest is basically defined as "best at surviving".

Notice how the only relevant parts of your country are the places that generally believe those things.

Because we define "strong" as those that survived. It's circular reasoning.

America as we know it is New York, San Francisco, Boston (really only the universities in Boston), LA, Seattle, and maybe one or two other cities. Everywhere else is just tagging along for the ride. The areas where belief in creationism and climate change denial are common are the places that would be third world shitholes without the tax money flowing out of the more successful cities. Rural America, for instance, soaks up tax dollars and has fuck all to show for it.


you don't understand evolution. do some basic research and come back.

The overwhelming majority of jellyfish can't give you more than a rash.

Do you think "we are descended from people who managed to reproduce" is also circular reasoning?

>the strong survive over the weak

That's not right every time.

The only reason they appear to be "relevant" is due to our flawed political system which no one can politically fix without extreme resistance.

No, because the definitions of "descended" and"people who managed to reproduce" are not based on each other