Is cooking with microwave ovens safe?
Is cooking with microwave ovens safe?
yes, microwaves are not ionizing. all they do is make the
the suspense is killing me
No they can turn into cameras.
No. If one is not careful, one can superheat water, resulting in a steam explosion when the water is agitated.
yes, but it kills most nutrients
nutrients are not living organisms
>what is a prion?
Protein is living, senpai.
This. They can use microwave beams like echolocators and map out your house and listen in on what you say
No, that's why they're called microwaves (hebrew for child murderer)
hey man i think that you
It is not.
Depends. If the microwave is badly build then it can leak out radiation and fry your balls if you are close to it.
>Is cooking with microwave ovens safe?
That depends. Are you on the inside or outside of the microwave?
serious question - why hasn't anyone made a portable microwave?
but not just a small battery powered box, like something shaped like a pistol or something that you "shoot" microwaves at something to cook it
microwaving certain things can cause fires.
Ive read a few stories about people trying to make ramen without water because they smoked too much weed. it caught the noodles on fire and ruined their microwave.
When I was 8 I tried to make a bag of popcorn, and thought "uhh...ten minutes should be long enough"
mom was pissed, was pretty cash
oh boy, a cancer gun.
OP confirmed for Overwatch's new character
Well done, good sir.
sure if you want obama spying on you while you heat up your hotpockets
Proteins aren't living organisms nigger
>proteins = amino acid chains
>amino acid chains = amides n shit (organic molecules) synthesized into a chain by ribosomes
organic =/= alive
Heat from a microwave will oftentimes denature proteins in the sense that they unfold and won't be able to transduce signals, but they were never alive in the sense of how cells are alive.
so this is Veeky Forums-bait
Not when I use it to activate my almonds
He was about to tell us something
WHAT DID YOUR EYES SEE user No.8747457