Disproving a Miracle

>Trapped under a car
>Dad says the 50lb kid was too small to use the car jack
>Dad is crushed under the car, broken ribs, but no internal damage
>Kid uses the jack and lifts the car
>Later says Angels helped him lift it
>Testing later: the kid couldn't lift the jack

Here is what I really think:
>kid hears angels helped him then repeats it
>dad being crushed actually allowed more space and leverage for the jack making it easier to use
>stressful situation made the kid a little bit stronger thanks to natural and known processes

Other urls found in this thread:


Based on picture id say the kid used his retard strength

>an 8 year-old can't pick up a 40 pound jack
>jacks don't have wheels
looks like fake news to me

I thought they meant he couldn't push the pipe down.

Did you know?

Adrenaline is one Hell of a drug.

Sp8inning may be a good trick, but the high ground (leverage) wins every time!

Why did he say that an angel helped him?

*Tips fedora*
Now go back to redd.it, retard.

Because christcucks will cuck.

Atheist cucks belong on reddit you degenerate.


Because he was aware of getting assistance from an angel.


publicity stunt by Pope

Nope. Not the slightest hint of 'proof' there, OP. Even if I didn't believe in angels I wouldn't be impressed by your suggestions foisted on us as proof. Want proof? Go find some. Find out what really happened. Don't waste board space with your conjecture here. Jeez, is this what science has come to?

top kek a real tough guy

kys so you can go to your stickman in the sky lmao

There's no possible way we can know what happened, maybe it was faeries, maybe the kid is a latent superhero, maybe the id and the dad made up the whole story to get out of jury duty, who fucking knows.

Have you ever thought that maybe the "angels" could've been extraterrestrials? I know you guys throw out the possibilities of fairytales and magic, but aliens are considered science so...


>Proof of a miracle
>Atheists desperately trying to rationalize it so they continue living like they're not going to get thrown into hellfire

Not interested in fake news. Thanks.

Breitbart and their "dangerous fanatic refugees" narrative is more for you.

Why is what 8 year olds say news?


But CNN is pretty bad when it comes to telling the truth.

>a small child said it
>that constitutes "proof" to a theist

No wonder you "people" are so fucking dumb, lmao.

How could an eight year old take a car jack and actually lift it?

Let's prove or disprove it.

How much PSI does a car jack need to lift a pruis?

A Prius weighs 3010 lb or 1365.313 kg at the least.

>>kid hears angels helped him then repeats it
And that would help explain why he couldn't do it later. He might've been told angels helped him, therefore he couldn't do it alone, so he made sure it happened.

Did the jack happen to be a floor jack (pic)? It's a common tool in most people's shops and while it is heavy as hell, it's on wheels and the lever is long.
If they claim it is one of those high-lift jacks (also very heavy) that some idiots tote on the back of their jeeps, well there is no reason anybody would have that for shop use in the first place as it is only practical for use when more specialized tools not available.

Here's what I think:

The dad was never crushed, and the child doesn't exist. The whole story is a complete fabrication intended to convert atheists and Jews to republicanism.

Also, son has been watching dad work on cars since he was 5, and thinks it's the coolest shit in the world. He's seen dad use a floor-jack hundreds of times, and dad sometimes let's him jack up the car, which he gets a kick out of.
Suddenly, dad gets trapped under car. Son panics, but knows it is his time to help dad for real. Although dad is trapped, he is still able to give verbal instruction. The Jack is heavy, but it's on wheels and son is able to drag it into position. With a grunt and a "heave-HOH!", boy operates the mighty lever a few times and frees dad. Mom is a Christian, and so is her side of the family. So when they catch wind of what happened, they tailor the story to their own agenda and to verify their own beliefs.


Hmm it's almost like floor jacks use leverage such that even a small child could lift a car...

Really doodles my noodle

>hurr durr angels don't exist
no shit, it's just a cute story about a kid believing in angels, not meant to be taken literally

>tfw joke is too smart for Veeky Forums

By 8yo I was lugging all manner of car jacks around to help dad work on vehicles. I can't imagine an 8yo who couldn't move one. I was always amazed that I could lift a massive truck using them. My favorite, not a floor jack, was the Hand Chain Hoist because I could lift a massive truck engine with just the barest of pressure pulling on the chain.

>source is CNN

What a shitty thread OP. This isn't Veeky Forums.

>no jackstands

ignore the rest of the story, who the fuck goes under a car with just a jack?



Man, what a good thread

>fake news
back to /pal/ drumpfzlkin

>>stressful situation made the kid a little bit stronger thanks to natural and known processes
This. I made a 40lbs PR on my squat just by sniffing ammonia inhalants, so I think a little adrenaline could help a child work a jack.

How does an eight year old lifting a car proves that angels exist? it's just one of many possibilities, furthermore how does this and angles relate to god? even if angles existed that doesn't imply that god exist, and even if you prove that god exist how can you know he is the christian god and not the muslim god or another kind of god?

Veeky Forums - ((((((((((Science & Math))))))))))

I always thought historical accounts of angels were the flight or fight response triggering in the observers' eyes, dilating their pupils and giving people an heavenly-looking aura.


Maybe ur a faerie

>He actually said the "angles" helped him

It's not a matter of PSI to the kid. It depnds on the jack.

With a cheap scissor jack like what comes with a car: With the handle that comes with it I'd say 30 or 40 pounds of force at the end. The way the scissor action works means you have less mechanical advantage when the jack is compressed. So it may be even worse. If the car collapsed then it might not have a wheel on it and getting under it requires compressing the jack all the way down before you put it under. That's a real pain in the ass.

With a hydraulic: 10-20 pounds could do it. You can also put a cheater bar on it and gain more lever or just step on it. A hydraulic jack is heavier but it has wheels. If it's somewhere he has to lift to get it outu of then 30-40 pounds. If it's on a desk you just pull it and let it fall in this scenario. If it's in a trunk you have to get it over the lip.

He probably tapped in to his innate magical ability.

A pity he will now associate that with a religion.

From my point of view, all of them are screeching autistically. But, really, I try to stay away from social media as much as I can. Veeky Forums is my guilty pleasure though.

I often can see auras around people. I think it is their body heat. Little bit of infrared. Always had pretty good eyes.