What is 'Time'?

What is 'Time'?

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that is a question for metaphysics

The sequence of happenings.

Why can we only perceive the sequence in a certain order? Why can't we view the entire sequence at once, or go back and change one of the events in the sequence?

Time is distance relative to a given point.


Because we are 4th dimensional beings. Meaning we experience the 3rd dimension in every direction but only experience the 4th dimension, time, in one direction: forward.

Because you can rotate a clock backwards some retard made the joke you can go back in time as well. . .
Or into the future faster then the speed of life. There is only one speed when it comes down to time.
The speed of life. Time just is.

>the speed of life
The fuck are you talking about, you're saying that time for living things is separate from dead things?

Dead implies 'has lived', so no.

I would say:
"Out of Chaos came Chronos. But it is impossible to place Chronos besides Chaos, so time just is. Measured in relative distance. "

Time is but a thought.


Are you sure user? Because velocity already is a...

Nope. Even if there was not one brain in the universe, time would be a factor.

I meant that relatively.

It's obviously a synonym for multiplication

an illusion

It's literally an artificial concept our brains created so it can process information and have us act up on it at a rate that is possible within the limits of our biological structures. Literally a biological construct. Time in the universe is only the sequence of events, with the future perhaps already existing.

A pink floyd song

Relative amount of change in position, energy, etc. between objects or the object itself.

Gi then ki then chi. If there is a required time for a required space the time has a vector. Mind is the integral of chemicals.

the 4th dimension

What is 'distance'?
What is 'value'?
What is 'quantity"?

These are all stupid questions. So is "what is time".

The thing that stops everything happening at once

That is just one of it's results

Something humanity made up. Like math.

The human interpretation of events and causal relationships in the greater space, such that they can be effectively transcribed and understood linearly.

>time is energy

>There is only one speed when it comes down to time

But that's not true!



A measure of movement :^) milesmathis.com/time.html

I disagree.

Reading can be hard I know, but I advise you reread the post you quoted.

Do you think mythology really holds the answer to what time is?

Off signature dimension of a Lorentzian manifold.


The dimension above 3.

1 dimension = 1 dot (theoretical)

2 dimention = 10 x 10 dot grid

3 dimencion = 10 x 10 x 10 dot cube

4 dimension = Ten 10 x 10 x 10 dot cubes which are all really the same Cube at different points along Axis "T"

Still, energy does not belong there. . .
Not in the way it is used by you.

It takes time for 700 people to sit down. People have nothing to do with time.

The fourth dimension is duration (forwards or backwards) not time itself. Time is the process of change from one state to another. For example the process the mind uses to understand how new information is constantly entering your mind to give the illusion of the "right now" moment moving forward through time.

There is no time. There is no past or future. There is only what has happened, what is happening and what might happen.

1 dot would be the 0th dimension, the first dimension would be a 10 dot line
What has happened is the past though.