Isn't inequality between races basically a scientific inevitability?
Different populations have obviously diverged all across the globe, into vastly different climates, facing different selective pressures. Europeans went through the ice age, africa didn't.
Africa is the most resource rich continent in the world, populations in other parts of the world have faced more challenges in acquiring their resources.
Also, populations are constantly migrating - when cities started developing in the middle east, people started migrating into cities. They must have been more intelligent, more ambitious and more inclined to civility then the people who decided to stay nomads in the desert. When agriculture was developed, large populations migrated out of the middle east and into europe. So surely the people who are still in the middle east, for the most part, have an uncivilised, unintelligent temperement, genetically?
I'm open to new ideas and being shown that I'm wrong on this, I'm not some stormfag here to try and force racialist propaganda on everybody that I've already firmly decided I believe in. It just seems to me that what we know about natural selection means that different populations or ''races" would have diverged genetically in terms of intelligence and behavioural predispositions.