What documentaries are good to learn shit from?

What documentaries are good to learn shit from?

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There are no such documentaries.
Pick up a textbook on the subject.

I'm not much of a reader

What's about something to reinforce your learning? Like I read the textbooks but I'd like to watch something interesting that's Veeky Forums related

quid pro quo OP


Brian Cox and Neil Degrasse Tyson you stupid fuck.



Documentaries are long and emphasize artistry more than knowledge. What you want is good Youtube channels like
Crash Course (quite good introductory classes),
TedX videos (altough you might have to pick your interest,they post a bunch of boring talks too)
Charisma on Command (he's a kid, 29, but one of the only ones that give good efficient advice)

>/pol/ level documentary

Listen to audio books. Do all the philosophers. After that you will understand the world way more then before. You don't have to agree with philosophy, the aim is just to make you think. And learn you to talk like an adult. The word shit does not mean were you use it for, therefor you won't get what you want. Master language/ linguistics and half the world is already yours.
And never take shortcuts for learning, that's a waste of energy and time. Learn something or don't. Don't try to fool yourself.

Follow university lectures on YouTube.
Berkeley has good ones
Harvard also.
Easy to find.

i like this one:

what about MIT

You are useless for normal life.
Kill yourself.

First learn how your superiors look and treat you. Then you are yourself ready to lead. Then learn an other skill / tread . Now you can urn some good money to lead the happy life.

Happy life is having someone around who needs to have sex with you a lot. And people around who look up to you, but trust you so much that they keep on doing the wrong thing. Like children. They just make your heart melt.

look up The Hoover Institution for usa politics

also youtube just search nature documentary, there is a channel called new atlantis full documentaries

and also youtube.com/channel/UCetpfrEDE4AgKEu4vYdwMGQ

If you want to know politics, listen to the best audiobook ever written on the subject, by Aristotle called, surprise, Politics.

Berkeley courses on YT is kill

>someone posts a value-adding comment
>your only response is "hURR KILL YOURSELF"
you're cancer on this board and nobody would miss your presence if you left

The philosophy of language is great!

These are all mine

But I don't need you to tell me about cancer. My wife died of cancer and left our then 1 year old son motherless.

So, take a hike, dildo

But they'll remove their courses

he posted a good video and you posted retarded pseudo-intellectual "le read philosophy it rly makes u think"

just go away

>My wife died of cancer and left our then 1 year old son motherless.
Good, it was probably less painful than having to live with a blowhard like you.


They must be somewhere. Be creative in your searching.

Try :

Searle- Philosophy of Language, lecture 2

for starting

Like math is that important in real life. For the majority it just isn't. They just buy the gadget. Social sciences are way more usable in life.

>le happiness is having a wife and children xddd
You don't belong here you fucking normalfag, get out.

>math is stupid when r u we going to need this???
Kill yourself moron.


Why are you even here? Nobody gives about your half-baked normalfag platitudes and you aren't adding any insight to the discussion, you're just spouting empty truisms and hoping for people to recognize your "sage advice" when it's in actuality extremely banal and generic.

Suck it, lick your shit of my dick

Stop being cancerous you fucking idiot.

Try to help for once, instead of suppressing youngsters, dumbass.
They smarter they become, the more they can help you win.

What the fuck is the point of these? All of the drawbacks of lectures and none of the benefits. It's like people think they're learning better because someone is doing it for them.

Even freemasonry is there to uplift knowledge so there can be more to harvest. Wanna be a God or not? Then raise your people! !

Shut the fuck up you stupid fat faggot.

