What does Veeky Forums know about Autism Spectrum Disorder (something I have)? What causes it?
Women that are too damn old having children.
*and men
Mom had me at 38, guess what now
some people are dumbasses
I'm diagnosed not autistic.
Apparently that's rather unique, since when kids get sent to experts on the subject, the experts tend to say "Yup, it's a sperg."
My mom had me at 23, guess what still happened.
Not all causes are the same, you fucking idiot.
>I'm diagnosed not autistic
Wow, I guess you're also diagnosed not influenza, am I right?
You make no damn sense.
I was sent to an autism specialist in a country where overdiagnosis is common and came out without a diagnosis.
Before I was diagnosed with autism I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, you never really know what you have because most psychologists are retarded. I bet you do have autism because you say shit like, "I'm diagnosed not autistic". That alone proves you have autism.
It still increased the probability significantly
>he does not understand shifting probability distributions
Is it true that autism manifests differently in females?
Reading through the symptoms quickly makes it sound as if male autism is just hyper masculinity while female autism is hyper femininity.
Theories include
>Excessive androgen production.
>Neanderthal genetic traits.
>Epigenetic chaos caused by interbreeding (e.g., cro-magnons with neanderthals, or celts with germans).
Well that's been about a decade-long argument but what actually causes it is either born that way if you have real autism, pollution and fake food if you have the MUCH MUCH MUCH more common brain-damage-related autism or ASD, and also a sulfur deficiency. The sulfur deficiency is explained by Dr. Stephanie Seneff and the difference between original autism and modern autism is explained on a blog by an Aspie somewhere that I was never able to find again after the browser crashed.
Not even slightly, but functioning autistic people are known for incorrect grammar in ways that are not worth bullying them over (as opposed to people who are just complete idiots and can't spell "you" and therefore SHOULD be bullied), people with Aspergers on the other hand are known for being the bullies, especially on the topic of grammar. While Aspies do make grammar mistakes and especially spelling mistakes, it's not direct/obvious like it is in autism. The post you are replying to however is not a grammar mistake.
>male autism is just hyper masculinity
yep. 'hyper masculinity' is sitting in a room by yourself doing math and playing with puzzles instead of roaming around outside throwing large rocks eating steaks and fucking women.
What you are thinking about is a difference in Aspergers Syndrome, not a difference in autism. Since autism is mainly just deficits in thinking, and the social components are less harmful then they are in Aspergers since if the person is not retarded then their "deficits" are more likely to be of the "cute" kind, in my experience. And since that's the case I expect males and females to be much the same. However, if you have Aspergers instead of autism, then the female Aspie will be less severe because females naturally do "social cues" and things moreso then males, therefore they can learn the social things and they can also "pretend" things easier, apparently (that's what the female Aspies say). But neither male Aspies nor female Aspies exhibit particular traits of "masculinity" or "femininity", unless you count narcissism as a "male trait". And while I have witnessed the Aspergers narcissism in females, it's always been in the form of science-based narcissim where they DEMAND studies for EVERY last thing even in casual conversation, or DEMAND that they're "right" just because the title of some random study they link says something they t hink is true, etc., and of course this form of extreme science-narcissism is found in far more people then just Aspies. So I don't know if those females were Aspie-based-narcissism or just would-be feminists (as in, they probably would have been a feminist if they didn't have Aspergers Syndrome and therefore automatically know how stupid feminists are because they are the opposite of racists due to being Aspie). I have also been casual "friends" w/ two Aspie females who have never exhibited any narcissism in front of me. But I also would not consider narcissism a "male trait" anyway - and that is the only trait of Aspergers that I can think could ever be considered as "male" or "female" by anyone.
>Neanderthal genetic traits.
Not really. Men are much more likely to be autistic, you can get autism from your father and you only get neanderthal DNA from female neanderthals.
Yea it is if you think of males as less sociable, hyper masculinity would produce someone extremely anti social.
Old men having children is not really a problem, not that I heard of.
but being anti social is only 1 of many traits of masculinity. others include propensity for physical rather than mental exertion and hyper sexuality, pretty much the opposite of most autists
But males aren't "less sociable". Even slightly. If anything they're more so.
Older men can have a greater number of deformed sperm, but if that causes a problem I don't think it's autism that it would cause.
"Autist" is actually an insult =\
Can deformesd sperm spawn children though?
If they can swim then yes. Deformed sperm do cause conditions. But the kind in precum do not cause pregnancy because they can't get into the vagina, those kind have extra parts (so there only swim in a circle) or they have bent tails. So there's some other kind of deformity, then. At least I have head of it before to cause this or that condition, but now you saying that makes me wonder if I really read it that way exactly. (The precum thing I am sure of.)
spotted the aspie
>Autism Spectrum Disorder (something I have)?
Something everyone has, to some degree.
Something the masses have to a severe degree.
>What causes it?
Ignorance, incivility, ego, pride, lust...
Have you even been around autistic females? A lot of them are sexual deviants (don't know if that is a coincidence or not) but are still asocial.
High-functioning autism and Asperger's are the same thing. In fact, Asperger's is not even a legit diagnosis anymore. Would probably still be one if Kanner's syndrome still existed.
I'd rather be called an autist than a fucking ASPIE. Shit pisses me off so fucking much.
>Something everyone has, to some degree
And I guess everyone has schizophrenia or mental retardation, to some degree.
"Narcissism" in autism is really more on the lines of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. Really depends if anxiety is involved or not, that's why they get stressed out whether they're correct or not.
>mfw he said praise kek at the end
Just another /pol/tard it seems.
That's extremely wrong, and you are very stupid.
No that's just Aspergers.
"Aspie" is a friendly term invented by the people who have it. And like anyone really wants to type out "Aspergers syndrome" every single time they have to say, which is a huge amount of times because of idiots like
No it isn't. OCD people don't scream at you because they are "busy" playing MMOs and therefore can't talk to you on the phone, which they can obviously do while playing anyway, because you are trying not to kill yourself after your abusive sociopath or narcissist parents did something heinous yet again. OCD people don't try to claim that you "couldn't have possibly meant that a different way" even though you literally just said you did and nobody besides an NPD or sociopath (something neither of us even knew about at the time) would ever lie about that ever unless they are in front of a teacher/cop/etc. OCD people don't complain about someone in conversation and then get mad at you for a month for agreeing that the people they are complaining about are wrong for doing that and saying something like, "That's terrible, they should have just done [whatever the person you are talking to was just saying they should have done]!"
>"Aspie" is a friendly term invented by the people who have it. And like anyone really wants to type out "Aspergers syndrome" every single time they have to say, which is a huge amount of times because of idiots like
I meant to say idiots like
Well, you clearly don't read a lot, then.
a thread literally filled with autistic shitposting
The thing that people forget about autism is that it does not imply any inherent disorder in the traditional sense. The medical literature simply defines it as delayed development particularly in the realm of socializing. It does not mean that they do not later develop these skills or are unable to. There are many people who were seemingly autistic when they were younger but kind of figured things out as they progressed through their 20s.
Anyways, the whole autism diagnosis doesn't even make sense to me. You have straight up crippled people (also diagnosed with aspergers. like those straight up downies you see on YouTube and shit) who get thrown in with the autistic diagnosis.
I don't think anyone really knows what it is and honestly it's starting to seem like some made up liberal nonsense designed to help people seek closure or feel better about themselves and to also give all the deadbeat professionals in this world a purpose in the job market.
literally no one in this thread is autistic.
Some autistic people are retarded, and some or not. A retarded person should not be said to have Aspergers syndrome, IMO. But then I've only met two people who appear to be retarded who were said to have Aspergers, and one of those people only appeared retarded to me because of hand movements. In addition, some autistic people do not talk at all, but are also not retarded, because they type in normal sentences.
No one with a brain will voluntarily call themselves someone who has Aspergers because of the narcissism component and the psychiatry bullshit that soccer mom-type people might do to you, and the vast majority of people with actual autism (as opposed to Aspergers syndrome) are actually not capable of functioning in daily life such as remembering to pay bills etc., even if they are not fully retarded. Some autistic people are not retarded but the number is comparatively small enough tin relation to the other groups that ASD-related message board might not have it listed an option to describe yourself, for example, or that I have only ever seen two Facebook groups called "blah blah blah autistic" and both of those have a lot of Aspergers in there anyway. There are many reasons why some non-retarded ASDs may not be able to work at a job unless it's something like computer programming, and even if they can work at a job, they may not be able to get hired.
For example, SOME people with Aspergers who are dirty and gross, are that only because they literally do not see the stains on the shirt even if they looked at the shirt. SOME people with Aspergers who are gross are just doing it "because they don't feel like it".
In my personal experience, autistic people tend to be either a normal level of clean or extremely clean due to a cluttered environment disturbing them. But that is only about the autistic people who I've both met in person and been friends with long enough to be inside their house or bedroom. So it's a very small sample size.
Job programs for people with Aspergers syndrome will only hire them into computer programming or other non-interacting or reptitive jobs, and job programs for autistic people hire them as bag boys and such because they work with retarded autistic people. Job programs for non-retarded autistic people do not exist, and they can't use the Aspie job programs either because they might not be at all happy with reading patterns of numbers all day, and would instead react to this the way an NT would. But they still might not be able to get hired, because most people are idiots and do incredibly disgusting things like trying to look into your eyeballs even though they are not in love with or asking very stupid questions that have no possible way to answer them such as "What is your goal for [something]?" or "How's your day been?".
Men are slightly less social than women. That's probably because on stone age men went out to hunt and women stayed inside taking care of their children and gossiping with everyone else.
It says that older men are less likely to have children (which I already knew). What I meant is that old men having children won't mean an increase in the likelyhood of birth defects, like with women, who are both more likely to be infertile and have retarded children.
Social retardation. Most commonly found in males. Onset age for diagnosis is 0 years old. Doomed to die alone.
Ironic because Asperger's isn't a diagnosis anymore. Hopefully that evil fucking term will die out. We Kanners now.
I said Obsessive-Compulsive PERSONALITY Disorder. And none of that is narcissism either. More Borderline probably. A lot of autistics have that. Either they don't have friends so who cares.
Gossiping is the opposite of being sociable... females are more likely to fight and less likely to hang out
Maybe research this shit before making assumption. Yes, autism can cause profound mental retardation but only in the most severe forms. Autism physically affects the brain so you can see it in an MRI scan. Even more so than Schizophrenia which is caused by too many dopaminergic receptors.
>literally no one in this thread is autistic
Well you're wrong. You just have to accept that, too bad you won't because /pol/tards are more autistic than anyone else.
He has friends and yes that is literally narcissism. i.e. the literal exact same thing as an actual NPD would do, except for the one about complaining about people which is still something a literal NPD COULD do. And he has 0 traits of Borderline. And scientific narcissism isn't Borderline either.
>and one of those people only appeared retarded to me because of hand movements
People with sensory processing disorder do that too and they don't even have autism. Please don't make assumptions and I forgive you.
Also, it's very, very, very rare for there to be an actual narcissistic or anti-social autistic person. It's usually in the form of ADHD, ODD, or DMDD. Autistic people just get angrier and stresses more than others. It's a fact. Mainly because of their increased size of their amygdala. Which has been proven by Temple Grandin.
Don't know what that means. Not because I've never heard of it but because people use it in any situation or conversation when they hear something they don't like or is cringeworthy. I am thinking the latter, right? Autism in itself is a cringeworthy diagnosis. Literally socially awkward, unfit to live in society. Just let it be, just accept my autism. Maybe donate to a charity for autism? No? Then go on your way, friend.
>Onset age for diagnosis is 0 years old
It's actually 9-12 months. No baby is ever born with autism. It's not physically possible. Maybe born with a significantly increased likelihood to get it, to the point that it's unavoidable.
You are right in one aspect. Autistics are narcissistic in the fact that they consider objects to be more important than people. And there perspective may be significantly different than others. Narcissism in autism is very complex, but a lot of autistics don't mean it, and if they do then it is another issue. Most of it comes from autistics being obsessed with EVERYTHING being perfect, whether it's them or other people. That's why I suggested OCPD. But we can discuss more if you'd like. I honestly only took psychology throughout highschool but will probably take it in college, I just really don't like it. Though let's say I'm obsessed with it.
>he does not understand shifting probability distributions
Yes I agree that's a cause but not the only one.
>Autism physically affects the brain so you can see it in an MRI scan.
0/10, stick to /pol/ kid
>What I meant is that old men having children won't mean an increase in the likelyhood of birth defects, like with women, who are both more likely to be infertile and have retarded children.
It will, though. Read the full article. It's been linked to autism and bipolar, and a bunch of other things. Sperm can go bad, too.
ODD does not exist, and yes ALL, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, of male people with Aspergers are narcissistic, which obviously has LITERALLY ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with whether they are randomly accused of "having" some random disease that does not exist and is in fact literally impossible to even exist, such as "ODD". And example is your own narcissism when you say things like "Please don't make assumptions", regardless of the fact that in ADDITION to it being OBVIOUSLY FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to both exist and never make an assumption, you are not even replying to anything in which "assumptions" were ever made. And as far as I know ALL autistic people are so-called "anti-social", even though that is not a real word or valid for use in any way in conversation, because it is not possible to "be anti-social". And no it is not "a fact". People with NPD "just" get angrier and more stressed then others too,because they believe that everyone should do everything exactly as they demand at all times, even when they have never even spoken to them and never even literally heard of them. That does not somehow mean that it's somehow okay not to torture them. Of course people with Aspergers do not deserve to be tortured or anything just because they have Aspergers, but that does not somehow mean that they are "not narcissistic". IN addition, I NEVER said autistic people are narcissistic - in fact, I literally said the opposite, and said that they are not. And Temple Grandin is not exactly a reliable source of information! Try watching a speech by her and you'll know.
Shitposting is supposed to mean "everything posted on /b/, and also memes and random fight-trolling", but if someone uses it now to mean "this is an insult" and "I disagree", they are just being an idiot. And I have not seen this poor use outside of Veeky Forums. Of course the word and term itself is stupid from the beginning.
It is physically possible. That's why SOME ASD is genetic, and is also why "real autism" is different then "brain damage and pesticide autism".
>ALL, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT, of male people with Aspergers are narcissistic
Yes but it has nothing to do with their "personality" dumb fuck. You know babies are more narcissistic than any age range?
>And Temple Grandin is not exactly a reliable source of information! Try watching a speech by her and you'll know.
Yeah even though she has autism and has done many studies almost her whole life. She's also done brain scans and shows that people with autism have physically different brains.
[spoiler]she's also my waifu[/spoiler]
>That's why SOME ASD is genetic, and is also why "real autism" is different then "brain damage and pesticide autism".
I mean, that's what I have (real autism, whatever the fuck that means) but I think I meant is that's when symptoms really show.
I have never seen an autistic narcissistic person, or at least moreso then anyone else is, or in one case, he was kinda but it could be semi-expected because this person was semi-retarded, but not enough to not be able to participate in Facebook. So I still don't call that the same narcissism as exists with Aspergers. I don't remember all the details of OCPD, in effects. I think it was basically Borderline. And also very stupid to name it that way. Maybe you personally like an object better then people. Maybe it's common in retarded autistic people as well. But normal autistic people (by that I mean, they are normal adults, etc.), want to keep their friends, unless they don't. Normal autistic people can still fall in love, and if you are in love then obviously nothing can possible be more important then that person otherwise it isn't Love. To say some disorder likes an object better then people? Unless you are referring NPD narcissists and just using it to mean they will be angrier if you break something unimportant but semi-expensive that they own then they will if you kill their wife because she is another human being and therefore doesn't matter, or if there's some kind of weird fixation disorder, I'm thinking in the way of people who have sex with cars type of thing, other then that it will be impossible and silly to say some disorder "thinks an object is more important then people". If so, that will be on the individual.
Babies are not narcissistic. Being narcissistic LITERALLY IS personality trait. (Not to be confused with NPD, which is called a disorder.)
When I said that autistics prefer objects I didn't mean that in the anti-social sense. Autistics can barely look at people in the eye, and I will only look at people in the eye if I am angry at them, it's a sign of aggression for us. He is right about narcissism but completely wrong about narcissistic personality. And I really did not mean to say "important", more like more interesting.
Why not google the term or take a Psychology course? Narcissism is more than just "i luv me :)".
...Yes, very obviously, "even though" she has ASPERGERS, SHE DOES NOT FUCKING HAVE AUTISM SHE HAS ASPERGERS, USE ACCURATE TERMINOLOGY SHITFUCK, and has done speeches for PART OF HER LIFE, NOT HER "WHOLE LIFE", SHE DID NOT DO ANY SPEECH OR ANY STUDY WITHIN 1 SECOND OF WHEN SHE WAS BORN, yes "even though" that she is still an unreliable source of "information", as in when she does speeches etc. (And is also boring as fuck, in addition.) And it is not "even though", but rather, "that information is obviously completely irrelevant". If Temple Grandin was the only ASD person in existence then ASD would not exist as a term, In actual reality, she is NOT in fact the only ASD person in existence, and it is therefore EXTREMELY FUCKING OBVIOUSLY for ANY autistic person to comment on her accuracy of presentations, especially since she is NOT FUCKING AUTISTIC. But also EXTREEMLY OBVOIUSLY, it is SLDSO okay for ANY HUMAN BEING WHO IS AUTISTIC, ASPERGERS, OTHER DD, PDD, NT, SOCIOPATH OR OTHERWISE to comment on her accuracy or reliability as a presenter, because ALL HUMANS HAVE BRAINS OF SOME KIND AND OVER 99% OF THEM CAN MAKE JUDGMENTS ABOUT THINGS.
Has anybody else's Aspergers subsided with time?
When I was around seven years old, I had it pretty bad. I would hum during class, and flap my hands all around. When i got tired I would bring my knees up into my shirt, tuck my arms in, and sit there immobile for upwards of an hour. I didn't realize what I was doing was weird as fuck at the time, but looking back on it It must have been seriously embarrassing to my friends at the time.
Fast forward twelve years and nearly every symptom I had has either massively subsided or gone away entirely. Has anybody else had this happen to them?
Bro. Calm down. If you're having an autistic meltdown go see a shrink about it.
Yes even though she didn't speak until she was 4 and could barely use basic vocabulary till the age of 5. Totally "ass burgers".
She's also mildly mentally retarded believe or not (savant syndrome basically). But is still more successful than any faggot /pol/tard out there, not including you, you're just 12 I bet. And stop typing in all caps, that's fucking annoying.
This is why I think it's important to make the distinction between autism and Aspergers. While technically, Aspergers and autism are still both ASD, Aspergers seems to be a flavor of autism that is unique enough to warrant it's own name.
>tfw mom and dad were both 18 when they had me
>I'm aspie/borderline between normal and aspie
>mom has another kid when she's 35
>he's 100% autism
tainted womb
My symptoms actually got worse when I got older. When I was 4 I was diagnosed with ADHD, then fast forward to age of 14 it was "Schizophrenia" which was formerly redacted then 15 being (Bipolar disorder), and at last at 16 it was:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Bipolar 1 Disorder with psychotic features/possible Schizoaffective Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
And Generalized Anxiety Disorder
It's already implied I have OCD, ADHD, And SPD but those are already on the Autism Spectrum so it's pointless doing that.
Now I don't take any medicine but I'm still having problems. Mainly because I can't focus for shit but can't take amphetamines because they seriously FUCK ME UP. Just like anti-psychotics which gave me permanent tardive dyskinesia but oh well, any means necessary I guess.
Then Kanner's should be a diagnosis then if Asperger's has one.
>he's 100% autism
What does that even mean? Profound autism or is this just a troll?
Yes, autistic people as well as literally every other human being in existence with any sense of decency whatsoever, will not look directly into somebody's eyeballs even though they have quite literally just met them, do not like them, and couldn't possibly be in Love with them. WTF does that have to do with "liking an object"? There is no "he" referred to in my comment who could be "right about narcissism", unless you are referring to me myself in the third person in this sentence, in which case, I am female, and this sentence in your comment still does not make sense. Nothing that you have replied to during this facet of conversation says anything about NPD at all. Nowhere does anything say "an NPD narcissist". It just says narcissism or acting narcissistic. Why the fuck would I "Google a term" that is commonly used in everyday language and literally everybody knows what it means? And if you want to know about disorders and such, you should AVOID any "psychology courses" since they will be based on books written by psychiatrists, will demand drugging everybody, will use the DSM, and will also be incredibly wrong for additional reasons other then that. In addition, you cannot "take a psychology course" between one reply on the next on a message board,
and in addition, people who already study psychology and understand it in great detail AND are empaths most obviously would not need to "take a psychology course" even if there were somehow a possibility that such a thing could be accurate or give true or useful information. Even when talking about NPD narcissists and sociopaths, anything said in that course is STILL wrong, since it will say "All covert narcissists and BPDs should be abandoned at all costs even if you already care for them, and no covert narcissist could possibly have any good traits or have any beneficial motives in mind in any situation ever", it will say that "NPD narcissists hate themselves and blach blah blah some long annoying and very retarded psuedo-explanation to pretend that they are something other then just extremely abusive assholes with no logical faculties whatsoever", but they will then say that sociopaths are "just assholes" when in reality some sociopaths actively try not to hurt people and it is well-known in the non-DSM-non-psychology population that sociopaths are a benefit in many cases, even the ones who do do cruelty on purpose, and also not all of the sociopaths who are assholes do cruelty on purpose. Some are assholes because they don't give a shit at all if anyone is hurt for anything, but also get no pleasure out of harming others and will not seek it out on purpose. So in the case of the very worst "disorders" one can be said to have, any psychology "course" is SEVERELY wrong even on ALL of those! Because if one was ever arrested illegaly by an extremely corrupt American police officer, and then arrested again because the first arreest made them homeless and they did not psuedo-voluntarily allow police to steal even more money from them, that definitely means that every single person this has ever happened to is a sociopath! (It's listed as "violating probation".)
"Real autism" could be contrasted with Aspergers syndrome, in which your definition would kind-of make sense. But as I mentioned earlier people with Aspergers are narcissistic and all too, they bully people with autism on Facebook due to imperfect grammar, they do not try to understand other people like autistic people do, and in addition to that the actual disability is different. So that's one thing that could be meant by "real autism".
What you are talking about would normally be talked about saying things like "less autistic" or "more autistic". Although some people will argue and say it's somehow "wrong" to use those terms, but it's pretty obvious that some people are "more autistic" then other people, even when both people have the same functioning level such as being able to pay bills by themself or cook. Also I suspect that those who are upset by this term are probably just Aspergers being too literal again. Also Aspies are more literal and autistic are maybe literal sometimes but they'll say it's an accident if they weren't supposed to read it literally, and they do it less often. (The thing about being literal is my personal attestation and everything else is known by many people.)
However, what I meant when i said "real autism" is the thing in the blog that was referred to in an earlier comment. If someone was said to have autism or Aspergers in 1945, they will have, just like Downs Syndrome or any other disorder, similar personality traits, the same symptoms and the same disorder. But if someone in 2007 or 2016 is said to have ASD, and it's generally accurate, then the chance they have 1945 autism is extremely low because the "rate" increases so much that the percentage who have "real autism" (1945 autism) will be very low. Other ASD people, have autism-like symptoms due to brain damage. It was all explained in the blog, with sources.
I really really want to find that blog again, to show to people, but there are other people who also know about this, who read things from different websites and sources over years. I learned it all at once from this blog...
>unless you are referring to me myself in the third person in this sentence, in which case, I am female
It's formal to assume a person is male, I think I learned that in English. Or is it he/she? I don't know, not my fault that literally 97% of all Veeky Forums users are male.
>Why the fuck would I "Google a term" that is commonly used in everyday language and literally everybody knows what it means?
It has more than one definition.
>you should AVOID any "psychology courses" since they will be based on books written by psychiatrists, will demand drugging everybody, will use the DSM, and will also be incredibly wrong for additional reasons other then that.
I mean, I took one in school but I guess you mean public education in Cuckistan is shit then I agree if so. Still learned more than talking to randoms on the internet. There's a reason why I am on Veeky Forums instead of making IRL friends. I only have one friend in real life and guess what, he's autistic.
You are actually right about a lot of things. Psychology is sketchy as fuck but it's still better than what it was before. Back then they would abuse kids in mental institutions. If you go to the video youtube.com
I have autism, but used to think I had Aspergers because I didn't really know some of the most important differences between the two - the same ones that a lot of people don't know. The "symptoms" or traits that are like Aspergers DEVELOPED in my teens - 20s due to abuse. If I think whether I had autism traits when younger, maybe it's possible but I's have to think more and I wouldn't be able to complete thinking.
People who are already perfectly clam cannot "calm down" you fucking moron. And also it is extremely obvious that no one should ever 'see a shrink" (except for BPD), and also that no one should ever refer to a profession as "a shrink".
Do you have tourettes as well?
She said she had Aspergers. If that's not true then maybe it's before she knew the difference. Oh wait, she uses mainstream psychology and DSM-like stuff, so she probably considers it the same. I am 32, and whether she's "successful" or not once again VERY FUCKING OBVIOUSLY has nothing to do with whether she is correct. She was wrong about her animal presentations as well.
You can't use Asperger's anymore because it's really pointless to use. You can't change such a large diagnosis based on "personality" traits. There is a reason why we have personality disorders. And please explain what you mean about "real" autism?
Yeah. I had this epiphany in high school that the reason why I was bullied in elementary school wasn't because they were assholes, but because they were pissed at me for being a tattletale. I didn't know what I was doing was wrong of course, and you're told to tell a teacher if a student was misbehaving, so I did. I had no clue I was being an asshole. I became more aware of my social skills after that.
ASD can also be greatly affected by diet. Hand things are a coping skill. Since it's a developmental disorder you could have been making body movements "as a 5-year-old" when you were 8 instead of doing it "as an Aspie". You can also learn social stuff that you didn't know before and appear to go away. And for "severe" ASD, for example autistics who don't talk or Aspergers who do hand flapping, it could be considered to have "gone away" when they don't do those things anymore. So is it still there or not/ Well, what do you do that or or isn't similar to other people with Aspergers who you wouldn't have any idea about it unless you were first close friends with them for a year or else already know a lot about it all because the last person you were close friends with for year or more for?
>Gossiping is the opposite of being sociable
How so? Caring enough about other people to bother gossiping about them is a very social activity.
>females are more likely to fight and less likely to hang out
If by fighting you mean being antagonistic to eachother, yes. But women tend to be very passive aggressive. They will never jeopardize their social status explicitly get revenge on someone, as opposed to men, who will very often engage in physicial combat.
Nope. I am just sick of this bullshit where people always associate something from ONE thing. Like how autism is caused exclusively by vaccines or how people used to think it was caused by the "refrigerator mom". I am not really not angry when I say this, I just don't know any other way to use emphasis other than caps and swearing. Text is only a visual thing anyway.
>She said she had Aspergers
I didn't know that, she still considers herself autistic either way.
>She was wrong about her animal presentations as well.
You are correct, but animal psychology isn't very known anyway so she tried. She's probably the reason why "all cats have asperger's" became an inside joke from some time.
> tfw obvious sarcasm and irony is misinterpreted in a thread full of autists
Typing in caps does not make people think you're calm.
Nothing wrong with being a "tattletale" unless you are abusing your power for criticizing and chastising every little thing a person does and not forgiving their mistakes. Otherwise it's a-okay.
>Hand things are a coping skill
AKA sensory issues. Non-autistics also do handwaving and rocking too. Like Bill Gates for example, not autistic but probably had sensory problems or some movement disorder like akathisia or some shit.
>what do you do that or or isn't similar to other people with Aspergers who you wouldn't have any idea about it unless you were first close friends with them for a year or else already know a lot about it all because the last person you were close friends with for year or more for?
I must be severe because when I talk to people online, it only takes a couple hours for people to suspect I have autism. I don't know how they know. I don't stutter at all, people just say "he's autistic". Like, holy shit what did I do?
I am probably guilty of that for swearing. But I do that because I fear no one will take me seriously if I don't, but vice versa too which is why it stresses me out.
That's why you just say ASD when you mean both. Autism and Aspergers have entirely different personality, and most of the "symptoms" or "traits" are different as well - just not the ones the psychologists refer to, as much.
>Like how autism is caused exclusively by vaccines
Vaccines and autism have nothing to do with each other
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"Intermittent Explosive Disorder" was originally made up by a troll on a faked website advertising a (fake) drug to "cure" it. One of the questions is "Have you ever been mad at least 3 times?". "Schizoaffective" is what your parents call you if they don't like you and are soccer moms. Someone once told me that ADD *IS* an ASD. Amphetamines are not medicine. They are drugs. Nothing to do with medicine. There are diets that pretty much fix autism, but works a lot better if you do the diets as kids. If you get mad easily and without a cause that's known to the people around you, hate people, want friends, want people to stop mistreating you, you mistreat others yourself, and also are nice to others, you might have Covert Narcissism. This is not the same thing as narcissism, which in the case of as a personality disorder it would be called Overt Narcissism. Overt narcissists are abusive but covert narcissists would say they are abusive by accident (and they wouldn't be lying when they say that). If you are a covert narcissist you will definitely relate to original songs by Chris Ray Gun and may relate to Disturbed songs when you are angry. Covert Narcissists are NOT "narcissists who pretend to be normal when they are at work in a local political position". Covert narcissists pretend their personality a lot but they do it almost 100% of the time and sometimes they are honest too.
It means he is either "very autistic" or is autistic and retarded. Autism involves not using perfect grammar and Aspies should not bully or say "what the fuck" to them just because of it. It is ovbious what it means and if you're not sure then you should be nice about it. (I don't care if this is Veeky Forums because this is the thing Aspies due to people with autism and also this is a discussion as it might be on Facebook or elsehwere during this topic.)
...OH no, I said "during this topic" instead of "in this topic"! Why don't you bully me for four hours even though there is absolutely zero possibility that you didn't understand what it meant and even though you claim that "others should treat others nicely and not bully for stupid reasons such as hairstyle"! Other autistic people do not know when they're using the wrong grammar until it's pointed out. "More autistic" people, on a high level, might not be able to think of a batter wording at all. If you are an Aspie, then get the fuck over it. The kind of thing you'd think Aspies WOULD Be reasonable about since the very same problem affects the Aspies, in other areas!
As for referring to an unknown as male or female, it can be any or you can say s/he (you don't need the whole word of each), but the reason I didn't know is because it didn't make sense to say that to me in response to the linked comment. I didn't say anything about two different kinds of narcissism or about NPD vs. narcissistic behavior in a normal person, and additionally I could not match the structure of the sentence itself to those things and regarding my comment.
I would say narcissims doen't relaly have more then one definition, it sort of does but in daily conversation it doesn't. For the different definitions you would say "he is a narcissist" vs. "there is narcissism in Aspergers" or "he is being narcissistic", and even then, they still would not be referring to NPD unless someone specifically says so. I was never referring to NPD in any comment in this conversation. People with Aspergers do not have NPD. But, they are narcissistic, and NOT just "by accident". Not exactly purposely maliciously, but purposely trying to fight more at times, they do do the latter, and it's not just "Oh I just didn't understand", becvause #1 it's too extreme to be "just" that and #2 whatever they didn't understand, if anything, was already told them 4+ times in a way they do understand, for example, "That's not what I meant".
I don't mean that education is bad, which it is. What I meant is what I said - psychology is bad. Psychology is inaccurate. One should no take a "psychology course" if omne wants to leanr about how people think and what type of personality people with different disorders have. "Violated probation" is a physical attack towards you that is not within your control. It is not a "trait of sociopathy" (called ASPD in the DSM). "Doesn't listen to authority" is not a trait of ANY "personality disorder" because it is LITERALLY NOT POSSIBLE to be a trait of such.
"Doesn't listen to authority figures" is a trait of basic intelligence in which you actually look things up and make your own decisions. If you're a cop or soldier then it's a trait of "not being a torture promoter and torturing innocent people for no reason", when you refuse to do so to non-evil people. "Not looking into people's eyeballs who you aren't in Love with, and DEFINITELY not demanding they do so to you" is a trait of "basic human decency" and "not being abusive". And any article written about BPD or covert narcissism ("covert narcissism" being a disorder) is highly disgusting/arrogant/bad, as mentioned in some other comment. Then on regular NPD they do the opposite and claim he's "trying to fell better and humanity blah blah" when, no, that's just "evil". Non-drug therapies written by psychologist may sometimes be reliable, but sometimes not - such as a psychology-related "treatment" for autism (in children) is "being abusive and demanding towards them, telling them they are not allowed to sit in a comfortable position and must do things reserved for lovers or else they will be punished". But the psychology-course textbooks are written by psychiatrists. A "field" which is literally evil - and has always been denounced by even other doctors, who are themselves not often reputable in many circles.
I learned about different disorder by talking to people on Facebook AND by actually interacting with people who have them AND by being an empath AND by listening to ACTIVIST "psychological people" AND by reading articles from all sources, including the blogs of day-to-day feelings of people who have them and something that describes actual people, such as "m husband", rather then a retarded list about whether someone has been accused of violating probation or not. I learned about non-evil sociopaths by talking to non-evil sociopaths online. I also have one ex-boyfriend who is a non-evil sociopath.
Many psychologists are motivated for good reasons but are brainwashed into using the abusive DSM and locking up people in "facilities" to be tortured instead. Psychiatrists on the other hand are evil on purpose. And psychiatrists are the ones writing a book used in a "course'.