>billions of stars
>billions of galaxies
>we'll never encounter them in our lifetime
>billions of stars
>billions of galaxies
>we'll never encounter them in our lifetime
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even if we make the Alcubrie Drive work. It is still too slow to get us more than 100 light years with out having to be a generation ship.
we're stuck in this tiny area of the galaxy.
Relativity. People onside the ship will be able to go everywhere.
As it should be? What, you don't think you were made to live and die toiling on this third stone from the sun?
Einstein-Rosen bridges stabilised by the exotic matter from a Casimir effect.
You're connecting point A and B without having to go through C (space).
The Alcubierre drive would be for local interstellar travel between neighbouring solar systems.
One of the few questions I hope you get answered after you die is why the fuck did the universe need to be so damn huge.
>made for specific purpose
Buddy, the universe isn't sentient.
How to spot a douche: Says "Einstein-Rosen-Bridge" instead of wormhole.
Conjecture, offered without proof.
He COULD be an Asgardian.
Not an argument.
There hasn't even been a Moon landing since 1972.
There's still software like Space Engine and Celestia though.
Travel fast enough and you can get anywhere in your lifetime. Everyone not on the ship will be long dead, but hey, you'll make it.
>Alcubierre drive
Is anyone watching stargazing live? It's pretty comfy
No, but isn't how physics works that in space the more fuel you shoot the faster you go? So couldn't we hit lightspeed or go even faster than that? I'm confused honestly
We gonna get dat life extension technology and upload our brains to cyborg bodies, OP, then we'll explore that shit.
>more fuel
exponentially sized tank and fuel, and hence mass to accelerate
>faster you go
as you approach c, unfortunately mass increases too
it seems you can't win
friendly reminder they have already discovered life on other planets but NASA and the government won't tell you
What about sucking hydrogen from space (electrostatic ion scoop)?
Even by the off one and a billion chance we find a planet with breathable atmosphere, livable gravity, and develop a means to get there successfully; the entire crew will most likely end up dying within 5 years of arriving from some alien virus or microorganism.
Serious possibility. That's why it would be good to probe the planet to see what kind of life is there, and if it's hospitable with that in consideration.
by the time we can actually travel to distant worlds, viruses and bacteria will not stand a chance vs the nanobots defending our bodies.
>Buddy, the universe isn't sentient.
How are you so sure about this?
>Universe memeing it's self
Why not?
It requires fewer assumptions to form the view based on the data available that the universe is not sentient. It is not directly falsifiable either way, so the question makes little sense.
Very hard to answer concretely, we don't even fully understand what sentience is, or if we ourselves are even truly sentient.
Sentience is a human idea: sentience is as we define it to be, and we are sentient if we fit that description.
That's why we need to extend our lifespan.
Would be cool, but would come with its own problems
99.999999% of those stars / planets would be totally useless and dull
Think about no man's sky or any game that procedurally generates galaxies : most of them are just not interesting
Yeah, but you can say the same about literally every other piece of technology.
Or social movement, or any change.
It is definitely worth pursuing.
>Would be cool, but would come with its own problems
Convert the ship/cargo/crew into photons, duh?
Do you have any proof?
>not living a healthy lifestyle so you can live as long as possible
>not living until we can extend our lifespans
>not living in your extended lifespan until we can extend it more
>not living until space travel is common
>>we'll never encounter them in our lifetime
maybe you won't, pleb
it's like people think they know the future or something
remember when almost every faggot thought that in the 21st century there were going to be flying cars and shit?
it'd be nice if people would stop making terrible assumptions with our current understanding of science as if humanity KNOWS that it's anywhere close to the truth of reality
cynical memeposts are too easy to make these days
but maybe cynic memeism has always been the easy intellectual scapegoat
You see user, that's where relativity comes in. If you get up to relativisitic speeds, time appears to pass slower to an external observer. You might be able to see the stars, it's just that by the time you get there everyone and everything you know and love might be dead by the time you get there.
Imagine getting to the stars only to find that anime has been dead for 10,000 years
who cares. The vast majority of them have nothing for us. Even our own solar system is mostly shit.
Would you like to visit Jupiter? Plummet into a big ball of dense gas that has nowhere for you to "land" because it's literally a ball of gas whose gravity would crush you?
How about Mercury? Want to burn to death in hell?
Most Earthlike planets out there could be uninhabitable for people.
>temperature near boiling and too much air pressure
>temperature like Antarctica and too little atmosphere
>planet spins too fast and hurricane-like winds all the time
>planet is tidally locked with an arctic-like night side and a mostly torrid day side
You could probably still build artificial habitats on most of them.
True. If the climate isn't _too_ different, a good shelter could make it comfy.
There's also terraforming -- assuming it works.
Maybe any spacefaring aliens out there live in space colonies instead of on planets, given how few planets would be like their homeworlds, and the relative ease of building a spacecraft as opposed to working with an entire planet.
That doesn't meet the definition of earthlike.
Then why even go to an earthlike planet?
By "earthlike," I meant it more broadly -- oxygen atmosphere and liquid water on the surface.
And how the shit do you get a planet with oxygen?
Just because humans can't survive in an environment doesn't mean other life can't.
*blocks your path*
yeah and then you and your wreched ilk can get the fuck off my planet and go live on an artificial habitat
Oh ok, so you want to play alien invader then? Go find some earthlike planets with oxygen and life on them and break every single rule of planetary protection. Hell why not even enslave the natives while you're at it?
If humanity does this, we don't deserve the stars
Fuck stem anyways
we're gonna need fusion if we wanna do ANYof this.
get that first, then come back to me about warp drives.
>even if we make the Alcubrie Drive work. It is still too slow to
What is the max speed? I thought it was FTL.
It's slower than light but it bends space with magic so you travel FTL without actually traveling FTL
>in our lifetime
I think you mean in our entire existence. Our species will be long dead before we can even travel somewhat near another star.
*teleports behind you*
You'll never fully explore one planet in your lifetime.
The whole idea of time being variable melts my mind. Like, I simply can't fathom the idea of it and what it entails. It sounds straight out of science fiction bullshit.
>tfw brainlet
I know how the idea works. It is the same as Star Trek. But if it is FTL, then it isn't too slow.
>comparing life to no man's sky
life is nowhere near as shit as that garbage
also interest is relative and just because they are boring doesn't we can't makem interesting
If you have this frame of mind then you belong firmly on this rock. I sure as shit wouldn't find 99.999999% of the universe to be dull. In fact i'd happily give my life just to be able to explore any semi survivable planet outside our own solar system, and would gouge my own eyeballs out with rusty spoons if I could travel through space and just look at shit until I get old and die (provided I could somehow still see without eyes and ideally have some sort of technology to go with that speed which would stop be driving straight into a black hole like a retard)
There are, and I'm not exaggerating here, over 100 billion planets in the Milky Way alone. Just from probability I guarantee there are a few hundred or maybe even thousand in our galaxy as nice or nicer than Earth in terms of comfiness for humanity. And that isn't even getting into the possibility of habitable moons or slightly harsher planets where we could survive but it wouldn't be as nice as Earth.
We've been living on Earth for our entire existence and we're still discovering new animals and plants. We still discover new things about the planet itself. We still haven't charted most of the ocean floor and most caves. There is a lot of shit to do with a whole planet. If we could confirm the presence of a habitable planet within a relatively reasonable distance from Earth it would be one of the biggest moments in mankind's history and it would cause another space race.
>and it would cause another space race.
who the fuck are you to decide what humanity deserves? life is about survival, even if it means invading and enslaving others.
OK I might have gotten a little carried away there, but if we found out the planet around Proxima Centauri was habitable or if we discovered habitable planets in the Alpha Centauri system we would get a lot more serious about space travel.
only liberal undergards use this word
yeah but that'd be bullshit because we'd nicely miss out on that
I'm just going to be content with our fancy new telescope and its answers and hope I didn't miss some real shit by a few years
*fires proton torpedos*
>friendly reminder that we landed on the moon but conspiracy theorists and flat earthers won't tell you
*bends space around it*
>We'll never encounter them prior to human extinction
Why would we go extinct? At our technological pace exctinction should be a thing of the past.
... what does that even have to do with Earthlike planets with life being uninhabitable for humans?
>thinking the future history of space exploration/colonization will mimic humanity's previous efforts
>space boats flying across the space sea, meeting new native aliens on the island planets
>space opera bullshit
The galaxy (and eventually, the universe) will be conquered by nanostarship Von Neumann machines, converting all available matter to computronium Matrioshka brains as it spreads. Even stars will be disassembled. Any humans "alive" in this period will be virtual, intelligent (hopefully autonomous) subsets of a much more sophisticated, collective intelligence.
Star Trek is an entertaining show, but don't take it seriously. The future is fleshbag-free.
Is this gonna turn into some Event Horizon shit?
I'm not too familiar with the subject, but what's the point of turning all matter into Matrioshka brains?
>Matrioshka brains
And in the virtual reality generated by them, the "space opera bullshit" happens.
It is slow as in it doesn't have high velocity. Yes it covers huge distances but it is not effected by relativity so while going those distances you do not experience time dilation, which would happen if you were going near c speeds. That's where the magic sets in.
As above so below. They're not as different than you or me. I like the blue guys.
Quantum entanglement concept and observation hides something, not everything is explained yet, and instant action-reaction of entanglement particles gives us some hope.
Lets see what happens the next 1000 years.
If there is a god and an afterlife, I would much rather become a spiritlike mumbojumbo shit and travel across the universe unimpeded until it ends than live in a heaven or something for eternity.
Is there a religion that would grant me my wish? I'm already a good guy so getting in shouldn't be so much of a problem.
>Is there a religion that would grant me my wish? I'm already a good guy so getting in shouldn't be so much of a problem.
Mormonism...seriously I'm starting to like that shit.
Will look into it altough I'm not American. That wouldn't be a problem right?
The book of Even Horizon was lit tho
Fucking blue aliens all night. Imagine that. I like the birds.
Has anyone figured out what the captain was saying in Latin in the movie?
Was it save yourselves? Or save yourselves from hell?
Considering the Mormon Church sends missionaries all over the world, no it's not a requirement to be American if you want to be Mormon.
You can then simulate anything, real or otherwise. Even God.
Pic related is the seminal work on the concept.
True. If some guy in Michigan invents a working Alcubierre drive in his garage next Friday, just in time to stop an invasion force from TRAPPIST-1, we'll know we've been living in a SF simulation all this time.
>where we're going, we won't need eyes
Maybe people could be someday revived in a virtual reality somehow, and explore a virtual recreation of a universe? Sounds unlikely.
Some in generic New Age-like thinking think we'll be able to "astral project" around the universe. In fact, they claim you can even do it in this life.
Swedenborg (1688-1772) claimed to visit distant planets in spirit.
He said,
"liberate tuteme ex inferis"
("save yourself from Hell").
Holy shit, you're right. We are effectively trapped in this boring solar system with no way out.
I mean people are excited about colony on Mars but the fact remains that you can't make an effective Internet between it and Earth, the latency is too shitty. So this colony will be kind of a trap, a local bubble. The parameters of this universe fucking suck.
The only way to endure this hopeless existence is to create the Matrix and disregard the reality, creating worlds where not even sky is the limit.
I always assumed that this was the answer to the Fermi paradox. That by the time you can start thinking about leaving your solar system you also have the technology to dissappear up your own ass into some giant computer and the latter is just so much more convenient
Thats a load of nonsense, any sufficiently advanced species would have removed their ability to feel animalistic pleasure that isnt caused by curiosity in order to civilized their species. So a virtual reality chamber whos only purpose is to create a pleasure world is useless to these beings, they would rather reconstruct the existing universe to what they want instead.
Hedonistic pleasures are only a part of the VR experience. The main shtick is unleashing your powers of imagination and creativity to their full extent. Creating worlds out of pure thoughtstuff without any meaningful costs and regards to some "physical laws" that would constraint you.
Also, your curiosity for the real world will quickly evaporate once you fully understand that there are only FLOATING ROCKS that surround you. And even if you could travel enormously fast out of the solar system you would only get to MORE ROCKS.
War and global warming, potentially.