What do you guys think of Tri Alpha? Is it just a meme company or are they the real deal?

What do you guys think of Tri Alpha? Is it just a meme company or are they the real deal?

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>Tri Alpha

Do enough people even know about it for it to be considered meme-tier?

It's not going to happen

Just you wait, once I get my money back from my shitty animatronics and I'll reinvest it all into fusion.

Fusion isn't happening anytime soon

W7X only viable concept imho

The stellarator, agreed.

>opinions from neckbeards
>this stupid meme charts

take it from someone who actually works in fusion, it's fucking happening. there's no turning back. get ready, fuckers



okay cool make it happen

how do the vent waste products from fusion reactors with out turning the blasted things off?

I always want to say in these types of threads "boy cried wolf bandwagon"
>bullshit! they promised us SO MANY TIMES that means it will not happen!
But what's the use? The bandwagon will keep rolling until it actually does happen.

the plasma burning isn't meant to be continuous

>opinions from neckbeards
what's wrong with the Wendelstein?
For someone who works in fusion you sure write like a 12 year old.

He's saying other people are working on things that are viable.

he should enlighten us with his knowledge then, as of now I think of this poster as a lying kid.

video posted right there: Also there was another video posted here in a different fusion thread about a guy who's working on a much smaller tokamak

Fusion is a meme, kites are the ted.com/talks/saul_griffith_on_kites_as_the_future_of_renewable_energy

I currently own a kite that I manufactured that can produce 10KW consistently, 24/7

nothing is "wrong" with it. stellarators show promise, but tokamaks are more than likely going to be the first reactors putting power on the grid.

saying that w7x is the only viable concept is just absurd. that device isn't even designed to ever put power on the grid.

the video that was posted in this thread that you were already directed to has a lot of good info in it.

>Lord Kelvin once said "heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible"
>we can't say "AND I SUPPOSE WE'LL SEND MEN TO THE MOON" as a sarcastic remark even though it was used extensively before Apollo 11
>we can cure cancer
>we can 3D print almost anything
>we'd still be using vacuum tubes if it weren't for 2 stubborn physicists
>"fusion is a meme"
who ever says this were raped by their father and got a D in Calc 2

Kite that can generate 5 household worth of electricity $2000.If kites are mass produced the price can come down near 30-40% of the current price, use no inputs and endlessly 'run'.
Average electric bill: 80$
Years worth of electricity: 80*12=$960.

Tokomat production cost: ~$10 billion

Tell me how fusion isn't a meme again?

What happens if you use up all the wind?

We produce more wind. We have you and people like you begin talking and the heat currents expelled from your gaping holes will produce over 1000TW per person

ok thanks, it indeed is very detailed informational

Fusion might be different though especially Tri Alpha. If they will some day have success this will be the greatest invention ever and not only because it will provide cheap and clean electricity for everyone. You could literally build the Iron Man suit or spaceships going 20% of the speed of light with their technology.

If plasma is a superconductor, why don't they just come up with some neat geometry so that it contains itself with its own internal magnetic fields as long as they run current through it?

cheers for posting that m8

that's more or less what lockmart is doing

fusion power is inherently a meme

>Con: It doesn't exist

thats a big one