If a superinteligent AI was created, a lighting bolt would strike it and wouldn't turn it off...

>If a superinteligent AI was created, a lighting bolt would strike it and wouldn't turn it off, and it would say "I am God"


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i dont know what you mean by your post im assuming you mean that stephen cripple said that and what I think he ment is that AI is as likely to be created by man as god is to exsist

am i off kinda or whats the deali-o here

Can information escape black holes? Do we fully understand black holes? Particle Physics? Do we even have a full comprehension of information theory?

That's absolutely 100% debatable, and not exactly a scientific question.

if that;s what he said maybe he ment it in a very philosophical manner. Like," What is god really"

I mean you're a human being with your own individual thoughts, and god could be anything really, nobody knows for sure.

That's why it's called "the mystery of faith"

God could be a mechanism within the universe that creates it's self, comes to understand it's self, destroys it's self, then recreates it's self. It could be a magical man in the sky. Who really knows what "God" is. It's scary to even imagine such a concept fully.

Super intelligent AI is kind of a meme.

There's a limit on Moore's law, which is the quantum computer. At some point there's a minimum amount of material required to store a packet of information.

Even currently, Moore's law is already plateauing, not due to lack of technology but lack of market demand
There's diminishing return on each improvement, just as the PS4/Xbone generation is more incremental jump from PS3/360 generation compared to the jump between SNES onto N64.

The real problem is AI displacing more and more jobs, such as truck drivers etc just like automation replaced factory workers in rural America. Turning this real world problem into a meme Terminator like sci fi problem is doing the problem a real disservice

Well it is a total meme. We are superinteligent machines that are creating more intelligent machines right now.

It's like an infinite money meme. "We build da computer build da other computer den we iz kangs n shiet". It's a slow process, human evolution. We are so far off from creating a brain, much less even understanding one.

yes no almost no

>We are so far off from creating a brain, much less even understanding one

We don't need to create a brain, an airplane is also not a bird. We also don't need to fully understand the brain. The Wrightes didn't fully understand aerodynamics.

I disagree with you guys ASI beeing a meme, we just really don't know yet.

My only take away from this thread is that airplanes are not birds.

You know human brains exist right?

You know Moore's law didn't stop human brains from evolving?

All you would need to create a Super AI is a fully simulated brain in a computer. Several companies are attempting this.

Once you have achieved that (yes it will be very hard to do - perhaps 40 years away) you can "overclock" it so that it can do 10,000 years of thinking in 1 hour.

Then perhaps you duplicate the brain 1000 times. It is software after all.

So that's 1000 human brains doing 10,000 years of thinking in 1 hour.

10 million fucking hours of human intellectual progress in 1 hour.

The human species has only existed 200,000 years and we managed to fly to the moon, invent quantum computers and create nukes.

Now let's ask these 1000 simulated brains how to build even better AI. They will have an answer in 1 minute.

Repeat until you have a literal God.

>We build da computer build da other computer den we iz kangs n shiet
You're missing the point. Of course you'll be limited by a certain growth rate.
The difference is, increasing the number of humans wont increase the average quality of life. More productivity but more people consuming it. So you have a ceiling to average wealth (considering stuff decays) which is only raised when technology improves.
With memeplicators, increasing the number of replicators will increase the average quality of life of humans, because not all workers are actually human, and that would remain true even if technology reaches an upper limit.
They're basically ethical slaves.

Would these brains have conscious thought ? or any form of awareness?

Anyone who pretends to know the answer to that question is full of shit desu sempai, we simply don't and can't know at this point in times.

it doesn't matter when they can tell YOU how to directly manipulate any matter in the universe to your liking or freely travel space and time or whatever the fuck. GOD MODE.

user you don't understand how machine learning, or learning in general, works

Where are these simulated brains getting their data? What experiments can they perform?

Except for the claim companies are already attempting this he's mostly right.

He's not

Please explain what these disembodied brains will do. If they are simulations of human brains how will they be used for computation and learning?

Will we simulate an entire universe for them to interact with and learn from? If so - guess what - they wouldn't learn anything about OUR universe, just the simulation

There is no purpose to simulating human brains, nothing about human brains or any of this is useful.

The end goal will have nothing to do with human brains

Maybe it's poorly phrased, but I think his main point is that there must be some kind of way of replicating something similar to what the human brain can do with a machine.
I honestly can't see why he's wrong unless there's something fundamentally unique about the brain's hardware that can't be replicated with a machine.

We learn about the universe through interacting with the universe.

How will simulated brains interact with the universe? They can't

Not simulated brain, just a brain-like processor that is artificially made through some mean, more importantly if we know how to scale it like we can with regular computers.
The original commentwas talking about Super AI being a meme. How would this not fit the definition of a "super AI"? How could this not be doable? It might be undoable, I just don't see any reason why it would be.

"if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him"

checkmate, everyone except me

our state-of-the-art CV systems start are still shitty, natural language understanding is unattainable and this meme-scientist is spouting bullshit about AGI.

>We are superinteligent machines

atheists BTFO

so these enslaved brains are just supposed to be happy to do whatever bullshit you tell them? and these simulations of the human brain are so inexpensive that we could scale them without bound despite the plateau of computing power? and the gains in "human intellectual progress" will also increase linearly with the number of brains we use?

wow you're really smart you have this all figured out.

>just a brain-like processor that is artificially made through some mean
oh fuck that fixes everything. it's not a brain, just a brain-like processor!!!!! how do we make it? artificially through some mean! of course!! superintelligent AI and fun future fantasy land less than 30 years CONFIRMED.

pop sci: the post

what is robots , or what is living on the internet , think about your life , most of your life is digital manipulation and simulated. maybe thats all the universe you need these days

they just tell the humans to perform experiments or hook them up with sensory information of their interest.
Or they simply provide knowledge which is mostly independant from data like maths or algorithms.

>there is no thinking involved in science

Holy fuck. This interview is cringe inducing.