That's good, I hope people on all sides don't turn it into a political debate. It's about scientific exploration...

That's good, I hope people on all sides don't turn it into a political debate. It's about scientific exploration, I don't care who or what country funds it.

Yet he's still decreasing their overall budget and costing them scientific research, and he wants to eliminate the Earth Sciences department at NASA for no reason other than a political motivation.

>Yet the new budget significantly reduces funding for NASA’s Earth science research grants and forces the agency to abandon several climate change research initiatives, including the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 3 mission and the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory.

NASA is far more than manned missions, it has been from its inception, and Trump's motivation here is purely political, not scientific.

Manned missions are a massive waste of money too, there's far more of value in launching multiple robotic missions that gather far more scientific data compared to launching a single manned mission.

Let the private sector and people like Musk head the Mars effort. The US government should be more focused on scientific research, not pointless manned missions. There's far more value in studying the Earth and understanding our own atmosphere than there is in sending a vastly expensive manned mission to mars.

>He trusts Trump

Trumplet, when will they learn

Veeky Forums was never /sjw/. People who hate real science and supported scam-science are the only ones opposed Trump as they are obvious in this board.

The real question is whats next for Mars. Trump and Elon Musk will clearly make the Mars missions more plausible and now hes giving NASA more budget for it. I wonder who will get there first.

As a European, this is amazing. Just had a meeting with couple of people who reported back from their last consultation with the EU commission. They know Trump is going to kill NASA's Earth Science program, so the EU's brining itself into position to to take over and are willing to spend a buttload of money. CAMS/Copernicus will be emerging as a major power within the next 10 years, by that time the damage to the USA's system is already too severe. EO-related business and science will turn towards the EU, so good news!

What marvels has earth science ever produced?

>adds human exploration of Mars
hasnt this been a thing since Bush Jr?

I agree with the political motivation that some countries would have, but I don't think letting it to the private sector would be better. Most companies would be more interested in revenue than pure research, and there would be an spacial mono/oligopoly. It would be as if the first explorers on Antartica could have the right to own that land and sell the resources. The best would be an international collaboration like the ISS and make it so that no country/corporation could claim any land or resources, but I guess that won't ever happen and we'll have some kind of spacial colonialism with asteroids and mars.

That's true, the private sector would have a monetary motivation towards exploring Mars. Musk seems to be someone with a non-monetary motivation for his expedition however, but at the same time I see your point and agree. If only NASA was given the budget it deserves, signing this bill is essentially doing nothing except canning other important NASA objectives in favor of a manned mission instead of simply expanding the budget and doing all of NASA's objectives at once.

There's far more importance in understanding / studying the Earth's climate than there is in going to Mars right now.

>being too young to remember Bush declaring we're going back to the moon in run up to 2004 election

It's just a political move to excite Baby Boomers who get hard dicks and wet panties about muh glorious space exploration. Tool.

better bring bombs for those ayyliuns.

But, unless Musk sends a good number of employees, won't it just be regular people of different backgrounds?

Dunno how they're gonna colonize this rock anyway, at least this soon. Has Musk even checked how much we need to do to even breathe there? We literally need a moon and to nuke the poles.

Would still be first in line.

If NASA got 40 billion dollars a year for the next 8 years, they would still be no closer to Mars than they are today

The problems with NASA are institutional & congressional, not total budget

I distinctly remember Newt Gingrich making the same promises about both the Moon and Mars. These plans never materialize.

>talks about libshits
>reads huffpo
I really don't understand /pol/.

Also it just went from 19.3 to 19.5 billions, I don't think an extra 200 millions makes any real difference especially when you're adding manned Mars missions to your objectives.
And this:
tl;dr news story about nothing.

Yes, Musk is kind of an exception and seems actually interested in researching for the human progress, what I'm worried is when certain mining companies (who already have oligopolies in their respective fields) with not so good intentions get interested in this and start colonizing. For now this is too much of a monetary risk for them, but it will eventually become profitable.

Destroys agencies because he has no idea what they do
Puts inexperienced morons in charge of government agencies because he has no idea what they do
Cuts programs that help his base the most because he has no idea what they do

But it's ok because after cutting NASA's budget he gives some back to go to Mars

>he wants to eliminate the Earth Sciences department at NASA for no reason other than a political motivation.
That's fine, since the Earth Sciences department was taken over by partisan infiltrators and turned into a political propaganda operation.

This is exactly what Trump was elected to do: fire all the leftists who occupy positions in government and work to further their political aims rather than to serve the public. Eight years of steadily eliminating leftist-occupied departments, kicking leftist judges off benches, replacing the 5th column with people honestly loyal to America.

>Manned missions are a massive waste of money too
Cry some more, shitlib. Do it loud, and in public. By saying NASA should be doing things like scolding us for having industry instead of inspiring us with things like Apollo, you're just further alienating the electorate and reassuring them they're doing the right thing by voting to support Trump.

>confirmation bias the post

>As a European, this is amazing.
Increasingly nervous European man says for 17th time this year, "Reusable rockets are just a flash in the pan. When Ariane 6 is ready, it will totally be competitive with ITS and New Armstrong. The Muslim tidal wave will just work itself out somehow, and we won't have any problems with it as long as we keep electing politicians who just shrug and pretend all we have to worry about is global warming. It's America who's fucking everything up! Ha ha! We're the winners of the future for sure!"

Have a look around for Earth Observation related business, from crop and fisheries monitoring to urban planning, insurance, weather and precipitation forecasts and analysis, military applications derived from those (yeah, even those spy satellites with hi-res radiometers had to be scienced out beforehand), maps and navigation, ..

>eight years
>predicting 2nd term
>quickest president to ever reach such a low approval rating
>even people who voted for him are ashamed of him
>DOJ turning against him
>House of reps turning against him
>all but the most retarded stalwarts jumping ship
>probably be impeached

yet you predict a 2nd term?

Reusable rockets? Wat? I think you're missing the point.

America's not falling behind on Earth observation just because NASA launches a few less Earth-science satellites. It's defense, not NASA, where the US does its cutting edge work.

But then again, we have gotten the best SNL season in what, 10 years?

He's going to Make America Great Again

>America's not falling behind on Earth observation just because NASA launches a few less Earth-science satellites.

Not immediately, of course not. But you're underestimating the US's position in Earth Observation. At the moment, the US has the higher concentration of the combo equipment (satellites, ground-based observation networks, validation flight campaigns) and personnel (a good number of high-profile European scientists are going to the US because of the money and the professional environment). NASA/NOAA EO is simply the best right now, they are the fastest moving in terms of the science.

I see the US's pole position threatened by those significant budget cuts, especially when the NASA/EO synergies are severed.

It's so easy to identify the /pol/ crossposters due to the amount of buzzwords and mention of "libs," "liberals" or "leftists" in their post. Why are you on this board?

>quickest president to ever reach such a low approval rating
No one believes the polls. You can only lie to people for so long.

>even people who voted for him are ashamed of him
Thanks for sharing the view from inside the liberal bubble. It's always good for a laugh.

>DOJ turning against him
The DOJ is subordinate to him, it just takes a little time for him to bring them to heel.

>House of reps turning against him
The republican establishment was always against him, they even campaigned against him in the election, but they're weak. They know they can't resist the electorate.

>probably be impeached
...which would put Pence in charge, who would continue with the program. And in the next election, Trump would just get elected again, with those who voted to impeach him losing their seats.

The polls were right, Trump ended up losing the popular vote, despite going against one of the most hated candidates ever to run for president.

What a nice space exploration thread... I don't know what I expected.

>The polls were right, Trump ended up losing the popular vote
The polls weren't predicting Trump would win the presidency and lose the popular vote, they were predicting certain victory for HRC. Trump won solidly, with a huge lead in electoral votes (you know, the count that matters).

Anyway, everyone knows that there's rampant voter fraud in Democrat strongholds, skewing the popular vote count. They register illegals to vote, provide campaign materials in polling stations, bus people around to vote repeatedly under many different names, pay people to vote, rig machines. It ain't the Republicans fighting to keep it legal to vote with no ID checks.

>the polls were right
Just let it go mate. It was not her time.

>The polls weren't predicting Trump would win the presidency and lose the popular vote

I think you mean models. That's more of a side effect of the American winner take all system. Which doesn't really make any sense to me. Shouldn't the electoral vote be proportional to the votes in a state?

Anyway, the national polls seem to have gotten it right, which is how approval ratings are done anyway. Trump seems to be doing pretty badly in that.

They feel the need to redpill people about race/IQ, climate change, etc. and attack anyone who criticizes Daddy

I like Trump, I voted for him, but putting people on Mars in two decades is unrealistic. We have to be able to manufacture large scale ships in orbit and right now we're barely capable of keeping the ISS afloat. The main priority of NASA should be having a viable replacement for the Space Shuttle within ten years.

against Hillary he was a saint

>Which doesn't really make any sense to me.
It's to stop big states from dominating small states and works precisely as intended. The Founders never envisioned it, but flooding a state with non-citizens and then granting amnesty for instant millions of new voters is in fact a form of election fraud no different than paying people to vote a certain way.

>weighting rural votes more is good when my favorite candidate wins

>flooding a state with non-citizens
eh .. they're just getting back to their rightful clay, no?

Rightful clay only counts when whites conquer it as is their right as genetic superiors. In other cases it's white genocide. Nonwhites aren't really human so the converse doesn't count.

California doesn't coronate presidents, sorry to have to tell you this.

It hasn't been their clay in a very long time, anymore than Mexico City is our clay when our military conquered it. If they want a war for it I'll happily shoot them, though.

>Manned missions are a massive waste of money too, there's far more of value in launching multiple robotic missions that gather far more scientific data compared to launching a single manned mission.

pussies like you are why we don't have a moonbase

>Shouldn't the electoral vote be proportional to the votes in a state?
They are proportional, just not exactly proportional. Each state gets a fixed number of votes, plus a number in proportion to the population. The electoral system is the product of a compromise between the original states, to ensure that the less populous states wouldn't be dominated by the more populous ones.

There are many things in the way the US government is set up to prevent a simple majority from dominating the rest of the population. To prevent some states bringing in a lot of people, and then using that to have power over the other states.

>>everyone knows that there's rampant voter fraud in Democrat strongholds, skewing the popular vote count
>Anyway, the national polls seem to have gotten it right
Hah! Like it wasn't the same people rigging the polls in both senses.

The people who voted for Trump are still happy with him. The people who were against him, still are.

All thanks to BASED ELON

>sending humans to mars with a very costly priceticket that barely will have any advantage over sending robots since its purely research based
>on a reduced NASA budget
>will have to be cutting massively into other projects
>somehow good
woa unsurprising!

NASA is highly Masonic and apparently Trump is a Mason as most US presidents are. It's all about building and supporting fake narratives to draw attention far far away from very real and addressable problems here on earth. Manned Mars missions with all the drama of dead astronauts fits the bill nicely, children eat that shit right up, they are after all, the future and the further away from reality they are the better.

>Yet he's still decreasing their overall budget

Trump's 2018 budget request for NASA is larger than Obama's 2017 budget request.

>I can identify /pol/ crossposters
>I just happen to know how people on /pol/ talk

>NASA is highly Masonic and apparently Trump is a Mason as most US presidents are

>I think you mean models.

I think a sometimes hilarious oversampling of Democrats had something to do with accuracy issues. Observing poll methodology was fascinating.

>Trump is running 4 president
>Suddenly constant posts(which never happened before) about HURRR FUKIN LIBTARDDSS, CTRR SHILLSS!!! HURRRR on literally every single board on Veeky Forums
>Not /pol/

Which is irreverent, its lower than the actual CR 2017.

>I really don't understand /pol/.
>Doesn't read /pol/
Now you understand why /pol/ reads HuffPo. It's not to agree with them, but to understand what their enemy is thinking.

I was talking about how if you win by just 1 vote more in a state, you get all the electoral votes in it.

It makes voting a waste of time in America unless you guys live in a swing state.

>Manned missions are a massive waste of money too
Not if you want the American public to start giving a shit about space again.

If a politician's constituents don't give a shit about space, you can guarantee it's not going to be high on their list of priorities for funding and political support.

A wins a win


>Not if you want the American public to start giving a shit about space again.
Is a manned mission even something that common people would care much about in 2017? If you really want to get funding just fake alien contact and you would get all the money you want to do deep space exploration.

It forces candidates to try and develop a platform which will appeal to a wide variety of different voter groups and build a coalition as opposed to just going for raw numbers. In the same way the electoral college rewards candidates who appeal to the greatest plurality of states with different social, economic, and political interests, the winner-take-all or winner-take-most systems in the individual state reward candidates who appeal to the greatest plurality of its voters.

Switching to a popular vote or even to a proportional system for awarding electoral votes turns it into a raw numbers game and instead of getting candidates with platforms that appeal to the largest variety of different kinds of voters, you get candidates with platforms that tick checklists trying to appeal to a handful of demographics.

Also swing states change every couple of elections. States like PA, MI, and WI weren't even on the radar a decade or two ago.

wtf does that mean? Of course people care about space

But what can they do when NASA decides on an insane design like the Shuttle, then operates it for decades?

Trump needs to force changes on NASA or they will sit doing nothing for another 8 years