Signs that someone is a brainlet

signs that someone is a brainlet

>Celsius is better than fahrenheit
>metric system is sooooooo much better than imperial
>fluid? you mean a liquid?
>time is infinite so that means that every possibility will occur and everything that is happening now will happen again
>you can see steam

Why don't you come back when you've calmed down?

>they're an engineer

Kelvin master race

no more preferable than rankine my brother

Using units outside the international system isn't a good idea in science. I guess engineers really are another world.

>>time is infinite so that means that every possibility will occur and everything that is happening now will happen again
Who even thinks that?

>Celsius is better than fahrenheit
>metric system is sooooooo much better than imperial
Found the salty burger.

>you can see steam
You can see some wet steam and flash steam, and it's possible to visually identify other types of steam as well you goddamn pedant.

the same brainlets who think that their life is written into the digits of pi at some arbitrary depth

>you can see steam
ACKTHUALLY you're only viewing the photons scattered off of objects, not the objects themselves!

Joe Rogan says it all the time but he is a self-admitted brainlet.

True, but trying to change after our country is already so industrialized is an even worse idea.

I will admit metric is preferable to imperial, but not to the degree that justifies an overhaul of our entire industrial institution

tell me one reason why celsius is preferable to fahrenheit though

>Metric system?
It was invented in France.

>Whose flag is on the moon?

ACKTHUALLY you're only viewing the masses of water displaced by waves on the surface, not the waves themselves!

What a lazy excuse.

>the same brainlets who think that their life is written into the digits of pi at some arbitrary depth
I think the case with pi different to the case with time.
The fact that Pi is a real number forbids eternally recurring digit patterns. This means in the sequence always has to be something new. So if something has to contain more unique number combinations the longer it gets (generally speaking) and it's forced to have an infinite length, than all possible number combinations should be in there.

Signs an engineer is a brainlet:

He exists.

pi example is considerable

universe time example is not, see: entropy

Nice le epic maymay there friendo :-D

>The fact that Pi is a real number forbids eternally recurring digit patterns.
*irrational number.

In fact the brainlet's life or indeed the universe could be likened to a rational number (or a series of rational numbers) which will necessarily show up at some depth in all the irrational numbers.

Nobody is arguing that the metric system isn't better. But when you retards go around saying autistic shit like "b-but muh dividing by ten!" and "M-m-muh boiling point of water!" you lose all credibility you could possibly have.

yo are you trying to imply that having 0 be the melting point of H20 at standard pressure doesn't get used in every single engineering problem?

Every engineer I have ever talked to in my short life sounded like a literal retard when he spoke. Now I know engineers aren't actually dumb, because they're all invariably successful, and that takes a kind of smarts, but they really really sound like they are. I don't understand how/why this happens.

smart enough to know that all that math doesnt mean anything if you cant make money off it

What the fuck are you trying to say?

Anyone who has heard of the infinite monkey theorem from a vsauce/numberphile video

that image is ironic cause astronauts have been burned up alive cause of silly bastards miscalculating standard to metric.

>you can see steam
It's on my computer right now.

That should be a German flag if the US were honest. Without the metric system the US wouldn't be able to even climb a mountain.

>fluid? you mean a liquid?

liquids are fluids... so are gasses and plasmas
hell even solids on a macro level, hence geomorphology

You could construct an irrational number which has random digits sans that the digits will never include a 5 followed by a 6.

I'm not saying pi _is_ a number like that, but I am saying that the digits of pi aren't necessarily perfectly random.

butt blasted engineer detected

If engineers are so smart why do they contract HIV at a rate 60 times higher than non engineers?

fuk degrees minutes & seconds
Everything should be RAD!

>not using kelvin

heh, next time, try harder brainlet.

>'Murikan system is Imperial
L0Lno fgt pls

I'm pretty sure the French flag is on the moon atm

they party too hard

>using armpit units to measure temperature

Believing people are inferior to you because you had more formal education is ultimate brainlet tier.

Anybody you'll meet know something you don't.

> I did a pure science/math degree instead of an engineering degree, didn't get a job out of it and now spend my days flaunting my false sense of intellectual superiority on a Japanese cartoon imageboard whilst the engineers all got jobs & respect

It's almost like... You're rused.

subtle :^)