>When you study the PUREST and MOST COMPLEX field ever, PHILOSOPHY.
When you study the PUREST and MOST COMPLEX field ever, PHILOSOPHY
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desu bump
stem fags wont reply because they dont want to admit philosophy is king
Philosophy literally is the foundation of thinking. Wat could be lower?
why is it that the philosophy majors in my logic class all fucking sucked? it was a high level course for them but 1st level for everyone else in stem and they couldn't swing it
philosophy is really good and interesting in any case so this philosophy hate thread only shows your own lack of understanding, op.
Philosophy is not complicated. Just unverifiable and everyone takes advantage of that.
Logic has long since branched away from philosophy. It's as if the one useful thing they've produced in the last 500 years grew wings and flew away.
You take advantage that maths is easy because anyone can solve problems using axioms instead of creative thinking.
How do I know you haven't taken any serious math course?
You cant know. Its up to you if you want to believe me or not. We could just basically replace all mathematicians with computers. But you cant replace philosophers m9
the fuck you on?
for a philosopher you seem to know fuck all about what an axiom is, when you have a problem you don't just go hmm ill introduce a new axiom
If you have a problem its because you are low iq.
Even my 7 yo cousin can deduce a solution from a starting set of axioms.
"philosophers" who spend a lot of time just doing logic are mathematicians.
Your argument comes from ignorance.
everyone has problems. yours seems to be retardation given your weak ass trolling
you start with a set of axioms, you don't go "Im struggling with this problem ill add 1 more thank you very much"
mathematician is an insult now?
how many layers of irony is this
hmmmm really makes my neurons fire
That's not mathematical Physics
I have a bachelor in philosophy and I began studies again to study mathematics, for I realised :
1) Students in philosophy aren't very intelligent (more than in other Humanities though).
2) Maths are more difficult and fairly deserve more respect (and receive more respect)
3) Maths give you a better picture of the world and of existence than philosophy does.
I'll have a number 3 with fries please
Mathematicians will never be replaced by computers. When they do they'll be 1 year from replacing philosophy as well. You clearly don't understand anything about mathematics.
It's not uncreative. It's rigorous.
And I don't get why OP claims maths are less complex than philosophy. Is it because the maths level in the US is extremely low (more or less the same as African niggers) ?
there's fucking no axioms in philosophy. It's all made up on the spot.
OP here but i fucking kek'd
>Even my 7 yo cousin can deduce a solution from a starting set of axioms.
>anyone can solve problems using axioms instead of creative thinking.
t. Person who has no Idea about mathematics.
Here, have some axioms. en.wikipedia.org
And here your problem. en.wikipedia.org
Good luck philotard.
You idiots are really fucking retarded to believe that your shitty field, which is about vaguely (why haven't you formalized everything) proposing questions and then vaguely saying that you dont know the answer, is in any way relevant or leads to some deeper truths.
At least theologians have job prospects.
Philosophers are cool if they are conservative. Otherwise they're just charlatans and sophists (put another way, pricks) who want more control over your life. Yep, talking to you, cultural marxists)
bruh get over here and answer my quston
Fire is an element.
World stunned
Philosopher reporting in. I have your answer. We do not know. It's as simple as that.
Oh and philosophical determinism and physical determinism are two completely different things. You can have physical indeterminism and philosophical determinism. Free will has nothing to do with physics. An electron has no choice to have its spin up or down when you measure it. However, it's not determined.
Well, I'd say that currently everything goes in the sense of determinism, free will basically has the status of the soul, we don't see it and have no big reasons to think it's an actual thing.
Go back to /pol/ idiot
Thanks m8
Not 100% sober rn but will reread tomorrow
Good post
Logic is a subset of math, not philosophy.
Philosophy is for people too dumb to apply logic
not to defend the op but it's a subset both.