What does Veeky Forums think of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine?

What does Veeky Forums think of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine?

Why is in the human body?

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How many more people need to be killed by psychopaths high on DMT before they admit it's a problem?

It's a class 1 drug and will lead to more harmful drug addictions like Acid and LSD or even heroine and meth

A very chill, eye opening hallucinogen.
It's probably in the body to induce vision during sleep, the feeling of transcendentalness when falling asleep (that moment you drift away) and to give add to the best trip of your life when you slowly drift away to the everlasting blackness death provides.

Also, don't listen to the previous poster. Hallucinogens are NOT addictive.

These posts make me question the viewpoints that people actually have.

Worrying stuff.

Why is formaldehyde in the body?

It is essential for the production of some basic biological materials, such as certain amino acids.

At least that has a real answer unlike the DMT question.

Once some one sold me some marijuana laced with hash and acid.

I binged on it for an entire week without sleeping.

>marijuana laced with hash
>this is possible

So, you've never even seen weed in real life, right?

Dealers will to anything to maximize profit even use rat poison to bulk their weed out and make it more addictive.

LSD deactivated with heat, lol.
>laced with hash
So it was weed with weed oil?

Right but I don't think you understand that you can't mix weed with hash without being able to tell literally straight away.

LSD, sure, because you can just drop the liquid on it, but like said, LSD is deactivated with weed.

Why do people make up stories to give things a bad name?

Any Veeky Forums anons have theories about the dmt experience. Brainlet here trying to comprehend the experience

It fuck with your brain which makes you see and feel weird shit.

Adding to that, why the fuck would you add LSD, a chemical that's very complicated to synthesize, and a drug that causes no physical dependence, to weed? If you're going to try to get your users "hooked", you'd add something actually addictive

>specific frequency which gets louder and louder
>this frequency then explodes reality, making it slide apart like screen-tearing
>leave the body and shoot down a fractal tunnel with unimaginable colours, feels like warping
>arrive in a place where there is 4th dimensional shapes and geometry, you can't picture it when you return at all
>entities then arrive which are incredibly happy to see you, they show you and tell you amazing things which can be too much for some people
>there is no concept of time there so it feels like you're there for infinite
>you then return back to your body and immediately open your eyes, knowing absolutely everything there is to know, only for around 30 seconds
>that was only 10 minutes

Why are you replying to me?

>acid and lsd

I have no idea

[Citation need]

It's fucking common knowledge, Google it.

Read up on the raphe nuclei. Also read this
We don't really know, in theory it shouldn't work like that.

It's pretty cool.

I'll do it for you since you're fucking retarded.

Under sources:
Formaldehyde is a gaseous pollutant produced by both human activity and natural sources.

Combustion processes account directly or indirectly for most of the formaldehyde entering the environment.
Large amounts are produced in the United States during manufacturing processes and as components of many end-use products.
Small amounts are produced naturally by plants, animals, and humans.


Why was this stuff everywhere in ancient Egypt and stuff?

I heard that this stuff had a lot to do with religion coming around.

DMT feels like such an intense and otherworldly experience that it would have severe and profound implications on philosophy, yet it's never discussed in a philosophical way by anyone but crackpots. Are these people just crackpots or are they on to something?

Is it just a drug and no big deal? Or is it THE BIGGEST deal?

It is literally the answer to life.

The universe is a simulation where consciousness can enter and exit with the use of this molecule, almost acting like a portal.

>Ancient Egypt
Sources are basically DMT blogs. Go figure.

>I heard that this stuff had a lot to do with religion coming around
There is not any evidence to support this. People try to connect A to D without going through the obvious B and C. The only people who will say that DMT is responsible for religion are those that shop at Spencer's Gifts and listen to ICP on repeat.

It's a visual stimulation for your mind. If you think DMT anything divine then you're thinking too deeply on it and will probably form an unhealthy obsession towards the romantization of DMT

>Why is in the human body?
It is theorized to be in human body, very likely it is in the human body, however this has never been experimentally measured in the lab.

They have measured it in rats though

>acid and lsd

>like acid and lsd
>acid and lsd

>weed laced with hash and lsd
>weed laced with weed
>weed laced with lsd
>LSD doesn't decompose at high temps

Cmon sci. You're supposed to be smart.

Nobody knows for sure

Sometimes I forget 95% of Veeky Forums doesn't understand the concept of sarcasm.

>killing off your clientele

>Acid and LSD
Oh man, take some drugs kiddo

>tfw too intelligent too experience psychedelia from psychedelics
>tfw only can experience body high

It feels like Veeky Forums has never done any kind of illegal drug

When I found out it was in my body I went to the police station crying and confessed

i have tried most of the standard illegal drugs

Could I see my dead dog again if I took DMT? Or is there a better drug for that?

I don't know... I really don't know... one can hope

i dont think bro i only feel dmt is so flowy like a sign wave moving through interstellar space trying to find a home

i fucking hate you psy tards


It's not the answer to life, it just makes you see and feel pretty things. Drug induced emotions don't provide true revelations, only clear headed thoughts that see past the illusions that emotions fog your head with are real.

There's your problem dumbass, you don't think. And we're the tards

It doesn't mean you're more intelligent, it just means you have no emotional capacity. Besides, I still feel intelligent when I'm high, I still have good ideas, I just can't remember or communicate them

just accept that it was genius bait and move on


interested about this

God druggies are the biggest babies on the planet

>pointing out when someone is retarded is retarded

he was merely pretending to be stupid, right? :^)

>standard illegal drugs

You can't think with DMT, you don't have a brain in that place

how did Amazonian shamans, in one of the most biologically diverse place on Earth, know to brew two specific plants continuously for three days without inhaling the vapors in order to create Ayahuasca, which contains DMT? The Amazonians say that the trees told them how to prepare it.

Over 40,000 species of plants in the Amazon. The shamans knew to use the vine of one plant and the leaves of another. 40,000 species of plants. Each plant has various parts - roots, stem, leaves, seeds, vegetation, vines, flowers, pistils, etc. The preparation process takes 72 hours. But there are various steps to preparing it just right. it would take several thousand years of non-stop experimentation to stumble upon Ayahuasca by chance.

If you don't believe that there's more to DMT than meets the eye then you're 1000% in denial.

DMT is a potent neurotoxin, and the possession of said substance should be punishable by death. There is no good reason for any respectable person to consume this garbage. Only an absolute brainlet would believe otherwise.

Get your retarded ass back to (le)'ddit. Brainlets like you have no place here.

DMT is found in the human brain you idiot.

800 generations of trial and error?

>hurr aliens and shiet

fuck off

there would be documentation of some sort, otherwise it would have taken much longer than 800 generations


>a neurotoxic street drug used by degenerate brainlets is "totally natural, duuuude"
You are a subhuman brainlet

well no because
>*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
>*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds

Why do you druggie faggots come here? Nobody here, other than other drug addicts, likes you. Go to fucking reddit or bluelight where you scumbags belong.

your shitposting is too obvious. I suggest lurking a bit more and trying a bit less. let the shitposting come naturally.

Go snort some more meth and suck your boyfriend's dick, you disgusting waste of welfare funds.

I can only imagine the delicate sensibilities and an overwhelming case of asperger's that is required to post with that much emotion. did a pack of redditors rape your mother?

Its amazing how brainlets like you from reddit always fit all the stereotypes. You should go suck your boyfriend's dick again. Maybe that will make you feel better, faggot.

don't get so emotional. becoming that rabid over words on the internet isn't healthy for you.

Im not feeling emotional at all. Im just amused at how much of a brainlet you are, and how you fit all of the classic reddit fedora-faggot stereotypes to a tee. You should go back there. Nobody here likes you.


thanks for clearing that up

>i spent all my money on my drug addiction. now i cant afford a phone
Not that youd need one anyways. Yourre to autistic for a phone to have any use.

Not him but u must be fun

Why is there always some loser asking about this shit drug on Veeky Forums every ~4-6 weeks? Thus isnt a fucking druggie website. You fags are pathetic.

>chemicals aren't science related

Just ignore them. This thread is a circle-jerk for maybe 3 or 4 losers and it will die within, at most, 24 hours, as these stupid threads always do.

exactly. if these people are such degenerate idiots then their moronic claims should be self evident and arguing with them or yelling at them to go back to plebbit will only keep their thread bumped. exercise restraint.


But why do they come here when hardly anyone here shares their interests and there must be at least a dozen websites that are dedicated to their crap? Are they really just that stupid?

Lol, its as if an english major came to Veeky Forums to ask for help with writing an essay on shakespeare. It makes no sense.

thanks for keeping the thread bumped

>muh alienz
>muh purdy colorz
>muh 6 gorilliom dimenshunz
Get your faggot ass back to (lelele)ddit, you autistic fuck.

nah I'll keep posting here until you work yourself up into having a stroke. it seems that we're almost there.

btw I would rather take 1000 redditors over 1 autistic spergmaestro like yourself

I am angry!
Angry about DMT!!

get over yourselves. yes some drugposters say stupid shit but other people putting chemicals in their bodies is not a reason to throw your toys out the pram


That sounds astoundingly horrifying and that post evaporated all my urges to try dmt

Acid and lsd are the same. Alcohol is by far one of the worst drugs, unsafe and legal. Mdma and lsd are safer and non addictive. People who die from mdma die because of water intoxication. To much water. Weed is actually considered more dangerous than mdma and lsd, but less than alcohol. Alcohol companies pay for skewed results of drugs to make it seem safer than what really it.

>nobody likes you
underage detected

a low-energy chuckle was had

Why should the government tell me, a consenting adult, what I can and can't put into my body.
Especially in the case of LSD, DMT, Psylocibin, Mescaline, etc. which are non-addictive and for the most part completely non-harmful substances.

Psycadelics != amphetamines, benzos, opiates, alcohol, MDMA, MAD

At least educate yourself before sounding like an utter moron in front of people who have done their research

I wouldn't lump MDMA in with LSD.
Around 10% of the MDMA that you consume is converted to MDA. MDA has actually been shown to be somewhat neurotoxic. Obviously rare use isn't going to be that physically harmful but you could trip on acid often and be fine but rolling every weekend is gonna start taking its toll.

oops MDA*

MDMA can be addicting if you take it too often, also probably neurotoxic if you take it more often than ~4 times a year.

One is an MAOI which is useful for short term stimulative effects. I have the feeling prior to the "discovery" of DMT, they'd ingest that plant.

So you have this stimulating piece of plant. If you're an autistic (or schizophrenic) shaman, you might try experimenting.

"Okay I take this and I take this."

No rush, the shaman is probably working on other shit.

"Let's see how this batch went...okay how about this one..."

There is no distraction of mass entertainment to occupy the mental space of a shaman.And he has time. And he can recite the sum of his knowledge orally to an apprentice.

"What about poison?"

Smell. I'm sure prehistory is laid with the skeletons of those who experimented and died so that a single piece of knowledge could be transmitted. ("This shit is poisonous, don't touch it")

First two trips were great. The third sucked. Haven't used it since.

Eating the raw plant material does nothing. You can't simply ingest the stuff and call it a day.

>If you're an autistic (or schizophrenic) shaman
same thing really

>We're hitting phasor levels we've never reached before


"Breaking through" was seriously the most intense, magical feeling of my life.

It truly feels like entering a different dimension. I was visited by a glowing being, and several other entities. Each one felt alive.

I've done psychedelics before, and I'm used to seeing trippy geometry and patterns and colours, but DMT feels like a completely different thing entirely.

Theyntsted every plant in many ways, they also solved many logistics problems, like components that need to be disolved on lipids, depresors and stimulants, plants for healing, for relaxation, tripping, etc...

The herbology knowledge it's increible vast, but that's what you can expect for tribes that have survived in the amazonas for 10.000 years.