Is out there any strong theory that supports the idea of Time Traveling?
I'm obsessed with the idea of Time Travels are possible, but I don't know if this is anything worth of my time or if I should give up with the subject.
Is out there any strong theory that supports the idea of Time Traveling?
I'm obsessed with the idea of Time Travels are possible, but I don't know if this is anything worth of my time or if I should give up with the subject.
GR doesn't disallow it, but we can't achieve it yet. Though, there's an interesting thought experiment involving an alien on a bicycle observing earth.
Please, tell me more about that experiment. Also, how GR doesn't disallow it? I thought it was the total opposite.
GR doesn't disallow it because it says that all space and time exists all at once, and it is your movement relative to what you are observing that causes time to flow one way. Here's how this works: Let's imagine an alien observing earth from lightyears away. It is not moving. When it is still, we share the same "now moment". But, let's say he gets on his bicycle and starts heading towards earth. The closer he gets, and the faster he moves, the more into the future the earth will appear to him. If he moves further away, it seems to be further in the past. This helps to also explain the fact that we see stars as they were long ago, relative to their distance. It's a poor explanation, I know. But that's the gist.
That's why if you travel close to the speed of light, time nearly stops. Also why a photon does not experience time on its own. Only an observer can perceive of the time it takes for a photon to reach its destination. if you are the photon, as soon as you're emitted you reach your destination. And the whole universe comes and goes instantly.
Should I specialize in GR if I'm really interested in this topic? Or is it just a meme?
No memes here, I'm being serious. Study physics, GR included. I theorize the best way to time travel is to exploit this little relativity effect by moving relative to the target in order to achieve the desired "now moment", then generate a wormhole to the target so you wouldn't have to cross space-time to get there thus preserving your shared now moment.
That sound good to me, any other subject that talks about the topic? I've never been very attracted to GR in the first place, but now you've catched my attention
GR doesn't disallow it but we know GR is incomplete. Quantum gravity will certainly forbid time travel, since "arrow of time" seems to be baked into the physics of our universe.
Not that I can think of off the top of my head but it's late and I've had far too much coffee this week. But I think that if you look into physics, GR, and gain a better grasp of the mechanics of the universe, you'll have a better shot at understanding what you'd like to understand.
Nice try, please play again
Np, thanks for the info, mate
Holy shit you're a fucking moron.
I never said they DID it, it just shows it's possible. Moron. Why don't you think before you open your nasty fucking mouth, I'm trying to teach someone here.
If time travel is possible, it's necessarily a natural phenomenon, and therefore must occur in nature somewhere. The question is, what kind of anomalies will we see in the universe that arise as a result of substance crossing backwards in time?
A model of time travel obviously needs some way to prevent obvious paradoxes. The simplest way is the Novikov self-consistency principle, which states that the probability of a paradox occurring is 0. In a universe governed by probability, this is perfectly valid. If we assume this, it means that paradoxes are singularities in the probability space of the universe that prevent anything from crossing them. In the observable realm, this means that any area with a large amount of time traveling substance will have anomalous distortions in the paths of particles, because these singularities in the possibility space push them away.
Say we have a particle that periodically jumps backwards in time while moving forward. If this particle reflects off a perpendicular barrier, it may turn around, jump back in time, then collide with itself. In order to avoid this, it's periodic jumping will either become erratic to avoid jumping at a bad time, or it will veer off at a very strange angle when bouncing off the barrier. Doing these things is something it has a chance to do randomly anyway, but putting in a situation where it can easily interfere with itself causes its most likely course of action to be consumed by a singularity.
The chance of particle entering a singularity is, in a way, simultaneously zero and nonzero. If we imagined that the universe didn't care about causality violations and the particle could continue on normally, paying no heed to the singularity, then the probability of the particle crossing that space comes out to a number. This is called the null probability. It cancels out other probability and increases as you approach the singularity.
If time were more than a concept, all of us would be time traveling into the future.
Can you elaborate?
Firstly, no, it doesn't show that. Secondly you clearly have NO CLUE what their experiment showed. Thirdly, thanks for confirming that you are, in fact, a fucking moron.
>If time travel is possible, it's necessarily a natural phenomenon, and therefore must occur in nature somewhere.
This doesn't follow at all. Americanium is "possible", but it doesn't exist in nature.
Can you tell me what their experiment showed? I'm interested.
So everything that is "possible" is truly possible even if it doesn't exists in nature?
2 problems stand between us and time travel. 3rd problem would be the actual feasibility of 'time travel'.
1. There needs to be a recording. There's nothing to travel to otherwise.
2. What you define as "Time Travel". There isn't a timeline to travel back and forth in per se (see other mentions of GR here), but lets just for the sake of the argument say you HAVE some kind of recording of the exact moment in history you're looking to travel to.
2a. You're method of time travel can rearrange everything in the affected space to an exact render of your chosen point in history. This is the most true method of 'time traveling' which will be mostly just 'reversing time' (like rearranging the parts and pieces of a lego set). Problems with this method would be inaccuracies in the travel if things aren't quite put back exactly the way they were to begin with, it's a rearrangement, not a true 'rewind' as there's nothing to travel along outside of a recording of some sort.
2b. You can travel 'to' the recording in a separate recreated render of what it is you were seeking to travel to. This is very much a 'parallel universe' existing completely outside of where we are now. Whether that's a physical dislocation or some other method, this very much wouldn't alter much about our current reality.
If you're hoping for a Dr Who version of 'time wimey gobblygook', you're mostly out of luck.
3. Assuming the 2 problems mentioned are overcome and we create the technology, why would you use it for time travel? Outside of history, there's no reason to time travel. Do something regrettable? If time travel was opted for by 2a, you wouldn't need to reverse all of time to accomplish reversing whatever mistake you regret, if it was option 2b, a parallel universe isn't going to change much in the current, but the technology to create or even simulate another universe probably opens up a multitude of other options and possibilities far more useful than 'time travel'.
future time travel is possible, just travel near the speed of light somehow.
back time travel, no idea.
"Time travel" is just making every particles' attributes how they were at a specific point in time, with the exception of having increased entropy.
It's certainly possible and we can definitely currently do it with small amount of particles, but I do want you to think of the ridiculousness of doing it on any sort of human-sized magnitude.
Well, the Universe is a closed system. Energy in a closed system is conservative. But if you were to leave the universe, you'd take out some energy with you (in form of mass).
If the Universe isn't a closed system, then it might be possible.
Are we classifying 'experiencing speed and passage of time differently' as time travel?
I mean... I can see the semantic argument there, but that's just efficiently waiting more than it is 'travel'.
Wouldn't need to get to the speed of light either. Gravity seems far more accessible to accelerating up to light speed. Find yourself a spot where gravity is so heavy that the very electrons in your body slow their rotations down(electrons don't actually rotate around but it's a nice mental image.) , slowing not just your perception of reality, but ultimately the 'passage of time' (As that's all time is. Revolution of electrons around atoms allowing for things as basic as one molecule to interact with another.)
What this guy said. qft.
The latest episode of PBS Space Time says that traveling faster than light means you are going backwards in time, but they aren't going to explain why until next week.
Other than that, I know that if you have a stable wormhole, you can create a time machine by taking one end of the wormhole and moving it at very high speed away from earth, then back towards it. Time dilation means that the side of the wormhole you moved will be further back in time than the side that stayed still.
I'm.... i'm not sure if this is bait or just dumb.
Don't listen to these wannabe pseudo scientists, time is manmade consept, like a ruler to measure the length of our dicks, we use time to measure actions.
So just stop waisting you time...
Neither, actually. Assuming you can create a stable wormhole, the concept of applying time dilation to create a wormhole time machine is a theoretically possible concept that you can look into yourself.
>come on Veeky Forums for the first time ever
>see some r9k tier thread on women retaining DNA from every man that's ejaculated in her
>see thread with some dude harassing a fucking bird outside his window
>find this thread with a bunch of people making shit up about time travel and pretending to know what they are talking about
This place is a joke
Wasting my what now?
Brainlet here wondering what GR means
The bait.... I can't handle it.
General relativity.
How did Einstein explain this one again?
Time travel is possible. The difficulty is in accuracy. If you were to travel backwards to specific time, you would also need to specify the spatial coordinates. Space and time are connected. If you travel through time you need a destination. If you somehow managed to travel backwards 300 years, you would be light years away from Earth. Because the earth is traveling around the sun which is traveling around the galaxy which is hurdling through space. So travel through time wisely.
your english is shit
I talked with my friends on this topic a few times. I have come to the conclusion the conclusion that our timeline cannot change as in 'go back and change this or that' and you will never see a direct result of things done in the past. I dont know if there are other universes or timelines that result from time travel, thats an unaswerable question. I do also come to believe that if future or past time travel is possuble, then the opposite is possible as well, kinda like if a-b = 0 then b - a also equals 0.
Tldr you will never see the results of time travel with your own eyes, and if you can go one way then you can go the other as well.
It's a theory. Like it or not. I'm guessing you don't like it, but before you say that, let me tell you that the article itself probably points out more problems with the theory than you could.
>Gravity seems far more accessible to accelerating up to light speed.
It's still easier said than done. The amount of gravity required for meaningful results would have to be far enough away from our solar system to not distort the planetary orbits. So then you have the problem of needing to transport some kind of heavy gravity inducing device at some percentage of the speed of light in order for results to be observed within a reasonable amount of time.
i love you
Have you visited the other boards lately? On the first page of /pol/ I just saw a thread with over 200 replies about "African Nazis!".......just let that sink in for a minute.
El. Psy. Congroo.
Have you heard of the Afrikaners? There are even Japanese Nazis. Just saying.
You're on Veeky Get over yourself.
What if it's neither? And I know it seems silly but I got a hunch
Of course there are African nazis. There are nazis of every race. What the fuck do you think nazi means, anyway?
The idea of time traveling is as big a joke as is life after death.
Both pure poetry. Pointing out to something that is for the soul to grasp. And like always, taking intellectual poetry literally does make one look stupid to the intelligent.
Growing up, discovering the wonders that life has to offer can be considered a nobel meaning to give ones own life. It takes time to realize new ways, come a custom to different insights and master more fruitful habits. And that is where time travel kicks in, like it is used in literature. To speed up the process of exploring the world. To get hold of esoteric wisdom. And traveling back in time is to been as altering ones perspective some their understanding of things will be confused and therefor they would be like " set back moments, days, months or even ages" in time.
This is the meaning of time traveling, for only a fool would take the possibility of traveling trough time or living after death literally. Only the dumb would not get the meaning of the words time and death. Only the simple minded will waste time on matters that can not be altered. Therefor never stop spreading poetry, use words wisely, so the slaves will be marked by their own stupidity and give us, more and more fun in the short moment of ever chaning states we call life.
>I believe muh A and muh B is a joke
Jesus, you're worse than religious plebs
And why is that so?
Explain yourself or GTFO (of course show tit will also be accepted )
Because you clearly have a warped understanding of time and reality, with a slight whisp of 'muh atheism' and 'muh intelligence'
Thinking you have any perceptional understanding of 'all' of reality, under any constraint is a mirage
You're a moron
You know that gravity wave frequency we discovered?
If we can reverse engineer a way to make spacetime bend...we can cast graviga and then use destructive interference to cast slow or maybe with sufficient power...reverso
>yfw I found a way to cross galaxies using physics.
>yfw I found a way to access the multiverse from our universe.
Fucking. Hacked.
Looks more like you need to get personal to mask something else. That's is probably why start to shout. I myself find it amusing to encounter people like you. You need other people to feel good about yourself. You need them to think you are way 'smatter' then they are. I don't need it, so all I can do now is having fun seeing you need it so bad to pick on me.
Please continue, but for the sake of show, try to make your uttering a bit more, you know, meaning full.
Timetravel is real...
U can travel faster in future than normal...
From the other side:
The time is slower for you
U need to increase your weight for example you can accelerate fast and the time will go a bit slower...
I remember to an experiment:
2 clocks one standing on earth surface and one in an airplane... after 1 day one cllock traveled slightly in future btw it was ways less than 0.01s
Explain to me why time travel is in essence, 'Impossible' if I'm in essence, travelling through time to communicate with you using the internet
checkmate bitch
Travelling in the future.
See you can only speed it up right now.
It would take a true genius to slow it down...
It would take someone with drive.
Someone who's life has only been regret and that is why he wants only to go back in time.
See once you slow something down enough user.
A bull for example.
Once it hits stop. The magic happens.
It begins to be pushed back.
5 4 3 2 1 /~/ - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
The real question is.
Who can fight against chronus?
That vast and terrible titan.
Eater of all his children and pupils?
How can one fight if one is already in his belly?
The answer?
>Consider an LED screen
>Three kinds of diodes emit three colors of light: red blue green
>therefore light in the room exerts radiation pressure on each kind of diode
>with advanced diagnostics you could reconstruct a picture of the room from the radiation pressure on the screen
>with very advanced diagnostics, a temporal modulator, you could reconstruct an image of the room long after the radiation pressure was exerted.
>consider that the internet wires that connect devices today will be the same ones that connect them tomorrow (hard wired)
>That means a temporal modulator connected to the internet in the future is also connected by real physical wires to the devices in the past
>it is only a difficult problem in engineering to use a temporal modulator to connect to advice in the past via its IP/datetime unique identifier
>it used to be a difficult problem to prove if this was possible
>I did prove it an it is possible
>and if your TV has a serial number on the its mother board we can use the temporal modulator to find it a the address of your power bill through the electrical wires
>all LED screens are cameras
>since the light in the room around the screen contains the exact RGB wavelengths of the photodiodes, the radiation pressure is always there
>all LED screen cameras are always recording
Also, the application works without wires too, you just put an antenna on the modulator to do temporal wifi. Also, where Titor mentioned they could only go so far back in time, that may be due to the limited electrical power that was available to his team at the time.
The two-point correlation between the present and a point in the past has an amplitude that decreases in proportion to the amount of spacetime interval between the two points. If the temporal modulator is going going to use the amplitude to select a specific device, that amplitude will have to be amplified to a very high degree.
I'm saying that even diodes that are designed to only emit light, each diode emits one wavelength and a TV has three kinds: RGB, will still feel the ambient radiation pressure caused by the photons in the room that have the same wavelength as the photodiode emits.
Someone could argue that nobody has warned us about the future that could have possible traces to living in the future, nor has anyone ever proved the presence of someone from the future before an incident has happened to bring in preventative measures. Therefore, theoretically, either changing history will rip a huge hole in the delicate fabric of time, or time travel will never be invented.
Time Travel is a delicate creature.
If you could bend space time, that means you can bend it, if you can bend it, with sufficient energy, you can break it, if only for a short time.
I propose that spacetime is flexible if not straight up malleable and held together by gravitational force.
Wouldn't it be funny to discover all the black holes in our universe were made by some guy in his lab with his team watching in horror as they were sucked into the void?
Plot twist.
You become so intelligent, you make science your bitch. People everywhere in awe as you levitate as effortlessly through the air as a bird.
You make an organisation, dedicated to making the world a better place despite being a man of the left handed path, you timetravel, you decide to guide humanity early on, you preach reasonability and religion, suddenly, bam, you realise you are practically an angel.
Plot twist 2
You timetravel but inadvertently go back in time to another universe because "The Admin" Made sure that if anyone glitches the server they are diverted to an identical yet different server.
Shadow banned from the universe.
Plot twist 3
Universe time travelled to exists in admins Timetravel universes folder. Which are a subsection of his multiverse folder.
Final Plot Twist
After a long fight with God.
You realize that the best way to play the game is to obey "The Admin" to the best of your ability and teach your science immediately.
You realise the admin was you.
The best version of you.
God is the repeating variable in the coherent multiverse.
As surely as you can count in tens.
The art of
P = NP
does that mean that photons dont have an age and are still in the moment of their creation? (moments after the bigbang)
Im obsessed with perpetual machines and we all know how impossible that is
And so from the Father was born Lucifer.
I can has P.H.D In philosophy now?
tell me how to build my first time machine and how to power it
>Growing up, discovering the wonders that life has to offer can be considered a nobel meaning to give ones own life.
>Only the simple minded will waste time on matters that can not be altered.
>Only people with regrets care about manipulating time and space
>My perspective of life is the definitive perspective
>ta(l)king intellectual poetry literally does make one look stupid to the intelligent.
Oh the ironing
The thread has attracted the autists already. Anything sounds "intellectual" when you speak in vague platitudes surrounded by broken sentences in a method where you define everything for yourself and tell others to decipher it.
Kill yourself, my man.
Time traveling. ..
It does sound stupid. Even if you go all Sheldon on it, it makes no sense at all.
>Bend spacetime
Using a vork like you do with spaghetti?
Read outs of a clock does not mean you've done some time traveling. It mearly points out mechanics are effected by gravity. And yes, digital clocks works on mechanical principles, just like chemical or biological ones. They were just fabricated by nature in stead of men.
Time travel is nothing more then a idea
. Prove me wrong. Tip. You can't.
>ta(l)king intellectual poetry literally does make one look stupid to the intelligent.
This trick of yours I do actually like. Even if you do call me autistic (most people just call me a philosopher )we share some sense of humor. Got Moar! ??
Lisa, in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics !!
here's a video on it
1:create 2 stable wormholes that you can fit in (already impossible)
2: move 1 of the wormholes to 99.99% the speed of light
step 3: bring the ASOL wormhole back
step 4: jump on thru
You're actually this dumb... Ok. Hurst ok. You do you, user. Keep on keeping on.
It depends on you're definition of time: some would argue that we're all time travellers trapped in the forward direction. But who's to say that we're not actually travelling backwards in time right now? How do we observe this time direction? Is death really just birth? Is birth death?
There is a cheaper way using harmonics.
When you do go back. You will realise that there is a reason time is called a dimension.
Laws of equivalent exchange and all that.
It will look exactly like your past...
However when you are in it if you move the time machine foreward after ANY changes in it, including breathing in it will cause the future you go to to be another dimension. The world where you left in the device will see you disappear and never come back....
There is a clever exploit to do this however...
You can ruin that time travelled dimensions future and then use certain time resonance principals (Timey Wimey Fun Stuff) To go back to your dimension.
Possibly with the spoils of war/love etc.
Whatever you did on the other side.
Keeping the portal open though is a bitch.
One wrong move and you split yourself in half.
>Yfw timetravel is actually dimensional travel in disguise so as to stop corrupt timelines.
Timetravel is like a river.
Travelling with the current is easier than fighting against it.
Unless you can find me something that is good at flowing against it.
Like salmon for example. However you will notice that the salmon almost always in its attempt to get to its source will die of exhaustion once it is there~
>Yfw you are inside a simulation
>Inside a simulation
>Inside a simulation
>Inside a taco
>Yfw the ancient Indians who you thought were tripping balls actually had grasped that it was possible but because it was so hard they just sorta gave up.
>Yfw you are the dreamer inside the dream
>Yfw God is a repeating variable throughout the multiverse
>Yfw God of The Omniverse becomes a theoretical possibility.
>Yfw the knowledge of this would drive most men crazy, apathetic or depressed
>Yfw No face when
Of course time travel exists.
>time travel thread
I get this reference
Didn't it used to exist on earth, it has just since decayed?
Time doesn't exist.
From a philosophical standpoint it will always create a paradox. The consequences of doing it we could never really fully comprehend. Time is sort of an illusion in the sense that it feels like a measurement. Going back in time would imply that you could make all of your particles assemble simultaneously in that same part of space. How would you be able to copy yourself, particle for particle? It's something that I believe would take a long time to fully understand how we would even try to do something like that.
The only good example of slowing down time that I know of is using astronauts in space.
Time itself needs to be investigated a whole lot further down. Our understanding of time could later be proven inferior to a future concept.