Nothing can be infinite

nothing can be infinite

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Except for my dick.

except for nothingness and time

Infinity doesn't exist; The number line merely loops around



Except woman's hatred.

There is no number line, for it is a number circle.

I don't know if is memeing or not, but:

>Consider the real line with its ordinary topology. This space is not compact; in a sense, points can go off to infinity to the left or to the right. It is possible to turn the real line into a compact space by adding a single "point at infinity" which we will denote by ∞. The resulting compactification can be thought of as a circle (which is compact as a closed and bounded subset of the Euclidean plane). Every sequence that ran off to infinity in the real line will then converge to ∞ in this compactification.


thats so hilarious user

So it goes in a loop infinitely.


An even better one is the amount of OP's faggotry.

This is sort of true for the extended complex plane. A straight line is like a circle through infinity.

So it's indeterminate

Nothing? What is a "thing" by your standards. Everything looked at as one thing is infinite

Your stupidity is infinite.

even 5 year olds know you can always add 1 to the "biggest number" you come up with


all of existence is an attempt at realizing infinity.

a failing attempt

If infinity was real then there would be an infinity universe where every possible thing was happening, but I am here right now doing this, contradiction

Well conceptually, infinity can be purely subjective. It all depends on your perspective on the subject matter l.

What if adding 1 to a very large number breaks the simulation we live in? Would calculus as we know it die?

a practical sense yah. but we don't know enough to know that for sure.