If you guys are SOOOO smart, then explain this

If you guys are SOOOO smart, then explain this

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whats there to explain ?


>we live on a giant saucer guys
this stuff is so funny

Sorry, kid. You don't get to pick and choose which pictures are valid based on whether they fit your world view's argument. If all space-based images are "shopped," then your pic is just as bogus.

I'm interested in how "flat earthers" respond to this:

Why are all other celestial bodies spheres and not the earth?

Plain old geocentrism.

Which is funny since even hardcore geocentrists believed that the Earth was a sphere. After all, the sphere the perfect shape.

Sup senpai, Illuminated one here. It's not possible, you're right, the earth is really flat. Good luck convincing the lemmings of that though.



How much pseudoscience can fit in a 2 hour video?

What are you talking about? Pluto, Mars, Neptune, etc are flat too.. Only the sun is a sphere, otherwise the heat wouldn't reach the other planets

Didn't even start the video, but I made the mistake of reading some of the comments

I'm legitimately curious what reason Flat Earthers cite for there to be a coverup about Earth geometric shape. What would anyone gain by leading people to believe in a differently shaped Earth?

Yo I don't give no shit. I just have a roof over my head, good food and a nice bed I'm happy. Let the astrophysicists handle it for all I care cunts.

Mfw in med school, so i'm gonna have to save ur asses when shit hits the fan.

Obviously, you fucking retard, that's a sombrero. Jesus christ, man.

shitpost elsewhere retard
learn to shitpost like a true Veeky Forumsentist


I dunno, looks 'shopped to me.

We wuz Mexicans n shieet amigo


The top image appears to be using a panoramic method of photography

Let me guess, your picture is true but mine is false because you dont like my picture. Heres the video. That would mean you have a confirmation bias.


I bet you think theres a massive conspiricy covering up the people who go on this trip to the upper atmosphere.

Frankly, that would be paranoia.




Didn't realise this was a YLYL

Like this...

But that one is not flat, and has some serious issues with sea level...

The second one is a composite image composed of discrete images taken from low Earth orbit, and shows what the Earth would look like from that altitude if you could get the whole thing in your frame at one time, which you can't. Being taken from a lower altitude, perspective kicks in when compared to the first image. You cannot see as far around the globe from that close, and so the continent fills more of what you can see.

Easy. It called "Lens Correction " and also used to compensate for the Fish Eye Lens distortion that happens filming with GoPro.

Just look it up.

I amend my post, the first one is also a composite, but taken from a higher altitude. Otherwise the rest of what I posted stands.

All flat Earth threads are YLYL. My favorite is when they claim that the fact that there is no scheduled direct airline traffic between the Falkland Islands and Tasmania, THIS MEANS SOMETHING!!!!

Does something like this exist for a face?

Part 1 of 2 -- Here is a long-exposure picture capturing "star trails" taken from Fallbrook, CA, USA. This poses no dilemmas for flatists or flatist trolls, as you'd expect to see this from the northern hemisphere in either model.

Now... here is a similar picture, but this one taken looking south from Elephant Rock, Australia, showing circumpolar stars in the Southern hemisphere over the south pole.

This is the expected phenomenon on a round Earth, but is impossible on a flat Earth, where there can only be one set of circumpolar stars as there is only one pole.

Psss senpai, the lights on the sky are fake as well.

I did this.

Don't do this pls. It hurts so much.

Even if fake,they can't do what thepicturesshowthat they do in both hemispheres...

I love that gif so much...

I skipped around it. When I got to the part where they were explaining that the other planets are not round, while showing pictures of the phases of Venus,I made myself stop.


I wonder how a flat earther would explain eternal snow?

That s perspective

Check the maths


>Using science to disprove science....
>And then say science is wrong...



I KNEW that it was the sun that rotates around me, and not any other way


Nice but totally irrelevant image.



for any set P whose sum is 0, or any set N whose sum is 1

>move away from the box, zoom in with a telescopic lense
>move towards the box, zoom out or change lenses

that picture is so cringeworthy. while it does imply there would be different circumpolar stars for the two hemispheres, it also implies there would be a different set of circumpolar stars for EVERY conceivable latitutde

Can a giant flat disc even exist?

Won't gravity just break it all apart? Can there be enough spinning that centrifugal force makes a disc?

like a pizza planet?
Get NASA on it.

In one way,there would be --At the north pole, all visible stars are circumpolar as they all would seem to rotate around the zenith and never set. As you go south, the circle of stars that never sets gets smaller. At the equator, there are essentially no circumpolar stars.

just look at SpiritScience

user never do that to yourself ever again

You video is from a fisheye lens you stupid fuck mongoloid

>based on research for the past 10 months
