I want to start smoking, but I want to find scientific evidence to justify it. What do?

I want to start smoking, but I want to find scientific evidence to justify it. What do?

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Become a Republican

Demonstrate impulse control and keep your doasge at a statistically insignificant level, from what I've seen this is less than 5/day.

>controlled smoking

>I want to start smoking

Congratulations! The dumbest thing I've ever seen posted on Veeky Forums, and that's saying a lot.
Clap Clap

>I want to start smoking, but I want to find scientific evidence to justify it. What do?

That is a conformation bias then.
You already have cancer of the brain.

>Hurr durr look gay lover, i posted it again.

>I want to start smoking, but I want to find scientific evidence to justify it. What do?
try 2 seconds on google brainlet

Like a couple of my friends smoke and it seems soothing, that's why I want to try it.

It's not confirmation bias if there is undeniable evidence, which I haven't found until now.

>a couple of my friends shoot heroin and it seems pleasurable, that's why I want to try it
Fuck me you are retarded.

>increases focus and concentration
>eases nerves

5 a day is pretty average. its still a lot even as myself a person that only started by smoking 2 a day. now i can bang out half a pack in an a day.

Smoking once a day doesn't raise your cancer risk significantly. If you go up to a pack a day, then it might.

Just chew nicotine gum. I do it to study and it is way less dangerous, way less addictive.

Just try not to puke

i would advise vaping, i know that it is a meme here but it has enormous advantages over smoking.


>not smoking cigarettes

Were you bullied in school, mentally retarded or both?

>b-but it will kill you

So? Is life a competition of who lives the longest?

>you get addicted!!!

No you won't if you are not an underage b& and smoke in moderation.


Who's telling you should smoke a pack a day you fucking moron?

Cover self in lighter fluid. Light cigarette. Smoke.


It's "peat-gavel".

Long time smoker here but only vape now. I can't do it because of my history as a heavy smoker but if you can limit yourself to a few smokes a day maybe the addiction doesn't take complete control of your life.

I partake once in awhile with other addictive drugs but with foreknowledge of their addictiveness potential can prevent any problems in that regard.

Smoking is not nearly the health hazard it is made out to be, more political sea change than anything. Be careful son! Maybe try cigars, I love the smell of cigars like most people. I quit mostly because of all the additives in tobacco now, fire retardants and who knows what...


the t zone

>smoke a few grams of tobacco
>inflamed left lung
>hurts to breathe for the ENTIRE day
>not harmful or carcinogenic

Enjoy your brown lungs and inability to run more than 10 meters.

enjoy turning into a girl after decades of drinking tap water.

My mother died of lung cancer because she smoked since she was 16. If you start before 18 you're virtually guaranteed to get. So if you have a death wish, there is your scientific reason to smoke.

it's like a 15-20% chance, actually.

This thread made me crave a cigarette

and you have a 100% chance of having autism

there is no scientific justification because it is fucking stupid

you are the reason they teach about peer pressure in school jesus christ

I know someone who started smoking when he was very young because of this. I fear he will get lung cancer all the time. It makes me so angry thinking about it.


I've smoked for ten years. I wouldn't recommend starting. Life is better without cigarettes.

>smoking grandpa cigarettes

forgot pic

>anecdotal """evidence"""

>want to quit smoking
>can't find scientific evidence to justify quitting

>being this gay

This. Just chew nicotine gum.

What about the printed fact that more doctors choose camels than any other brand?

Countered by the printed fact that most med students want to die as soon as possible

>le epic generation that will end smoking XD

You should be more concerned about ending your congenital effeminity, you pathetic, estrogen filled nu-male.


Some people obviously are not predisposed to smoking and shouldn't do it.

>buying into the anti-smoking crap
>while being dude weed lmao lets gets high again lol xDxD

Why were the tobaccofags targeted? Seems strange how everyone are absolutely batshit, and I mean batshit, over smokes, but ignore and even glorify plenty of other crap.

I've been smoking for 25 years. I wish they'd be made illegal.
The reason they aren't the government makes a ton of money off off them. Then the government saves a ton, when smokers die off in their 60's and don't collect even a small % of their pensions.
It's sick as fuck.

Then there's also the whole prohibition thing. I don't think nearly as many people care that much about nicotine as they do alcohol though obviously, so it might not be that bad if they were actually banned, but still a lot of people will cite that as the rationale against such a ban.

Hilariously true

t. Med student

go to and ask some sociologists.
There are a lot of social benefits.
For example, having a reason to go outside with a coworker and have a private conversation and bonding.