Who are the most intelligent mathematicians, either living or dead. They don't necessarily have to have accomplished much (but measure by raw potential). What mathematicians are considered first rate?
Who are the most intelligent mathematicians?
Other urls found in this thread:
Srinivasa Ramanujan, David Hilbert, Leonhard Euler, and Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi are people I would consider to be first rate mathematicians.
Donald Trump
The ones who actually accomplished shit
tao, that russian guy that lives with his mum, tonnes of others. Tbh there's probably someone out there that leaves even someone like tao in the dust.
what did bongo man achieve again?
Just a few:
Walter Pitts (pure brain power)
Alexander Grothendieck
Grigori Perelman
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Leonardo da Vinci (pure brain power)
Frank P. Ramsey
Paul Cohen
Évariste Galois
All I can think of atm
Holy shit I'd never heard of Pitts before. What a fucking badass.
Very happy I could expose you to Pitts. Indeed he is.
>Walter Pitts
>career ruined by a woman
Let this be a warning to you all.
It's rather infuriating. Some low tier pleb could unhinge a genius.
Or Norbert Wiener could just have not been a cuck and ignored his stupid bitch wife. All that IQ and yet no strength of will.
>fuck up cybernetics cuz my wife said so
Or at least have the sense not to make your romantic interest the priority. There is nothing that infuriates a woman more than not being a man's permanent center of attention, but who cares? There are more important things.
Men are pussies when it comes to women. They lose all respect for themselves and women generally have the final say so.
It's because men exist to serve women.
>Tbh there's probably someone out there that leaves even someone like tao in the dust.
Why do you think that?
Bernhard Riemann
Bernoulli familiy
The famous greeks (Pythagoras, Euclid,...)
John von Neumann
Claude Shannon
Augustin-Lois Cauchy
Bertrand Russel
Emmy Noether
wow yall be a bunch of rasists n sheit pikin only wite people baka
Tao has Brennan mentioned
>sexist and probably rapist too
>maniacal mass murdering jew
Why do you hate Jews?
Does Fermat warrant a mention?
Sieg heil!
None of them are Bob and I'm not going to embarrass Bob but Bob. He is married to the worst anthropologist ever.
Borel also I think. His name is on a lot of shiet as well.
Not so much brain power as literal sorcery and alchemical powers, but whatever
>Claude Shanon
Just one coding thesis.What else.
He didn't invent anything from scratch.
He developed a hole theory by himself! Without it, our world would look very different today. But OK, compared to Gauss for example, less impressive.
I add to the list:
Dirichlet, Euler, Gauss, Riemann, Hilbert, Poincare, Noether, Abel, Galois, Cauchy, Laplace, Lagrange, Fourier, Poisson, Cantor
Feynman and von Neumann are memes, and hardly even qualify as mathematicians
Godel wasn't really much of a mathematician, and his proofs don't really matter much to mathematicians
Also da Vinci? fuck off
Ramanujan (just because he was self taught in isolation among a bunch of retarded injins)
Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, and 4-D chess grandmaster of the universe
Gauss (idk, I just hear everybody say Gauss is the best, idk why though)
Descarte (created analytical geometry, and his writing is imo, the pinnacle of rennisance shitposting)
Huygens (look at that face, this guy doesn't give a single fuck)
Knuth (i wish more programmers wanted to be like him, instead of like some blue haired singular freak)
Also the guy lived large, was confident because he knew he was among the best, and he didn't apologize for being smart
>Godel wasn't really much of a mathematician, and his proofs don't really matter much to mathematicians
von Neumann a meme (Feynman probably is, I don't know much about him)? Godel not really a mathematician?
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about!
They disprove a certain notion of formalism. It doesn't bear on 99.9% of math that's done.
Almost all of Godel's work is in logic. Mathematicians don't really do that sort of shit.
how dare you speak on this board
Eratosthenes by far. Nigga measured the earth's circumference with the sun and some sticks.
Thanks for le ebin may may.
His career was fucked up by the world not being digital, but by being beautifully analog.
Not sure if you are serious. If not, I don't get the joke. If you are, again: you have no idea what you are talking about.
God Tier:
Archimedes, Newton, Gauss, Euler, Grothendieck
Ubermensch Tier:
Pythagoras, Euclid, Diophantus, Descartes, Galois, Abel, Cauchy, Ramanujan, Cantor, Fermat, Hilbert, Riemann
Genius Tier:
Bernoulli Bros, Kolmogorov, Weierstrauss, Turing, Laplace, Poincare, Lagrange, Borel, Godel, Von Neumann, Pascal, Fourier, Cohen, Saunders Mac Lane, Shannon, Tao, Wiles, Perelman, Poisson, Noether, Witten, Pitts, Lebesgue, Hermite, Jacobi, Cayley, Dirichlet, Bertrand Russel
Pleb Tier:
Norman Wildberger, Feynman,
>John von
von Neumann is not a meme. He is a founding father of Linear Optimization, Mathematical Economics and Game Theory. To say nothing of his work in Set Theory and Real Analysis.
Pascal, Leibniz, Fermat
Euler, LaGrange, LaPlace
Gauss, Cauchy, Weserstrass, Abel, Galois, Cantor and Hilbert
Godel, von Neumann, Turing, Grothendieck, Ramanujan, Erdos, Noether
Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Bill Nye
Above god tier: Nikola tesla
Von Neumann should be God Tier.
mah TOP3, The order doesn't matter
>Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Bill Nye
*tips fedora* thanks gentlesir, for the valiant opinion?
I'd say von Neumann, Kolmogorov and Grothendieck were the last truly magical mathematicians.
He contributed, but he's nothing of the genius he's made out to be. Hence meme status. He simply doesn't belong next to the top mathematicians, at best tier 2.
Would you at least say his cognitive power fits OP's definition of intelligent. He had scary powers from a young age.
he was intelligent, sure, i just think people overrate what he did
They are truly the forerunners of our era.
Didn't he discover interior point methods?
all these plebs who don't even mention newton
This list is pretty good, but why no Erdos? And Grothendieck was great but why god tier?
outta the way brainlets
not even gonna read the thread because if it's anything other than 58 posts with the word "Gauss" it's not worth reading anyways
innovator of the GOAT mathematical theorem
$1+2+3+\cdots +N = \frac{N(N+1)}{2}$
>god tier
opinion discarded
True best mathematician
Even Tao admits he is the last person to have had master of all fields in Mathematics.
People who are alive: Tao and Perelman tied.
>And Grothendieck was great but why god tier?
he fell for the memes.
I can understand someone hating nazis.
I can undderstand someone hating jews.
But who on earth would hate both? Either you are a nazi or you are a jew shill.
Concerning people who are alive, I've read that:
Asking top-shots like Tao, Smirnov, Villani, Werner, ... "who is the most talented among them" most of them said: Jean-Pierre Serre.
Grothendieck is definitely an ubermensch though, but a completely different kind of mathematician than most others on the list. I mean, he thought 57 was prime...
Godel was a first class mathematician. You clearly don't study pure math & its obvious you're a retard that doesn't understand mathematical logic is a field of mathematical research.
Stop posting. You aren't a mathfag and I see through your bullshit.
I'm a graduate student at a group 1 university. Nobody here studies or cares about math logic. Most departments don't have anyone or care about math logic. If anything it's tertiary and tangential to what mathematicians do.
Mathematical logic is a subfield of mathematics regardless of your brainlet opinion or what "group one" university you go to.
It obviously isn't Berkeley, Cornell, or Michigan, so your opinion matters very little to me.
Mathematicians do care about logic,
I would trust Theodore Slaman to be a better mathematician than one you will ever develop into.
>Most departments don't have anyone or care about math logic. If anything it's tertiary and tangential to what mathematicians do.
You are wrong though
Jacob Barnett
I hope you aren't serious.
me to, we are really good at solving PDEs
Maybe your department just doesn't have a logic group. That doesn't mean there aren't excellent active logic groups out there.
You're a retard.
You forgot the father of calculus.
Again, nothing you said is technically "wrong", but your average low-dimensional topologist doesn't give a rat's ass what the logicians are doing.
It's fine that some departments do logic, but again it doesn't affect the working mathematician at all. You really think groundbreaking work in algebra is done by math logic people? No, they investigate questions about the foundations which bear almost no consequences on the stuff working mathematicians do. Call me a retard all you want, but I'm right and you're not.
I mostly disagree with your characterization of logic as something most departments don't care at all about
The people in the departments I linked to are "working mathematicians" trained in classic areas of mathematics. Your worldview of logic is narrow. By saying logic is not a field of mathematics over and over again doesn't make it true.
Some people like both baseball and hockey, that doesn't mean understanding hockey is important to understanding baseball.
I think you're overreacting senselessly to what I'm saying. 99% of mathematicians can go about their lives without caring a damn about math logic. That doesn't mean it's "wrong" or "bad" or "incorrect" or whatever you think I'm saying, it's just not that important to most mathematicians most of the time.
Also I like how you act like I'm clueless about math departments yet don't seem to know what "group 1" means. Typical UG behavior.
expressing disagreement isn't really an "overreaction".
Maybe not you, but the people calling me "retard" and such.
Not an undegrad. You're talking to a pure mathematician. I know based on your comments you don't attend the universities I listed earlier. Also, I know in real life you wouldn't tell Stephen Simpson or Gerald Sacks that they aren't mathematicians.
Sure, but I don't see you justifying too well that math logic matters to most mathematicians. Which is, I suppose, a deviation from what I first said. Sure, call it mathematics and include Godel in whatever list you want, doesn't make math logic some super critical theory everybody's studying.
I'm refuting your initial argument that logic isn't apart of math. Not that logic isn't mainstream Mathematics. That assertion I agree with. But that isn't to say logic isn't important or that mathematicians who do logic are lesser mathematicians than those that do algebraic topology.
Sure, then we agree. I was more being sarcastic when I said "math logic isn't math", not trying to give a literal dictionary definition. So I'm sorry to have been misleading about it.
No problem
But logic is important, just consider AC and its consequences. We can't do math like "hm, hm, 1+1=2, it's common sense, therefor it's true".
I know what you mean, if your research area is PDE you don't need logic, but that goes for a lot of pairs: Does a game theory researcher has to care about category theory? Someone into measure theory about numerical methods?
Concerning Godel: The time he lived / was active, logic was a hot topic (if not _the_ hot topic) in mathematics (you are right, logic departements nowadays seem to be quite small, as far as I know). Think of the famous "foundational crisis of mathematics". Lots of giants were into this at this time: von Neumann, Hilbert, Russell, Brouwer, ..., and Godel, among them, stands out.
What does the axiom of choice have to do with logic?
the nigga dreamed up Cartesian coordinates
definitely feynman
fuck you Descartes' meditations is a lifestyle
The man who destroyed Mathematics
Obviously the ones we study our technology around
Euler, Jacobi, Gauss, Shannon, Laplace, Maxwell, Lenz, Faraday, Lorentz, Tesla
But mostly Shannon for making up shit before it even existed
You realise we're talking about mathematicians right? He didn't even know trigonometry.
>physicists aren't also mathematicians
Here is your (you)
Did he invent any mathematics? Did he even use any mathematics?