If we sterilized people who commit petty crimes, could we drastically reduce crime rates after some 5-10 generations?
If we sterilized people who commit petty crimes, could we drastically reduce crime rates after some 5-10 generations?
Assuming society remains static over those years, you'd drastically reduce the crimes you're selecting against. Not necessarily crime rates in general.
No criminals already have baby mothers before they get arrested.
Why not juat kill the criminals and their families? Faster results.
the world needs criminals. dont ask me why
Start from the 1% and well see how it goes.
Can't wait for the first stats in 50 years.
This is what eugenics is. Although I doubt it will take 5-10 generations, it will probably take bit more in my own guess.
The fox domestication experiment showed predicted results. It just took a long time to make them statistically significant. Roughly around 20th generation, around roughly 1/3 of the them were domesticated.
That experiment was in a controlled environment with little outside influence. For humans, I suspect it would take just as long due to cultural/environmental forces.
But it will definitely happen.
The problem is that the human population is HUGE. It takes far longer for genes to disappear from the gene pool.
With foxes you could reduce it to like 100 of them. That would give them enough genetic diversity while allowing genes to propagate faster.
No. Neither did cutting hands help.
Are there any scientifically rigorous studies showing a direct link between genes and criminal behaviour? Genuinely curious.
Intuitively, I feel like there should be greater link with poor living conditions and a terrible family ties.
Yeah the assumption that criminal behavior is determined by genetics is just bonkers
No it literally doesn't.
Name one example of how criminals (rapists, murderers, thiefs) are necessary.
It doesn't count if the crime in question isn't universally accepted as a crime, e.g. Whistle-blowing is actually good for the people
Yes, some degree of criminality is genetic. You'd get better results if you just put down all psychopaths at birth, tho. Or, if you prefer, you could take all psychopathic children from their natural parents (at least one of whom is probably psychopathic) and raise them in environments of maximal love and empathy, this way you'll still benefit from pro-social psychopaths but some anti-socials will slip thru the net.
He said
>dont ask me why
Why are you so disobedient?
it would be even more efficient if we sterilize all people
>He thinks crime is genetic
Reminder that Law is nothing more than goal post moving within humanity's social ethics spectrum and if some people had it their way you be committing a crime just for simply posting an image macro on the internet.
No you can't because women find them attractive and will fuck them before they are arrested for crime
The whole world might be a big project, but it can be scaled to just a city wide project. Or even a state wise project. As long as its done on a large enough scale, the affects will be felt across multiple generations.
>social ethics spectrum
>I use the word spectrum for anything that isn't discrete
>steal loaf of bread to survive
>get castrated
Wew lad. In my day they just cut off your hands.
Then we'd have a complacent population susceptible to being manipulated and controlled by a corrupt blah blah just like -insert name of dystopia novel- .
Also something something what a crime is, verries widely by location, we'd have people getting sterilized for walking on grass, wet cement, standing in one place for too long blah blah blah. You could get sterilized just by using alias online.
Governments/whatever can use this and create new laws to get specific individuals, people or groups sterilized.
TL:DR Your idea is shit, and you should feel bad.
Crime isn't "genetic", impulse control certainly is.
But not AFTER. Well, they might, but they won't have any more kids. It's objectively better if a criminal has one kid rather than twenty five.
Most of the reproduction that criminals do is before they get arrested so sterilizing them does nothing.
>universally accepted as a crime
comrade pls
It's not completely genetic. Saying it is genetic is the easy way to justify the shot you make. If we only think about genetics, people will say shit like "Oh I killed another person because I couldn't help it because of my genetic makeup", and it wouldn't make sense to punish someone for something they have no control of and will do again.
Rich people are committing a crime by being rich.