Disappearing Sun

If the sun disappeared in an instant, would the earth leave the sun's orbit and continue off in a straight-line path before the last of the sunlight reached us?


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It would take about 8 minutes until the earth flew off on a tangent.

so, a disturbance in gravity will move out at the same rate as the speed of light? Would this be the same as the gravity waves they detected recently?

Yes and yes.


Yeah the speed of light is not just an arbitrary speed that photons happen to go, it is literally the speed that all causality propagates through the universe. It's hard to explain, but information being transmitted faster would permit time travel and subsequently paradoxes.

Look up quantum entanglement anaonfag. Instantaneous information transfer does exist and has been observed.

Imagine if this happened.

Imagine the mother of all chimp outs that would ensue.

>quantum entanglement
>Instantaneous information transfer
ahhahahaha evryteim ahhahaahaahhaaha

Could humanity survive? The earth would still contain a lot of geothermal energy that could keep us going for millions of years right?

No, without the sun all plants and trees would die.

quantum entanglement =/ information transfer
(you) better look it up

>No, without the sun all plants and trees would die.
We can create lights to simulate the sun though.

Forests and pot aren't grown the same.

At the same time, gravity propagates at the speed of light.

Imagine I have a $5 bill and a $10 dollar bill, and I put one in each of two blank envelopes, then mix them up so I don't know which is which. I then give one envelope to you, and one to another faggot, and tell you to travel to opposite sides of the Universe. When you get there, and open your envelope, you immediately know what the OTHER envelope contains, and vice versa. This is the nature of the "instant information" entanglement allows, you can't use it to send a message.

I've thought for years that it would make a great disaster movie. Might be a bit bleak since there's no possibility that anyone survives, and you'd better have an interesting way to shoot scenes set in darkness, but I could see Roland Emmerich fucking the idea up horribly in some dumb summer blockbuster adaptation.

Old pasta. It's as shit now as it was then.

What part of the analogy didn't you understand, because it's pretty close to a perfect description of entanglement.

I'm not a biologist so I don't know if it's possible to grow a large number of plants with artificial light, but if it was you probably could maintain a small human poplulation in subterran caverns. With the temerature on the surface dropping way below freezing quickly, billions would die in any case.

You just decribed how it would be if hidden variables existed.
They don't though.

If we could prepare, say a hundred years, then I guess we really could survive. Not in the numbers we have right now, but some of us could. Problem is that humanity is not very good at handling situations of this scale. No matter how obvious the evidence is that it's going to happen, there will always be lots of people who won't believe it and drive the car into the wall. See climate change.

This is what happens when redditors are allowed here

depends on other parameters.

long eliptic orbit around Jupiter or hyperbolic escape.

I'd bet that Mercury would fly away.

No. Hidden variables implies that there isn't a random choice. The way user described means that even if a message can be send instantaneously between two entangled particles that message is inherently random. So no instant information transfer and thus causality is preserved. You should check the quantum teleportation protocol and you will notice there is a photon transfer at the end of it to verify the correct result.
True. Btfo to reddit please.

What if I put a bullet in the other envelop? That'll send a fuckin' message

Gravity is just a theory


Anything is possible with 'magnetic ZPE' generators

That would allow you to communicate instantaneously, so no


>speed of light...it is literally the speed that all [ALL ?] causality propagates through the universe.

Please explain sound
>pic unrelated
GoTeam Venture!