Hello Veeky Forums, novice programmer here.
I know that the Veeky Forums board is about math and science only, but i find that Veeky Forums would likely be the best fit to determine the superior language. Especially since you all bicker o much over minute shit like fields of science, i though that bickering could be productive for once.
With all this in mind i simply must ask:
Which programming language is the best to learn?
I'm looking for something that:
- can be easily embedded into other languages (like Lua into Java for example)
- Has the most direct compiler (least number of steps between programming language and machine language)
- Universal between the broadest range of systems (Linux, apple, windows, pi, etc.)
- Most efficient (least number of lines of code necessary to get the same stuff done, for example: java requires about 6 lines of code to print "hello world" whereas Lua requires only 1)
- anything else tht would make a progamming language helpful
get to it Veeky Forums.