Neanderthal General

Anybody with a background in DNA synthesis, CRISPR, and gene sequencing in mammals wanna form a supergroup to breed neanderthals back into existence using human female volunteers?

Also Neanderthal general.

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No, why would you want to bring back this outcompeted trash of a subspecies?

They were a superior race.

>translation: they had autism

Autistic manlets with superstrength. Basically 4chin's self-idealization.
OP asked in the right place.

could barely communicate, and had 0 culture

no, they are objectively inferior because they died out and we didnt

Technically that logic only holds between two organisms that can't interbreed. Since genetic diversity is the strongest marker of fitness, man/neanderthal kind collectively suffered fron their extinction.

keep in mind that these are the only "people" on track to not die out

I would be in favor of creating hundreds of millions of Neanderthals to Africa to both raise their IQ and whiten them

Oh look another /pol/ retard raiding Veeky Forums that believes neanderthals were supermen and having Some small % of DNA similarity with them gives you superpowers!

Reality check: Homo sapien was far smarter and more organised. For example, neaderthal never developed complex tools like spears, bow and arrow, or cultural artifacts independently of anatomically modern man. There are some artifacts attributed to neanderthals, but they only show up after our migration into Europe, so it is attributed to copying, trade, or theft.

On the note of cultural artifacts. Here is the only known cave painting that might be attributed to neanderthals

Here's some human cave paintings

Fun fact:
The US, with a population of over 300 million has about 3,000 murders a year. The black population is about 40 million, and even if 100% murder was committed by blacks, still less than 1% of blacks would be murderers.

There's so much more useful things that could be done with all those technologies.

not really

Neanderthals had a skull cavity much larger than ours. It might be pretty useful to re-introduce that large cavity and combine it with high intelligence genetics.

In humans brain or skull size has no correlation with IQ.

Both of those are probably false.

Sounds about right. Around 1% of blacks carry that evil warrior gene

The majority of MRI studies report moderate correlations around 0.3 to 0.4 between brain volume and intelligence.

>no correlation

stop being stupid, we are talking about maximizing intelligence in some super human engineered monster, not muh feels. In this hypothetical every minimal increase would be used

>0.3 to 0.4
It's fucking nothing.

Why not engineer the super intelligence into a fucking dog brain then if size means nothing?

Also accounting for SJW leanings of researchers in general that correlation is most likely a good underestimation.

All that space for extra IQ

Lrn2probabilly fgt pls

lolno, if you read the actual research you'll find that most of the shit they contributed to our genome actually made us worse.

people would be super racist towards them

Neanderphilia anyone?

Would they be seen as autists if they lived among us these days? I know that autism probably doesn't come from them (as it has to do with male cromossomes, I guess), but wouldn't they be somewhat autistic?


They had less space for prefrontal lobes, meaning lower IQ. Unless our brain finds a way to use that extra longitudinal space to enhance the intelligence-related areas, there's not much use in having a neanderthal-shaped skull.

they had aspirin aparently

There was an autistic guy who made a theory that neanderthals might be responsible for autism.

It is called the eusocial homonid hypothesis.

>not wanting superhuman denisovan and neanderthal DNA

it's like you are thinking we will just take the worst aspects. Assuming we get to a point where we are printing off neanderthal DNA and making babies with it we can intelligently choose the good stuff.

I'm sure there are some unique characteristic that are useful. Genetics select for survival which does not usually require intelligence.

arent we quite far away from that? can we even change small parts of dna to get better at sports? maybe start with something that can make you money and is not that advanced

I thought of that too, but autism is a lot more common among men and neanderthal DNA is only passed through the mother. If your father is an autist and your mother isn't you are likely to be one. If neanderthal DNA comes from the mother it only makes sense if the mother of the autist always has some latent neanderthal DNA.

enjoy your hairy muscular women, poltards. lmao


Science... create for me a horny Neanderthal super babe!

Only if i get to run tests on them, i want to see if we can make a "normal" person using no human interaction except robots

2/10, would bang

All that means is they could identify a type of tree and chew on its bark

Devil's advocate: We didn't invent the bow and arrow until 30,000 years after they died out
Also, they had spears.


We are closer than you can ever imagine.

Synthetic biology is advancing pretty fast even without the financial support it should get.

Is that Beyoncé?


Shakira... Version 1.0

They did not have spears. Their bodies were not built for throwing spears. They wouldn't have been good at it. Bows and arrows have been found in Africa dating back to 50,000 years and earlier.

Also, Neanderthals never made more complex stone tools like axes or specialized knives. They only had roughly sharpened rocks up until 40,000 years ago and the migration.

>implying it was neanderthal DNA that made eurasians clearer and on average smarter than africans

what do you bring to the table?