what motivates a high IQ and intelligent individual to come to the conclusion that a permanent solution is necessary for a temporary problem?
What motivates a high IQ and intelligent individual to come to the conclusion that a permanent solution is necessary...
The realisation that all temporary problems repeat at intervals until the inevitable outcome of death.
Oh wait...
Did I say inevitable?~
OP if you only knew what is in store for humanity~
No man nor beast can stand the day,
When the mad scientists come out to play~
I have a shit eating grin the size of a fucking mountain right now.
Theres a reason why I have accepted and realized the truth above OP, There is a reason why I am still alive despite accepting that truth~
Holy shit neck yourself
Unrealistically high standards and expectations that they refuse to compromise
>Reading University
Doing a fucking physics degree... what did he expect?
>what motivates a high IQ and intelligent individual to come to the conclusion that a permanent solution is necessary for a temporary problem?
Common sense.
You are molecule
Your every move is predetermined
Life has no meaning
Shut the fuck up about pleasures of life. There is ZERO of them. People lie to themselves, all emotions are learned.
Only rational approach is to kill yourself.
Who said he has a high IQ?
>inb4 you need to have a high IQ to get a PhD in Physics
Also, intelligent people aren't immune to their own feelings. When depression kicks in, there's literally no high IQ able to stop it.
Depression is a real mental illness. Just because a bunch of pathetic millennials go "MUHHH DEPRESSION ;'(;'(" doesn't mean it's not real.
Life IS the temporary problem
Did they have special typewriters to type the ss-symbol? That's some dedication.
Why is Veeky Forums such a schizo magnet?
Hes a fucking idiot. He could have made more money writing lab papers or tutoring phys students. Why the fuck did he even take a blue collar job
Dont make fun of something that will happen to you 4chin
attempting to fathom infinity
>When depression kicks in, there's literally no high IQ able to stop it
Pretty much this
If I'm in a movie theater and the movie is absolute awful, of course I will walk out of the theater.
> chronic depression is a temporary problem
uhh sure doesn't feel that way.
Prove me wrong?
>He could have made more money writing lab papers or tutoring phys students.
Researchers usually lose more money publishing a paper than they gain from it.
it doesn't matter what his motive was, what matters is his plan
I agree, sometimes i think about the benefits of mankind extintion, no more suffering, no more delusions, no more depression... I know that there wouldn't be scientific discoveries anymore, but there wouldn't be the need of them. Just nothing
what do you think
Being smart doesn't mean every decision you make is also smart, or that you are incapable of being stupid.
Most cases of depression spontaneously go away eventually even if treatment isn't sought.
unfortunately I feel for this dude so hard, I can't seem to get a job in my field to save my life and just have been working shitty minimum wage jobs and it's really demoralizing
media lies about education and where it will lead you to
I feel you. Spent 5 years getting an engineering degree, and 2 years later I'm still doing blue collar work.
Unless you know someone that can get you that first job, or you're some kind of diversity hire, it's fucking brutal out there.
exactly, they always say it's not what you know it's who you know, and even then that's not enough I have a couple of connections and they still couldn't squeeze me in
>Spent 5 years getting an engineering degree, and 2 years later I'm still doing blue collar work.
holy fuck are you me? i spun a wrench in the military, got out and thought my GI bill would be wisely invested in an engineering degree. man, was that a fucking lie. literally nobody gives a fuck about my degree, the only calls i get are from companies that want me to be a mechanic again.
What is their reaction when institutions break apart their sense of self?
Depression, substance abuse, radical ideology, self-imposed isolation, and anger.
That or you're totally zen and do a lot of shrooms or something idk
If you look into it a little more deeply, you'll find that the STEM shortage is a myth fueled by companies in the US who want to bring in more H1B visa holders. They aren't supposed to bring them in if there are Americans that can fill the job, so they spend a lot of money pushing the idea of a STEAM shortage. In reality, it doesn't exist, and all the H1B people they bring in are just making the problem worse.
>tfw you will never curb stomp this guy and cripple him for life
>literally killed by physics
i suspected it was a bit of a meme, but i assumed i'd have an advantage over everyone else with my experience and certifications/clearances.
as opposed to?
he was going to be a useless physicist for the rest of his life though
I'll take postdoc for $1000, alex
IQ and suicide are inversely correlated. Suicide is more common in farmers janitors and construction workers than it is in doctors and scientists
neck deep in debt.
It's very common among old people too. Do you mean old people are dumb? (ignoring Flynn effect obviously)
you can easly get a job as a researcher if you have a PhD, I can't imagine how much of a social akward retard you have to be to end up in a McDonalds or in a call center
Pain and ptsd are valid reasons to die. Snobbery isn't.
You can only get a job where jobs exist.
In my city the job market is absolutely terrible.
Unless you want to get a job as a hairdresser or barista there's almost zero growth.
When I finish my thesis I'm going to have no choice but to head either interstate or, more likely, international to find work.
I feel this dudes pain.
Infections that are untreated
Mid-term progressive thought
Loss of self and expression
Inflationary motivation etc.
> choas will be out playing as well
°chaos will be seen by all
°how everyone will handle that, will decide if humanity will fall
°forget everything that you where ever teached
°or all the things that have ever been preached
only you decide your own fate from now on and every choice you make can not be undone. There is 1 rule:
hurt no one
Everyone becomes one in the dark
Chemistry is just applied physics
They made him do it. They dont want the smartest guy but rather most proactive, whatever that even means.
It's biology you muppet fuck. If he was instead an ant he wouldn't have died would he.
What the fuck man can you not type like that?
H e i l H i t l e r !
>for a temporary problem?
Some people choose the possibility of oblivion; an end to their personal hell on earth. Death at a time of their own choosing.
Is this true? I'm an EE and thinking about signing up to do rotc for a commission after college, but unsure. If I join army, I will likely not be used as an electrical engineer
>tfw got BS geology
>did internship
>3.6 gpa
>no job for 6 months, literally applied 300+ times each month
>started going to plumbing school
>got a job as a plumber
>still sending out geo applications
at least I had a scholarship so I'm not in debt
>temporary problem
what a faggot thing to say. I've literally never been happy and I probably never will be, life is a permanent problem. I don't kill myself because it's not a nice thing to do to my parents though
Fucking pleb
How do you know he chose it?
1. Push guy off roof
2. Call police
3. Claim he jumped
4. ???
5. Profit!
Yes. Now we have a faggy § instead. I'd literally have more use for Ϟ Ϟ than §.