Can engineers get their own board?

Can engineers get their own board?

we have one. its /diy/ and its one of the best boards on Veeky Forums.

Shhh, don't tell OP /diy/ is a nice board

Doesn't look strictly engineering related.

>enter to /diy/ for the first time
>see this

They have one already, it's /lgbt/

is that a bullet?
t. math major

Veeky Forumstards utterly btfoed. Engineers actually enjoy their craft instead of being faggots trying to convince themselves that they're smart.
t. math major

I have an engineering degree but work as a physicist.

Where should I go?

we actually have 2 for the kiddos /wsr/
and for those of advance degrees /r/


We REALLY should stay on Veeky Forums for our autistic math brothers. I'm sure they would prefer engineering threads to the ever increasing climate/racebaiting threads.

Fuck man, I almost miss wildeburger posting

What the fuck is an enganeer?


/enge/-Engineering and Programming sounds pretty good

we got a board for that already


Couldn't use a telephone pole?


/g/ is all compsci, softeng or compeng

It's you idiots.

no /g/ is all consumerism and a bit of linux

I'd rather keep the ENGANEERS here to keep the autism of the math majors in check. ENGANEERS are cool by me.

The ENGANEERS I see around all seem like chads. Hard to believe they're all gay.