Hey Veeky Forums, I'm 21 and just dropped out for the second time due to disinterest.
Do any of you have experience with card counting? Could I survive in Vegas if my parents cut me off?
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm 21 and just dropped out for the second time due to disinterest.
Do any of you have experience with card counting? Could I survive in Vegas if my parents cut me off?
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You could also try sucking dicks in vegas too.
This is not science.
>in other words I was dumb and it was too hard
>now I'm just going to do lots of drugs and finger bang fat sluts
Sure thing, pal.
get good at and play poker, fuck counting cards in the day of 16 deck autoshufflers
does card counting still exist?
It's math
>in other words I was dumb and it was too hard
I had a 3.7 and my lowest grade was a B- when I withdrew. I tried 4 different majors and couldn't bear more than 1 semester of any of them. Not that biochem and philosophy aren't interesting, but I could hardly muster the motivation to do the problem sets.
seems like you have an inability to work hard
probably not
Remember that movie that came out a while back? I read the book about the actual card counters and they embellished in more than a few areas.
1) Card counting required an entire team of individuals, doing it alone wouldnt be practical or plausible (okay so they actually kind of got this bit right)
2) The only people they recruited were asian because casino operators were more likely to overlook a foreign big spender (who comes from money) than an obvious american (who likely doesnt come from money).
3) They had HUGE financial backing. Like to really make money doing this you need a least a million on tap to bet before you even think of betting. You're playing on the law of large numbers so anything less than a few hundred thousand will not cut it.
4) Even after all that with FULL TIME playing each player netted less than 100k per year.
5) Within 5 years every member was black listed from literally any casino you could think of. To the point where they started going to foreign countries to gamble and were still recognized
6) Current tech is making is increasingly impossible to get away with being sly. Forget the 16 deck autoshufflers, no one is sly enough to avoid the eye in the sky.
So, no, you wont be able to do this on a whim or without many months of experience and several hundreds of thousands of dollars and no team.
Why card counting specifically? Most people would try and even have some success at professional poker.
>netted less than 100k per year
I was only hoping for like 15k. Just enough to live in an apartment with internet access and basic sustenance.
>without many months of experience
I could get a fuck-ton of experience playing online at 2x or 3x speed.
If I do, what am I supposed to do about it?
You need hundreds of thousands to makes tens of thousands. Do you have financial backing to get started? No?
GO TO TRADE SCHOOL, and stop pretending like life is a movie.
>If I do, what am I supposed to do about it?
man the fuck up and quit being a pussy m8
>If I do, what am I supposed to do about it?
Get cutoff by your parents so you learn to respect the value of a dollar. Either get with it, or suffer until you do.
I just watched a card counting tutorial and it seems easy as fuck. With a few months of playing on a simulator I figure I could get pretty good.
>professional poker
I want something that won't dominate my life. I'd get a drive thru job if I wanted to spend all my time mastering something.
I have 10k in savings. If I find a cheap apartment I would only need a grand a month.
Lazy advice if you ask me
how's living at mummy and daddy's
That sounds awful.
How are you guys so industrious? What prevents you from hating work to the point of quitting?
>Do any of you have experience with card counting?
Made me think of this... kek thanks OP.
>r I figure I could get pretty good.
you could get good at counting cards, but you would not be any good at making money doing it.
>I have 10k in savings.
>You need hundreds of thousands to makes tens of thousands.
It wont work, you'll blow through savings and you'll be sorry.
Most importantly you havent addressed or figured a way around any single one of these glaring issues with your plan:LIving on the fucking street. We dont have mommy and daddy to coddle us to sleep.
They pay for my apartment in the city where I was going to school. My sleep/gym schedule are regimented so I'm hardly a neet.
Due to disinterest? What the fuck? Are you retarded? What made you think college would be fun? It's preparation for a career, not Adventure Island.
YOU are the reason that millennials are fucking doomed.
>They pay for my apartment in the city where I was going to school.
Same as living at home.
>My sleep/gym schedule are regimented so I'm hardly a neet.
You are categorically NOT educated, NOT employed, and NOT in training.
You are the definition of neet.
haha if your parents pay for your housing you're just living in an extension of mommy and daddys
and yes, you are a neet
not in education, employed or training
>LIving on the fucking street. We dont have mommy and daddy to coddle us to sleep.
What keeps you going? Does the fear of dying keep you from getting bored?
Lack of motivation is a better explanation. The disinterest was secondary.
>NOT in training
I'm taking karate
I lived at home last year and can assure you that this arrangement is much better.
damn dude, you're an immature cunt, the whole
"woe is me" pseudo intellect bullshit is just veiled narcissism for you
One day you'll grow up and you'll learn that all you have you have in life is hard work, there are people working a lot harder than you for a lot less. Because you are subsidized by your parents you have a monumental leg up on the majority of people and yet you choose to bitch and complain and on an image board, I pity you man
>What keeps you going?
>What keeps you going? Does the fear of dying keep you from getting bored?
Lol you think life is endlessly entertaining? Boy you do live in a bubble of privilege. I have gone camping before. I think of being a bit bored at work very much worth not having to camp out under a bridge. Weighed my pros and cons, I would like to eat and sleep comfortably. Idk about you..
>Boy you do live in a bubble of privilege.
I think this sentence sums up this thread perfectly
don't do it, if movies are any indication of reality they're going to make you swallow your teeth if they catch you
>"woe is me" pseudo intellect bullshit
I'm of average intelligence and waste a lot of time on Veeky Forums/youtube. Not sure how you got the impression that I think highly of myself.
>all you have you have in life is hard work
That sounds terrible
>you think life is endlessly entertaining
I meant bored of life; like "burnt out." How do you not get tired of the getting up, showering, going to work, coming home, sleeping cycle?
Why is everyone so in love with that word?
It's basically impossible now except maybe at some small time casinos
Many casinos now are using continuous shufflers (endless shoe). you can't tell how much of the deck is left => your count is 100% useless
A lot of casinos are spreading 6:5 blackjack instead of 3:2 blackjack. This means instead of a Blackjack pays you only $30 on a $25 bet instead of $37.50, (it's huge; consider the house deals thousands of blackjacks a day). This change alone makes the game unbeatable even for the most godly counter unless he's using a truly ridiculous spread which will easily get picked off by the pit
I'd say to get good at poker, it's the only remotely beatable game in a casino. tbqh it's fucking hard and not worth the trouble and I don't think you'll be able to beat it without a lot of practice online (but if you must, remember to play tight, 2/3rds of players are shit and will pay you off, and half of the last 1/3rd that you think are good are actually shit and will still pay you off)
>How do you not get tired of the getting up, showering, going to work, coming home, sleeping cycle?
If this is a tough thing for you, you really need to see a therapist, pyschologist or both. If you consistently get burnt out, then there is something there you ABSOLUTELY need to work out with a professional. This is not a healthy behavior or reaction, so talk to someone who can guide you and point you to the right track.
Quite literally it sounds like you have severely debilitating depression, anxiety or both, but i am certainly not qualified to say. Only a licensed professional can help. GET SOME FUCKING HELP FROM A PROFESSIONAL. And leave Veeky Forums alone with your impractical suggestions.
>Why is everyone so in love with that word?
Because mommy and daddy pay for your living expenses, have been for a while, and have paid for you to go to college on two separate occasions. You chose not to respect the effort, money and care they have invested in you and are speaking instead of outlandish hollywood-esque financial escape routes. You are the definition of privilege.
>debilitating depression, anxiety or both
I'm not depressed
It's not like they didn't have a hand in fucking me up. I wouldn't be addicted to the internet if they hadn't allowed me to watch so much tv as a kid. I'd be smarter/have a better work ethic if I had gone to a better high school. I would know how to socialize and wouldn't be a virgin had they raised me in a city.
They're good with money and planned for the future so that makes up for it all and I'm an asshole for not being more appreciative.
LOL you are proving my point even more. Blame others, dont take responsibility. Denial aint just a river in egypt. You're an adult, act like it. Get fucked and GET OVER YOURSELF.
If you cant hold a job because you cant get out of bed in the morning you are definitely depressed. At the very least you have a severe mental affliction. It affects your ability to function in society in a healthy way, whatever it may be.
8/10 bait
>I'm not depressed
People often are not aware of it, but extremely low drive like in your case is a pretty obvious symptom. Don't ask for help if you don't like it.
>It's not like they didn't have a hand in fucking me up. I wouldn't be addicted to the internet if they hadn't allowed me to watch so much tv as a kid. I'd be smarter/have a better work ethic if I had gone to a better high school. I would know how to socialize and wouldn't be a virgin had they raised me in a city.
Blaming your parents for your own failures is just pathetic. Quit wasting your energy on arguing that the hole you found yourself in is impossible to get out of. That's what you are doing right now. It's not constructive at all, you are simply drowning yourself in self-pity. The way you are stating your situation appears like you actually WANT us to tell you that you are a lost cause. You might be, I don't know, but at least try to do something about it.
and said much more nicely than i put it
but i am increasingly beginning to think this is just really good b8
>Blame others, dont take responsibility
>Get fucked and GET OVER YOURSELF
I was only pointing out that I'm not as privileged as you claim. While my parents are partly to blame for my circumstances, I'm not using them as an excuse to do nothing. I'm here because I'm trying to do something.
>Don't ask for help if you don't like it.
I like help
>People often are not aware of it
>low drive like in your case is a pretty obvious symptom
I like doing some things, but I just get tired of doing the same thing after a while.
Like Holden from Catcher in the Rye or Ben from The Graduate. They weren't depressed and I don't think I am either.
Don't feed the troll
I'm not trolling
Then you're severely and devastatingly lacking in self-awareness.
Good luck..
Hey, OP. Are you sure you don't have an autism spectrum disorder? I'm not asking for the "fucking autists" meme, I'm just curious. You obviously have some problems, and they are very similiar to what I used to experience.
Don't get into poker, no matter how well you do, you'll lose every bit of capital you have and try to take loans to pay off the debt you accumulate.
go to Vegas
fuck bitches
make money
You could always be a Professional Poker player, win money, and then get back into school and reapply to finish with your Bacheler's degree.
I.E. I did that too (except the Poker part of course)
Go to a trader school.
>I'm 21 and just dropped out for the second time due to disinterest.
This is a self-deception, you just couldn't hack it or didn't want to do the work so you've gaslighted yourself into believing it was about interest. But really you don't admit your own failure and that's why you suck. And it's why you shouldn't try to count cards, because you'll be just as bad at that because you have no discipline, maturity or self-awareness.
>Are you sure you don't have an autism spectrum disorder?
Not sure. I've never seen any kind of mental health professional.
>very similiar to what I used to experience
What's that and how did you get over it?
>Don't get into poker
Okay, I won't
>just couldn't hack it or didn't want to do the work so you've gaslighted yourself into believing it was about interest.
That was a mistype. I should have said due to lack of motivation, because that was the real cause, the lack of interest was a result of the lack of motivation. The lack of motivation occurred irrespective of interest, but due to a combination of overworking myself in highschool, loneliness, internet addiction, and whatever else is wrong with me.
>you don't admit your own failure
I think I'm past that at this point. The expectations I have for myself are so much lower than my original mark that it's funny to me. It's actually laughable and I truly don't care about humiliation/loser-hood because that would just make the joke funnier.
>that's why you suck
I think my inability to take effective action is what's shitty about me.
Casinos now use unlimited decks so counting cards is useless.