What are some Veeky Forums approved self help books?

What are some Veeky Forums approved self help books?

Pic related, I read it, but still not sure of its legitimacy, have yet to put it into action.

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Nice fairy tale book.

it's called read the material before the lecture, and use the lecture as a review. it's not that hard. i had a 3.85 in physics just because of that,

stay fresh

>believing in virgin birth
>believing god exists despite there being autism, AIDS, ALS, Cancer, Born handicapped people, poverty
>coming up with excuse that god meant for all of the above to happen to teach us a lesson
This is why we'll never technologically progress.

>inb4 but muh ethics

blindly flying towards 'technological progress' is a bad thing

humans don't progress as fast as technology

Implying we're better off without it. We're just flies flying towards an electric zapper either way.

I think you just said

if p implies q, then j, which is moronic

>it's not hard
spanish fag here.
We have such a shit system that we often don't get the material until after the lecture.
When we do, it's usually a block of all the material for the course, so you are unable to know how much will be covered in the next lecture.
Moreover, teachers usually tend to rush things to fit everything in the course as the semester goes on (they start really slow then when they see they won't be able to cover everything at that rate, they rush), so most times if you try to prepare a lecture you fall short.

It's a disaster. It's like they don't take their teaching jobs seriously.

>“My friends always wondered why I was never in the
library, but instead in the student center socializing,
or at a party, or at an event. They said I made it ‘all
look so easy.’”
>Anna, a straight-A college student

so a girl got straight As in women's studies while riding the cock carousel nonstop.

Bravo. How is this going to help me with functional analyisis, again?

You do realize that he also cites straight A students in technical courses like physics, mathematics and economics right?

Veeky Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Universal_Material

>religion is in conflict with technologically progress meme

I wish these underage atheists would stop trying to appropriate science for their cause.

>I wish these underage atheists would stop trying to appropriate science for their cause.

sam harris fanboys were a mistake

>What are some Veeky Forums approved self help books?

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is the ONLY one.

The rest are all shit.

>ywn be a patrician in golden age rome

why even live?

wtf 2 hours into this book and I'm feeling my mind expand.

I'm literally blazing through all my electromagnetism problems. Everything is clear and my brain comes up with ideas on the fly.
Thanks OP.

Is this sarcasm or just autism. I can't figure out.

This shit in Portugal as well. Sometimes we spend hours on things that won't even appear on the tests and the things that will appear on them are just mentioned for about 5-10 minutes.

Most of the times the books are terrible as well.

Its infuriating.

cérebrlet detectado

I wouldn't buy a book written by a guy named California Newport

>but still not sure of its legitimacy, have yet to put it into action.
see, whether it's legitimate or not, if you don't put it into action, then there's no point in even reading such books.
You're saying you want to read a bunch of self-help books but don't actually do anything to better your situation. You're not getting anywhere with that, so better pick a math book or whatever your major happens to be
>he is not majoring in math or physics

self-help books are a mostly a waste when you could expend the effort of engaging with the material you're having trouble with in the first place


>supposed """""""""""""""""rigorous"""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""scientists""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" falling for anecdotal evidence

Cal Newport is a computer scientist. Best not to listen to a word he says. In fact, do the exact opposite of what he says. It's probably that batshit retarded.

ortografilet detectado

if you can't figure that one I've got some bad news for you...

>valuable lessons cannot be gleaned from a book if it is a work of fiction

Meditations (e.g. pic related) is good. But bear in mind it's written by a roman emperor. Easy to larp as a stoic when you're not a starving slave

So you should also check out "Enchiridion" by Epictetus

Imo, you may be able to change your grades with hard work, but you will never make yourself more intelligent.

Fuck that. I just want to be a doctor and that's the end of the story, no nobel prize bullshit, is there any hope for me?

When I meant doctor, I mean M.D.

Meditations, which translation ?

Not original user but looks like the Gregory Hays translation.


>This is why we'll never technologically progress.
maybe in muslim countries. if you don't think the west has progressed technologically in spite of there being 5 churches in every town, you're retarded

muslims progress far more with stem cells than christians because of different views on the sanctity of life

>but mommy drags me to church and I hate it!
>we would be like colonizing Andromeda right now if religion didn't exist cause like internet atheist intellectuals like Dusty said so