My polynomial time integer factoriser is done... the solution ended up being surprisingly straightforward...

My polynomial time integer factoriser is done... the solution ended up being surprisingly straightforward. I almost want to call it "obvious" but of course it's a lot easier to say that in hindsight. It can't really be all /that/ obvious if no-one else found it until now (that we know of). Still, it's only ~2k lines of non-generated C and 200 lines of Python (for some generated C which was a bit too much for the preprocessor).

2048bit inputs take around 12 minutes on my Haswell chip. 4096bit is a little over 3 hours. I don't think my solution is parallelisable at all unfortunately; I might be/hopefully am wrong about that.

My question is, who do I take this to? I obviously can't just reveal this publicly.

Pic unrelated.
>post proof
>factorise this key
If I post undeniable proof, or even reasonably convincing evidence, it would attract an awful lot of attention. I need to maintain some plausible deniability on this; claim I was joking or mistaken.

Other urls found in this thread:

You clearly want attention from it. What's wrong with attracting attention by factoring a number for us?

computational time is considered with respect to the size of the input

I actually don't... there's a reason I'm posting anonymously on obscure imageboards instead of shouting from the virtual rooftops. Like I said, I need to be able to deny it. For instance if I'm approach by people who I don't want to possess this.

...yes? I don't get your point. Are you just asking for its actual time complexity? It's around O(n^4), where n is obviously the number of bits in the input.

>obscure imageboards
>comparatively slow niche board on said imageboard currently has nearly 9 million posts on it

Sell it to the guv

If you don't want to reveal this publicly then I don't know why you want to reveal it all.

The only thing op is revolutionarily good at is finding new convincing ways to shitpost

>It's another "I've made a revolutionary discovery but I conveniently won't give any specific details and for some reason I'm posting this on a Mongolian speed-dating website instead of collecting my six gorillian dollar prize" thread
We have these at least once a week.

If you don't want the world to know, you can't publish, nor can you give details to anybody. Not wanting the world to know is thus equivalent to not wanting anybody to know. In this case, you do absolutely nothing at all. You sit on your work, or, better, forget about it, because your unwillingness to share your ideas makes them meaningless.

Aside from this, we literally can't give you any meaningful advice if we don't have a clue about how what you've designed works. You've claimed something extraordinary and have given us precisely 0 evidence to corroborate your claim. What do you do that existing approaches to factorization neglect to do? What new technique or method have you devised?

If you can't or won't answer these, the only thing you can do is go away.

>2048bit inputs
What inputs, exactly? Note most large numbers have quite a few relatively 'small' factors, so factoring large random numbers isn't that impressive. If you really think you can factor the hard numbers, test it on the unsolved 'RSA factoring challenges' at

>My polynomial time integer factoriser is done
just post it dude, i will confirm that you're wrong

There's one thing OP definitely can and should do (on the off chance OP's actually serious): try to solve a known, hard unsolved instance such as these . Most likely, OP will see the algorithm fails and has no reason to be paranoid. 'Clever algorithms' for hard computational problems often fail for specific instances, in particular for factorisation, since most integers are easy to solve; an important topic in cryptology is to find hard to factor products of 2 primes.

Otherwise, sell it to the maffia (they'd be more than willing to buy and are unlikely to purposefully incite a world war, as it would only harm their own assets), buy a sizeable, self-sufficient subtropic island, hire a security force the size of a small army and watch the global economy collapse from your luxirious villa.

If this were real, you could take it to a university professor that you trust, and co-publish it with him.
If you want all the glory for yourself, you will have to learn scientific writing, and write a proper thesis, then publish it somewhere big.
Or sell it to ISIS and watch them destroy western civilization

github and/or arxiv. it's probably not correct desu

OP: If I were to post a factorization challenge here and you were to solve it, the exchange is perfectly deniable. You could always claim that you selected the prime factors yourself and thereby set up a fake challenge with a known answer.

With that in mind, could you factor the following number for us? You could always claim later that someone (you or someone else) wrote this post knowing the prime factors beforehand. It's a product of two 1280-bit primes, should take maybe an hour.


> brags about number of line codes
> doesn't even talks about an algorithm

Yeah you clearly know what you are talking about.

is it worst-case polynomial OP?

OP btfo

OP btfo

that's not how posts work, newfag

Fabricated and homosexual.

Factor the number in for proof

>bumping a dead-ass thread just to "this" a post