Can Veeky Forums explain why homosexual pedophiles outnumber heterosexual pedophiles at a rate of 11:1?

Can Veeky Forums explain why homosexual pedophiles outnumber heterosexual pedophiles at a rate of 11:1?


pedophilia is a mental illness

can you elaborate?

The whole point of sexual activity is to reproduce. If you have sex or want to have sex with something that can not produce children then it is aberrant behavior.

So therefore it makes sense that two different aberrant behaviors express themselves in the case of a homosexual pedophile.

it was in the DSM 1 and 2 (back when psychology was more scientific) until political pressure and fear of being labeled as a 'bigot' made psychologists take it out of DSM 3

They don't, read that paper again.

>>The whole point of sexual activity is to reproduce
the point of sex is pleasure. but a beta like you cannot grasp this

the point of sex is obviously to reproduce. the pleasure that derives from it serves as motivation to keep doing it and keep reproducing

Thats nonsense, there will always be more heteros than gays meaning there are more hetero pedos than gay ones.

I believe it is saying when populations proportions are accounted for, there are 11 homosexual pedos for every 1 straight pedo. like how blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime, gays are a disproportionate amounts of the pedos