What are the biggest science buzzwords/memes/catchphrases for your chosen field of study?

What are the biggest science buzzwords/memes/catchphrases for your chosen field of study?

>robust system
>novel approach
>clinical and/or industrial applications

>gene ontology
>any way to automatically find homologs in non-model genomes or transcriptomes

>Point mass

big data

>hodge theatres
>[math] \theta [/math] links
>reduction mod [math] \infty [/math]
>Shimura reciprocity
>Clifford orbi-folds
>quaternionic Iwasawa theory
>topological vertex
>Fourier-Mukai-Euclid transform
>very mock modular forms
>Calabi-Yau field extensions
>Erdős manifolds
>metaplectic geometric Hodge cycles
>quasi-modular Hilbert problems

Mochizuki is that you

Pretty much all of bioinformatics
Muh gene ontology
Muh single cell sequencing

>Data science
>Machine Learning

Would you care to say what the better term for the buzzword "cloud" is?

Structural engineering

Can't think of a single one except:
>Plane sections remain plane

Which is almost never the case in practice

risk management, stop loss, averaging

>"Let some notation be..."
>"This concludes the proof."
>Category theory

>let some notation be
wtf are you reading


What is your field?
>tfw statistics major

>It follows that...
>... is trivial to see
>This has been left as an exercise for the reader.


>>Trickle down Economics
>>Weaker dollar

Any time I have to watch/listen to engineers or physicists doing calculus.

blockchain synergy


>write paper
>must use the word "elucidate" at least five times.