>have super huge closed metal cube with about 20% of internal space(iimpenetrable)
>detonate nuke inside
>what happens?
Have super huge closed metal cube with about 20% of internal space(iimpenetrable)
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The nuke will neither detonate nor not detonate -- it will remain in a quantum state of flux, indeterminate as fuck, until you open the cube.
is such a thing usefull in some way?
pressue will build up inside the cube until it eventually ruptures
>what is a pressure cooker bomb
but, the cube is not penetrable because its soo much metal.
do you realize how much energy a nuclear blast releases?
so i´m guessing you're thinking of a cube that is 80% walls and a hole comprising 20% of its volume in the middle, yeah?
we could try to do the math if you gave us some measurements, but for now my guess is it would send jets of plasma through the corners, since those are the weakest points of a cube
Nothing. Maybe some spallation on the outside.
im talking about a cube being so big and made of so much metal that a human mind would consider it impenetrable by anything. but in a sense, it doesnt need to be a cube. anything that works really as long as its god-like.
in that case it would bulge out the inside and compress the metal all the way to the outside, eventually, with a cube large enough, the compression would stop and you would just end up with a container that was stretched out from the inside, like a porn star's anus
but where would all the pressure from the inside release? it cant just vanish.
Amusing jack-in-the-box applications.
It is, definitionally, impenetrable.
Therefore the answer to OP's question is that nothing noticeable on the outside would happen.
It can't release, the cube is impenetrable.
Give giant impenetrable cube full of maybe nuke explosion to somebody you don't like. They can waste their lives trying to penetrate the cube to get the surprise treat inside. On the off chance they succeed, they get a face full of nuke explosion. Satisfying laughter all around.
i was thinking of more like causing so much pressure and creating black holes or stuff in similar nature.
also, your idea is very dank. maybe send it to another planet to kill aliens lol.
>it can't just vanish
you're right, it'll eventuatlly cool down and de-pressurize a bit, assuming your metal isn't also a magical insulator, but it would remain a pressurized container, like a balloon, or a gas tank
so it wont do this?
>Do this, instead use 200kg antimatter (cube cant break by any means known to man)
>Cube stressed so heavily if it was to open it would release enough energy to cause catastrophic failure of space-time in its vacinity
>yfw relativity bomb in the making
>find aliums at KIC 8462852
>Decide we dont like their skin color
>99.9999999% speed of light cube in their direction
>Hits star, system no longer viewable in any telescopes
>Wonder what happened
>100 years later we get there, wormhole to universe consisting of a wall of cocks of infinite length
>yfw we sent those aliums to suck an infinite wall of cocks till the end of time
Metal box is instantly vaporized.
i like that idea.
a nuke can't compress something to the point of a singularity.
maybe it will result in nuclear fusion within the walls, but i doubt it.
most likely you will end up with what is essentially a big metal balloon waiting to be popped
Thanks but its not an idea, its the future. 2084, screen shot this.
keter class SCP
Could the compressed or enclosed energy hypothetically create a pocket universe by any chance?
There have been deep underground tests in solid rock, it just creates a big cavity and a bunch of very hot rock that takes a while to cool down.
What if the explosion was contained in a box that it could not damage or seep out of?
Then you'd just end up with a small pocket of superheated plasma that would cool by conduction through the box.
What could you do with said plasma?
Nothing, you can't get to it because it's inside your indestructible box.
I didn't say indestructible, I just said the nuke couldn't damage it. But say you could open or air tight seal this box on a whim.
There would be an explosion as it expanded.
So your telling me that there is no way to get the plasma out of the box without being hit by said explosion? How damaging would the explosion even be? Would the release of the explosion possibly expand the inside of the box?
It would be extremely painful
Could it hypothetically destroy the room it's in or would it just damage the person who opened the box?
It could hypothetically destroy the room.
broseph is a fucking idiot and I can tell by the way he types. Sounds exactly like these stupid stoner kids I knew in highschool.