Mfw people say 'modern' when they mean 'contemporary'

>mfw people say 'modern' when they mean 'contemporary'.

Any literature for this feel?

Honestly the distinction between modernism and postmodernism and the like can be so pedantic at times that I don't even give a shit. It's just a bunch of arbitrary labels cooked up by pseuds trying to justify their degrees.

they are synonyms

Report and sage.

they're not

they are snonyms

>not hypermodernism

Not an argument

It's called pre-po-mo yo

I tried to explain this to normies but they just called me a nerd and said I need to "chill out bro". NO CUNT, WATCHMEN WAS NOT MODERNIST NOR WAS IT LITERATURE YOU PATHETIC COMIC BOOK READING FAGGOT.

to plebs

A dictionary perhaps?

They often are synonyms, a modern novel is not the same as a modernist novel and contemporary is usually an awkward choice of words if it is used to mean current.

>Stupid educated people
>Terminology is useless
>You don't need higher learning
You're the definition of a plebeian. Read more or kill yourself.


>People say "suck a dick," when you don't really so it so much, just put it in your mouth and massage it with your lips.

the most common Veeky Forums feel

>film or tv episode set in the past
>character brings in an odd-looking ornament
>"ah, modern art!"

In winter I can see the building behind him (Rijksmuseum) from my window. Trees haven't dropped all their leaves yet.

what are you educated in?

Womens Studies but thats beside the point

>I have clearly never sucked a cock nor have I had my cock sucked

I've never encountered this before, what were you even watching?