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Literature #87
How does food communicate meaning in human culture?
What are you lads reading?
ITT: the most fucked up book you've read and the most disturbing thing that happened in it
Poetry critique thread
Dear intellectuals of Veeky Forums
Hilo hispanoparlante
Is Sam Hyde Veeky Forums approved?
For a non-native English speaker, is it a shame that I can't understand almost 90% of Ulysses?
Where does one start in order to understand Marxist/Leftist theory?
80 yo whore with a choker
Muh suffering and submission is good
Literature as a Guide to Life?
What do you think of people reading large books in public?
The lovely young lady plumpens up into an enormous blueberry, spherical and ripe
Why is Hegel the most misinterpreted philosopher of all time?
Do you think that paintings are better literature?
HURR, Ready player one is shit, nobody could ever like it, my 500 page novel I'm working on...
Learning to read German
Post rare Stirners
Read the stranger
I refuse to believe that the normal person isn't dumb af. So listen to this people (in my family, friends...
What causes writer's block? I have been trying to fucking write my novella for weeks now
Post things that will give anons inspiration to write
What is the greatest work fanfiction has ever produced?
Why are "intellectual" videos for normies so bad, false and with so many mistakes?
Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think...
Why is this site so cancerous?
Why are you crying tonight Veeky Forums?
How come every post related to gender, race, or politics is deleted here? Is it because the janitors are cucks...
Does anyone else imagine cartoons when they read? I don't really imagine real people
The Simulation Hypothesis
Gene Wolfe
Is this the definition of a meme author?
I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death...
Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
Tfw reading 3 books at once
What books should I buy for my 13 years old female niece? She's interested in books but she doesn't like fantasy...
I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease...
Lads, 20 yo here and this year I started to read more
You literally cannot refute this
Old funny books
A 19th century Russian nobleman is sent to a hard labour camp for four years, comes back...
Can someone post the picture with all of the headlines demonizing white male literature with mira gonzales' tweets...
Im looking for books about painters
What would it mean to write in the fourth person?
Harold Bloom is a terrible critic
Why isn't Don Quixote talked about more often? Not only is it the first modern novel...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Is Milton a better poet than Shakespeare?
Your end-game lit
Is it ethical to imitate someone's writing style if I don't have a writing style of my own?
Tybalt did nothing wrong
Hey Veeky Forums im new here, any must read books about existentialism / nihilism ?
Veeky Forums's journal thread
180 pages in, holy fuck this book is boring
Like Catcher in the Rye meets Dracula...
Veeky Forums humor
Is this true?
/the official Veeky Forums shit-tip/
Reads siddharta once
Yes, I have an IQ of 122. No, I haven't read Game of Thrones. No, I don't like Joyce. Yes, I am better than you
Veeky Forums if i wanted to do a comparative study on TCL49 what other book should i choose?
Are antiheroes the best kind of protagonists?
What are some Veeky Forums books? I want to be a entrapuner. I have listened to rich dad poor dad and it was great
Knut Hamsun
Saturday and no stack bread??
Can you find a female foil for Pynchon?
Thinking about reading this whole trilogy
Anyone read this?
You're not truly a reader, unless you've read pic related
Write whatever's on your mind
Music and readin
Who Are Your Top 10 Greatest Writers of All Time?
Can anyone explain the Dune universe to me?
Why is this site so cancerous?
What do you guys think about Ayn Rand's work?
Psychology Into
There is nothing good about this life. It has been seen since Adam to Job and Jonah
Why are women so obsessed with Mr. Darcy?
Hilo de critica en español/Literatura hispanohablante general
Share your literary contrarian opinions
Hero or villain?
Is the secret to good writing confidence?
How can you take this guy seriously? I can see why he appeals to precocious college teenagers...
Hey Veeky Forums
Buy a used book
Is he right?
Started reading today and I'm about 30% into it
I won't do it lads
The celebrated academic Harold Bloom is a lightning fast reader; blink and he's probably turned the page – twice...
He uses semicolons
What do you do when you have read so much philosophy books that you start finding flaws in literally every ideology in...
Veeky Forums BTFO
Veeky Forums loves Christianity now
Why aren't women funny?
To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn have been suspended from Virginia schools. What are your opinions on this
Books on Traditionalism/Fascism
Can't kill myself because I don't know what to say
Why is it that all the best philosophers throughout history have also been mathematicians, physicists, and geometers...
He doesn't read Arabian books
NoFap launched 5 years ago (2011) and since then we have had heard both success stories and opposite stories
What is your one favourite poem?
Do any of you guys actually keep a diary desu
Name some overprivileged authors and thinkers
Who are some good swedish authors?
What should I read if I want to become more progressive and tolerant and accepting of others?
How many of the essentials have you read?
Certainly greatest if the metric is popularity, but not the greatest based on literary merit
You now realise that all philosophical values are rendered meaningless by the impermanence of our universe
Describe your writing style
Should I start with the greeks if I'm a girl?
Latin Poem I wrote
Life in the ancient/medieval world
How did she do it Veeky Forums?
What is Masculinity?
/HPG/: Harry Potter General
We're on the front page of imgur again
In your best prose, write about your first love
What are some books about how utterly soul crushing the process of job hunting in the 21st century is?
Why is Dostoevsky so based?
Is it possible to become more intelligent through proper training...
The Cancer Killing Veeky Forums
It's a six word story thread
Whats a better name for my screenplay?
Who are Veeky Forums favorite Latin American authors?
Now that Veeky Forums's resident philosopher Nick Land has officially endorsed Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson...
How do you know that everything you see, including other people, isn't just an illusion?
Tfw it's finally hitting home how much of a loser I am
Thoughts on Nietzsche?
Ludwig Wittgenstein: "What inclines even me to believe in Christ's resurrection? I play as it were with the thought...
Poetry Critique
Is music superior to literature in terms of artistic merit?
Reading for radical centrism
Starting with the Greeks
Terence Mckenna
ITT we post first lines, can be from books you've read, books you've made or just off the top of your head
What does Veeky Forums think of Hemingway?
Is any part of this book salvageable, or is it all terribly written?
Besides the recent trans stuff, what do you think of this man?
Do you think Christopher Hitchens is overrated?
Post a pic of your prettiest book
The Savage Detectives
Is there, date I say it, a better publisher?
Writing Process
The stigma of listening to audiobooks as somehow lazy or 'cheating' needs to stop
ITT: the national poet of your country vs who you think should be the national poet of your country
So which was better, Veeky Forums? The movie or the book?
What other books are like the jumbled writing of a crazy and / or sad person?
Pro Tip: only the last part is worth it
Veeky Forums approved magazines
What's the worst book of all time?
Give me your worst covers
What books are you plebs reading?
Can philosophy bring happiness?
Tfw local philosophy factory closed down
Who is your favourite villain in literature?
Is literature the highest form of art?
Thoughts on this greasy Dominican?
User, write about yourself, tell me who you really are, seduce me through your writing
Is this book fiction or non-fiction?
Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer
What does Veeky Forums think of Moomin?
Has a rich person (billionaire + / royalty) ever written a good book
Holy shit this book is so damn good written
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What does literature say and the great philosophies about lonliness?
What are some lesser known doorstoppers?
Is this the most Veeky Forums anime? If not what is?
Daily schedule thread
Be Honest Veeky Forums
Wittgenstein had long been troubled by his inability to appreciate the greatness of Shakespeare. In 1946, for example...
Any books not on this list that you recommend, or books on this list that you don't recommend...
On loneliness
Which literary character do you identify with the most?
Philip K Dick
Some argue that money is the root of evil, that becoming ultra rich leads to corruption of one;s self and others...
Getting published
I've tried to get into his videos but his analysis are so surface level and brief...
How do we stop STEMfags from fucking everything up with "muh AI"?
So we can all agree that their Philosophy was of no consequence whatsoever and a gigantic waste of time?
My mother tongue has 4 million native speakers. I was fucked over as a writer from birth...
Grab a book
He doesn't know Latin and Greek
I've heard it said sometimes that you have to have an MFA in Creative Writing, from a good school at that...
Would you describe HST as politically apathetic?
Thoughts on this book?
In 25 years time, what would you have hoped to accomplish, in terms of literature?
What's the essential Jewish literature?
Is anyone reading this right now? just blazed a huge canon and I'm on page 7. let's talk about it...
Smoking WEED and reading is literally the comfiest thing ever
Hi, I wrote something about how I feel I don't belong on this planet. Please read
What are the best fiction books you read this year?
Why don't we have any literary geniuses anymore?
How do you describe >tfw no gf
Can overthinking FUCK you up?
So if this is complete bullshit, should I still read it? Why or why not? Should I just skip Freud and go to Jung?
He only read 10 books the this whole year
There are three types of female characters: whore (Shamhat), wife/mother (Penelope) and priestess (Antigone)...
Shitty covers
He only reads fiction
Japanese light novels aren't literatu-
"I've done work that the wrath of God, fire, steel, time itself will never destroy...
I want to get into Christianity but I don't want to waste my time on shitty denominations
Is Plato the biggest hack?
Moral Realism
Are there any anti-environmentalist philosophers?
...if people were rain, I was drizzle, and she was a hurricane
Thoughts? Praises? Concerns? Criticisms?
Tfw lost all faith and moral objectivity in the last few months
Was egoism the last spook he couldn't overcome?
According to max stirners book the ego and it's own
Is Nick Land trying to be a supervillain or something?
Nabokov is so based
Do you consider yourself an intellectual?
I've never read philosophy before. What's an easy text to introduce myself with? Doesn't matter what school...
What's the most Veeky Forums weather? permanent darknesss and extreme cold...
Why do comics get such a bad rep?
The Cancer Killing Veeky Forums
What is the darkest work of fiction ever made?
Conservatism / Paleoconservatism / Traditionalism thread
He was written one masterpiece, I would say, is of contemporary American fiction...
What books can teach a socially inept person how to socialize and make friends?
Ready Player One
Is this book basically the even memer reddit version of Snow Crash...
Is Nietzsche an edgelord of unfathomable dimensions? Or a man of whom this world is not worthy
Has anyone on Veeky Forums actually read this book...
What's the Veeky Forums consensus on Veeky Forums?
Mfw I could single handed kill any of you lazy ass bastards without breaking a sweat nor having a single scratch
What are some books with good senses of humor? Dry, dark or sarcastic, I need a few smiles
Laughably Bad Prose
Do you believe this is a fine list?
Veeky Forums game
Who are some great writers with the love of humanity in their hearts?
Whats the last body of work you struggled to get thru
Who here didn't finish infinite jest?
Is this guy worth reading, or is he just "whoa spooooky"? Why are europeans so obsessed with him?
What is the most /lit drug?
What books should I read to become whole?
What are some essential fascist books? I've already read Imperium by Francis Yockey, what else?
Tfw philosophy major is pretty useless bu philosophy is literally the ONLY subject in school that has ever engaged me
What's that one book he's read, Veeky Forums?
What would u read to her
How good are these books? Are they worth a read?
You need to read the Bible to understand Western literature
Well Veeky Forums are you a man?
What are the greatest philosophical texts ever written? I'm reading this right now...
Why is psychoanalysis treated as a joke? Is there no legitimacy to it at all?
Critique Thread
Zizek Veeky Forums AMA when?
Veeky Forums's thoughts on Alan Watts? Is he worth reading and listening too?
Do Veeky Forums agree?
Talk about the ubermensch, Veeky Forums
How has your worldview changed over time?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
"As she finished explaining to him why socialism is so shit, Atlas Shrugged, looked at her and said..."
Is it conceivable that philosophy could be useful in someone's life in any way whatsoever?
ITT: Good books you've never seen discussed
*stares at monitor with a vaguely puzzled face*
Which author had the best prose?
Poetry critique thread. Reply to others to get critiqued
What is the point of all the encyclopaedic stuff about the fucking whale?
How do I get into Aquinas? Any study guides (not only for him, but for any classical philosophers as well)
How do I say I love you in a way that is not I love you that is subtle doesn't show attached I am but will melt a...
ITT: Describe the plots to books you've never read
Once, to get rid of a young woman who was interested in him...
Veeky Forums
Tfw finally got an idea for a plot
Was New Sincerity the precursor to the alt-right? Think about it. Ironism is the best liberal, multicultural position...
Significant and large story portions of Berserk are taken straight from Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Nietzsche's...
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
Jews in Literature
Imagine going to the bookstore to buy this in 1997...
Modernism can't produce truly original literat-
What is the opening line to your novel /lit?
Resentment recs
ITT Post a musician, get recommended a poet
Write the most memorable post that you possibly can
Iceberg meme on belief and certainty (phil, sci, etc.)
LITERALLY sent my novel to ALL literary agencies in America
How long did it take for you to finish Aristotle's entire body of work? no memes please
Do you guys read any literary magazines?
List of Cliches
Canadian literature. does it exist? is it anything other than DUDE AT LEAST WE AREN'T AMERICA LMAO
Which book would YOU give a girl who you were keen on?
What's happened in your hometown?
So how would you guys call the current stage of the philosophical development...
Any books that represent the comfy yet melancholy winter season?
He knows only one language
Is this anything more than Econ 101 common sense with 500 pages of flowery language...
Going to my retailcuck wagie job
Please leave and never return if you agree with any of the following;
What does Veeky Forums's reading space look like?
Ok Veeky Forums
What books will help me transcend caring about politics? I'm tired of resentment, defensiveness...
Why did he grow the afro?
What female author would Veeky Forums get a 12 yo boy to read?
Will history absolve him?
Been a wide reader of philosophy
Write what's in your mind
What's your opinion of contemporary literature?
What age did you start reading literature? Why did you start?
Writing Tips
What does Veeky Forums masturbate to?
Who were your top 5 favorite characters in Harry Potter?
How does one describe a beautiful female's back?
Whats a good name like Jung or Daud?
Literary confession thread
What's the most depraved book out there? One that reads like a the sluttiest and smuttiest piece of dross ever...
What is the most reddit book ever written?
Is this the most Veeky Forums show ever?
Okay, Moby Dick is probably the most terrific book I've ever read, without a doubt...
Books about the experience of depression? Similar to The Bell Jar and Catcher in the Rye
Write a pseudo-intellectual sentence
Interested in reading the Koran, Qoran, Quran, whatever, however unsure which translation is optimum for personal study...
Thoughts on the Redwall series? This () had me rolling
Here a poem I wrote "The Girl and the Trucker"
ITT post your favorite book
Tfw finally finished my study of Nietzsche
Should one ever take a break from reading?
Are there any books that can specifically help me better understand women?
Haven't seen one of these in a while
What are the best books on anarchism that you've read, Veeky Forums?
Tips for reading philosophy?
Just bought pic related. What should i expect?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
How is reddit so fucking bad
How should the demeanor and outward appearance of an aspiring writer be like?
CRASH! Mom made pancakes
Haven't really been into Star Wars since Disney uncanonized everything...
How do I enjoy literature...
European literature > American Literature
I steal audiobooks deal with it
Hey Veeky Forums, I wanna get into reading and learning about western Philosophy. I got these two books yesterday...
I'm a nihilist but I'm depressed
Essential Fuckboy Reading List
What is better - french cinema or french literature?
What are some good Cyberpunk books, Veeky Forums?
Has Materialism ruined Western music?
Cultural values that help the rich and or powerful?
I am 20. I am a white male. I go to an average state school in America, where I major in English...
Hey Veeky Forums, I was always a fan of british caustic humor and critics
Why are books and everything surrounding them so faggy? To start...
Music Theory literature thread
One of these threads
Harry Potter book vs. movie
Simple Question - what is the greatest novel of all time?
What fictional character from books do you most identify with?
The 19th century was the greatest ever era for literature:
On the Origin of Species: The Illustrated Edition
Post Veeky Forums pics
How would you describe your ideal self? How is your virtuous self, what would reaching Areté feel like?
Does anybody have any good books for my fourteen-year old son to read...
Can anyone tell what Ivanka is reading? Something Greek?
Why does english comes as a dry and technical language while romance ones comes as very poetical, romantic and artistic
You just typed the final word of your debut novel. What is it?
"That's some catch, that Catch-22"
Besides the recent trans stuff, what do you think of this man?
What's the point of a literature degree?
Veeky Forums is a meme board
Why were the greeks so fucking smart, bros? How did these fuckers figure everything out, huh?
Who was in the wrong here?
Meursault was an autistic freak
Is she the modern Sylvia Plath?
Does anyone have that pic with the oversued lines in Dune?
What book should I read to put all capitalists on suicide watch?
Please leave and never return if you agree with any of the following;
Is this book fiction or non-fiction?
Besides the recent trans stuff, what do you think of this man?
Is it possible that some day the book market won't revolve around teen girls and young women?
Have you read it yet?
If all the philosophers who ever lived had a debate, who'd win?
What is the most "iconic" scene in literature? The suicide of Romeo and Juliet?
Is it Veeky Forums to be religious?
Would Evangelion have made a good book?
"Death of the author" is idiotic
Self Help books
So the romanticizing of Castro has begun
What's up with all the sex scenes? Why did you recommend this? I thought you were classier than this
Sober up
ITT: goodreads rage. pic extremely related
Pro Christian novels
Just started Ulysses for the 5'th time. Never managed to finish it, I am honestly terrified...
Does anyone have a MEGA link with books? If so, dump your links
Who were you in high school?
Has Veeky Forums read anything Serbian? Prose/Poetry
How do I into existentialism?
What is the best autobiography you've ever read besides you're dairy?
I don't see any problems with nihilism
How do we measure the quality of art?
QTDDTOT - Question that don't derseve their own thread
How is this book?
Any recs for babby's first poetry book?
Julius Evola
What is ideology
Anyone here a philosophy major? Thinking about changing need some thoughts opinions
Dfw thinks the mean value theorum is complex math this shit really that good
What's the most interesting thing you've learned?
Stack thread: Black Friday Edition
What are some good books about intelligent people being rejected by a cruel society and eventually using there...
Just finished this, what does Veeky Forums think of it?
Subversiveness is creepy
I pay for this board-- Now, my thread again- my idea for a play
Describe yourself like you're describing someone you've just met, in 5 sentences or less
Share life advice
Just finished my 1000 pages long novel that will never be published. I still have to edit it but damn, for a year...
Veeky Forums is about to be filled with Marxist propaganda
What are the principles for sublime writing
Why can't women be smart?
What was the best book you've read this year?
I wonder if there are actually any people on this thread who love books
Is he no longer /ourguy/?
Why didn't Sauron just make 1 billion rings and call it a day
He doesn't exclusively read fiction
I met a traveller from an antique land
Write what's on your mind
ITT: Write something that proves you are sublime
Dream Interpretation
Which books did you buy today, user?
I don't really look up to anybody, I guess I have some favorite people that I like a lot. But I don't emulate anybody...
OoooOooooOOooooOOOOOooooooo I'm the ghost of David foster wallace...
Why is his dialogue SO DAMN GOOD, Veeky Forums?
Why do many millenial marxist still use soviet iconography?
What book has the best cover of all time?
20 yo
Paradise Lost
A new character enters the scene
Who here has worked as a bookseller?
I'm on a first name basis with Cliff and want you to ease off him. I knew that guy before he was famous...
I hate reading analyses of anything I have read...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
ITT: Essential redditcore
I readed his fictions book, and i FUCKING LOVE IT, i want more like this or similar
Sex and shame
Generation of millennials refuse to develop adult tastes
Are his stories worth the read? I've heard they're full of massive descriptions but little action...
Unique literary phrases
What's up with literary fiction's hatred of happy endings?
What the fuck was his problem?
'No, I can't really do much with Nietzsche,' Leni Riefenstahl recalls Hitler telling her...
Is Mark Twain just a meme or what? Which of his works should I read?
Question for Veeky Forums
Let's go
Why is Veeky Forums so unremittingly hostile?
I want to read the bible. Is the 400th anniversary edition of the King James Bible a good choice...
Are there any writings which inculpate democracy, rather than capitalism...
Gimmick-y (but actually good) Books
Let's be honest here. What are the chances of this fat fuck actually finishing ASOIAF before dying?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on eReaders?
What do ya'll think of Balzac?
Young poster here (25yo)
When was the last time you read Mishima?
Heads up: you're getting invaded by plebbit's /r/socialism
Prepare yourself for the leftie invasion
What books would Will Hunting read?
Is it normal to have an existencial crisis every 5 fucking minutes?
Is there any Black Literature that is worth my time?
Philosophical books to help deal with losing the love of my life
This guy really blew up this week. Are there any good books on the alt-right?
If holiness means chastity and all believers should aspire to holiness...
What was his problem?
How do I write and speak like President Donald J Trump?
In retrospective, is it fair to say that this guy destroyed the New Atheist movement?
How do you deal with the fact that books are for nerds?
Blood Meridian is the result of a failed, uneducated, unemployed old man with a niche for using gore as a selling point...
Can somebody honestly, without being a pretentious cuck about it, explain the objective value of poetry...
Thoughts on the most recent translation of Crime and Punishment?
Is anybody interested in reading my manifesto when I publish it next month?
Why hasn't a woman written a masterpiece yet?
We haven't discussed Gene Wolfe in a while
A real page-turner
Are you giving anyone any books for Christmas?
ITT: We post great graphic novels
Reminder that none of you are at the third stage
Book of Disquiet
I want to read novels that deal with, either heavily autobigraphical or plain fiction, with the childhood of an author...
Post good anti semetic novels
Pretentious youtube critics
Veeky Forums why do you hate william s. burroughs?
Greentext the plot of your novel
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General:
I recall at some point, maybe in Daybreak...
All right, Veeky Forums, I'm falling for the 'start with the Greeks' meme
What are some good books on the military-industrial complex and war economy?
What the fuck did i just read
What does Veeky Forums think of this?
Thankful for
Tfw too sincere for this irony-saturated modern culture
Does lit appreciate Donna Tart?
Should zhe take action?
What's his endgame?
Turns out it's coming out as 2 hours and then some flick. Any opinions on the novel? I hear it's fairly short
Stephen King
Was the civil war Veeky Forums?
What You've Read This Year
Why do people often say that Ayn Rand is for the immature and only makes sense when you're 16?
"I know that I know nothing."
Veeky Forums's thoughts on madame bovary?
Thats it lit, im finally switching majors, I cant stand computers anymore. who am i kidding anymore...
From what I've read of Murakami, he's been good. But pic related is indulgent shit. Bad
Is Camus the worst popular philosopher ever?
What's the point of living or doing anything if you're ugly? Literature can't solve this problem
What does Veeky Forums get off to?
With Brexit/Trump and god knows what else, will there ever be a more incorrect theorist than ol' Frankie Fukuyama?
What did de Botton mean by this?
Which country has produced the best literature?
Take the redpill
"Socrates was put to death by drinking a chalice of poison, hemlock."
What are some names and words that you often here people mispronounce, and immediately write them off as being pleb...
I just started Don Quixote and was laughing uncontrollably at the inn scene where he defends his armour from the men...
If time and space are a priori, what really happens if I get hit by a car? What damages my internal organs...
Has a book ever made you cry?
Is goodreads a useful site, or is it all garbage? Any redeeming features?
Any books on dealing with inter-political relationships?
Who are some good anti-life writers and philosophers Veeky Forums?
What's the symbolism behind the passage with the rat archbishop? The one where V. is introduced
5th publisher rejected my book
Since over the last few years...
Best graphic novel(s) you have read? It's a tie for me between DMZ and Low...
Femenist theory
I'm committing suicide in a few months, so I want to read all the books I heard about but never got around to reading
What are the seminal cyberpunk works in any medium besides Neuromancer, Snow Crash, Blade Runner, and the Matrix?
The queen has uploaded a new video. Thoughts?
Why do people buy used books...
Your waifu for the evening
What are Veeky Forums thoughts on this?
The alt-right will become the new literary movement. They cannot stop us any longer
Is she right?
What is the funniest book you've ever read?
Jordan Petersons suggested reading list
Recommend me books to deal with the desperate need for someone to acknowledge my achievements
Is being an intellectual or reader anathema to American voters?
(2006) Against the Day
I know NOTHING about philosophy, should I read this?
Help me pick my senior quote
Eastern Philosophy
H-he's wrong, i-isn't he?
Women = bad
Holiday /ilt/
Not this one, no
Is Thompson worth reading? I was told he's one of America's best writers, did I get memed?
Are there any actual good pro-abortion arguments/books?
Primates and Theology
It's an addiction isn't it? A sickness of the mind
At the undergraduate level, how has the study of literature changed in the past 50 years...
My struggle, knausgaard
The Divine Comedy
Why do I have a desperate need for someone to acknowledge my achievements
Best book you have read by a female author
Why are Anglos so bad at handling superior Germanic banter?
Why did he hate Christians, Veeky Forums?
Can Kant be proven wrong? With science?
"You shouldn't read Shakespeare", they say
Why is lust considered to be a sin?
What does this board think of Trump rethorical skills?
Where do I start with modern Catholics and neo-Thomists?
Germanfags get in here. I'm interested in exploring German (language) modernism...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Were people always this bored with life
Age demographic for Veeky Forums
Should i read the bible
Book has epilogue
How did he get to be such an illustrious writer? Was it an innate ability that allowed him to write so well...
When did you grow out of Theism?
Crossposting this from a thread I saw on /tv/, but it seemed super pertinent to Veeky Forums in terms of subject matter...
Is hufflepuff basically where they throw all the pussies?
Roll for something to read. Last two. Reroll if already read. Me first
Literary confession thread
Alternatives to Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums! I'm a fucking retarded STEMfag that
What is normal
Anyone else here Started w/ the Greeks? It's been at least 5 months and I'm still starting with the Greeks
Gave up my Veeky Forums career to be a lawyer
Does anyone have the Veeky Forums accessibility chart?
I am Kanbot
Is she, dare I say it, /our girl/?
My Black friends don't like me because I'm a Black man who reads books
Official Philosophers tier list
How does one plan before writing a novel?
Editions of books you want to buy but you already own a copy
Lovecraft General Discussion Thread
Let's all read a book together in December. if you are in school you should have some time off...
Any books on finding sex disgusting because you were abused as a kid?
What are some Books for Improving the Self?
Have you ever actually read a book Veeky Forums? Be honest
Superior Veeky Forums discord
Tfw too strong to read
Is "The Fountainhead" worth reading?
Can we have a meta discussion about these people and the value of them, either individually or as a whole...
As atheism becomes more common, what will fill the hole in the heart where religion used to be?
Veeky Forums humor thread
Read the Frankfurt School works
“Bond always mistrusted short men. They grew up from childhood with an inferiority complex...
Thinking about moving to a different U.S. state or city...
I'm trying to start with the Greeks, I got down most if the actual books I should read
Go find the oldest your oldest piece of writing that's 5+ pages long. Read it and post the part you liked best
Was Karl Marx right?
Hello all the way from reddit! haha
Brave New World is an utopia
Why do post apocalyptic novels always have some supernatural horror elements?
Who is the Kurt Cobain of literature?
Why is meliorism still so rampant?
I need a recommendation Veeky Forums
Any books that deal with jealousy over a partner's past relationships?
He's the new alt-right leaning sam harris aka pop-culture icon wannabe posing as an intellectual...
Any books where traps/androgynous men are the object of a forbidden desire, in the same vein as little girls in Lolita
ITT: We write a novel one plot point at a time
Tfw rejected for publication again
Name books that teach you how to persuade, change and influence people...
Should the Lord of the Rings be considered part of western canon?
Write what's on your mind
Getting Back Into Reading
Are female writers just borrowing and mirroring male thought...
Best books on Mao Zedong, as well as the Great Leap Forward?
Just how influential is Homer? Does Veeky Forums believe Homer was actually a group of authors?
Is there a LOTR equivalent written by a Japanese, Chinese or Korean author and translated to English?
One artistic medium is better than this other artistic medium
Critique Thread
Veeky Forums Discord Server
Who was the least philosophical looking philosopher?
Friend asks for a book suggestion
If I liked McCarthy, will I like Faulkner? No cynical memeing from butthurt Dostoevsky fan girls please...
Is Kantbot the new John Green?
Going off of their works, is this title accurate?
Is nautical fiction the literature master race?
What have you been reading?
Is there any bigger stamp of humiliation in life than going to a non-elite university...
How do I write a female's dialog?
Irish writer
Anyone have recommended reading on the philosophy of altering your state of mind?
What do you guys use to write?
Overused clichés
So is the essential idea behind a spook that if something is cultural or social construct it doesnt exist?
Want to read a book
Which book contains the greatest illustrations?
Is homosexuality the most Veeky Forums sexual orientation?
Frodo's epic
Which books is Veeky Forums planning on buying this Black Friday?
What books will convince me there's a God?
John Kerouac
Write your suicide note
Freshman in university
Is this true?
Post an image, get books recommendations
Why did he kill himself?
Is Father John Misty Veeky Forums?
What has Veeky Forums done for you?
Why are writers so obsessed with the classics? At some point, shouldn't we stop looking backwards?
So. I have a family background that would make Freud's eyes pop out of his head
What book changed you as a person the most ?
Holy moly!
Books that help you get through hard times
Sitting in book store, reading 1984
Worth reading?
Why the hell are houses so hard to describe?
Did she write the ultimate "my diary desu"?
What books can I read that will convince me to become religious?
Why was this so good? I think it may even be better than Blood Meridian, I'm not sure...
Tfw 5'5"
Who was ultimately right about human nature?
Friendzoned by a one-night stand
Paradise Lost
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Tfw you will never be drafted into WW2, and be a part of the literary renaissance following it
Veeky Forums I don't know what to do with this, but it seems important to share as part of clearing a creative block...
My high school teacher is writing a book
What is that word?!?
ITT: We rank Dostoevsky's books
How much did majoring in English improve your writing?
Veeky Forums-tan
Just came in the mail, is it any good?
We need to spread high culture to the masses
Pseud Pics
Is there really anyone dumb enough to believe that Merchant of Venice is an anti-semetic play instead of an obvious...
What is the most Veeky Forums disease?
Bolaño shilling thread
Post Veeky Forums pics
Why do you read, Veeky Forums? Remember, there are no wrong answers
Can we vote out infinite jest and vote in the recognitions for the meme trio...
I want honest opinions from those who managed to complete the entire meme trilogy
Why have so few people written about the culture of video games...
ITT: Creativity
Veeky Forums, I need you to help me out
ITT: Give a rating out of 10 for the last five book you read
Tfw no literary squad
ITT: Cool facts about authors
What's the best foreign language to learn purely for reading purposes?
US Foreign policy
Who else here hates reading in their native language? My native language is spanish...
You have ten seconds to post a lit-related lyric that comes to mind
Entertainment = Cancer
Try to read an old book
What's Veeky Forumss opinion on ereaders...
What is the essential element of a story that causes you to associate it with Reddit? How do you avoid it...
Okay, I just read this, and I got fucking meme'd as hell, didn't I?
Morality is subjective
Post 'end of life' quotes and 'last words'
What is the deal with Hesse? Im reading siddhartha right now and i dont think its that great...
What book can convice someone that democracy is not the best form of government, but probably one of the worst?
ITT techniques to hack the female mind
Write something comfy
Stack Thread
How does Veeky Forums choose to read their books?
Work in a library
Why is taoism not a more recognised political philosophy?
Why is Greek mythology so confusing
3 books you would recommend
HEY! didn't you hear? lit is attempting to making a journal!
HOW TO FIX Veeky Forums
Can Veeky Forums tell me what makes Harry Potter so shit tier...
How many novels are your 'writing' at the moment?
Now that the dust has settled, what is Veeky Forumss consensus on "choose your own adventure" books?
ITT: We write bad aphorisms
Was he right all along?
Ausfag here, can anyone recommend some Australian literature that's any good...
I need to write a paper about a 19th century philosopher, the reading of at least three primary books is obligatory...
How could this dense motherfucker get away with writing the way he did...
How the hell do you make this sound good in dactyilic hexameter? I don't understand this meter at all
Is there anything about this board that is not a massive waste of time...
Who are the greatest plus size authors of all time
French Poetry
How come that Bernard Jou Iwaku isn't on the Veeky Forums roster team yet...
Why do you all love Žižek but shit on Lacan and Marx?
What are the highest artistic achievement for each of these mediums?
How memes wil look like in 50 years?
What are your thoughts on the writings of Max Stirner?
ITT: guess a book by a typical newfag thread about it
Was he a human, or something more? Is there a more evil character in fiction than the Judge?
Hey Veeky Forums, so do you guys have any good books on journalism...
Which non-white-male contemporary authors would you recommend Veeky Forums?
Books on Atheism
What are some thing I should avoid when writing?
Welcome to Veeky Forums
ITT: Explain the plot of your book in a few sentences
Would you name your daughter Ilias?
2017 To Read List
Why is John 'cuck' Green worshipped on Veeky Forums ?
Those legs
Why is nihilism almost always used as a pejorative? If you're a theist, I can understand. But to nonreligious posters...
What does Veeky Forums think of this book and this philosophy?
Can you prove that reading is not degenerate?
What is the single most well written book?
ITT shitty books lit got you to read
Veeky Forums I told you not to reveal your power levels
How is Sisyphus happy? He still has to push that fucking boulder up that hill everyday
To say that 'Everything is relative.'...
Most cringe thing you've written
Anybody read this thing...
Yukio Mishima thread
How many copies of your favorite book do you own?
Share life lessons
So Veeky Forums I recently started the idea to read at least one book from each side of the political compass...
Just realized i'm a pseud
What are some Veeky Forums professions?
But what about Faramir's dick...
Who are the best contemporary authors?
I'm about 20% in to Infinite Jest
People think money = hapiness lol
ITT: English Teacher Stories
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games