Best book you have read by a female author

Gentlemen only edition: no or

>pic related

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Wuthering Heights desu

Why does Goodreads trash it? Are they just a stupid community as a whole?

Yes. John Green's novels are rated higher than Hamlet on Goodreads

Just finished the Bell Jar and found it highly relatable. Its strange because it hit home more than any male writers could so far.

I lub it

Jane Eyre prolly.

The Waves

Report women threads.
>women aren't good enough so we make a separate thread to segregate them there
Fuck off, autist virgin.

Not a book, but playwriters are still Veeky Forums, right? She's quite probably among my top 5 writers.

>playwriters are still Veeky Forums


To the Lighthouse.

J.K. Rowling is a goddess.

Pol and r9k are gentlemen. They understand that women are retards but don't make big deal of it.

They just play along them cause what can you do for weak ones?


Peter rabbit

leave this place

maybe you just don't understand them.


i'd stick my head in her oven if you know what i mean

That is amazing. I feel the reading world is suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

what is this from ?



aphra behn is BASED

Memoirs of Hadrian by Yourcenar.

This book gave me chills.

I understand them more than you ever will, Santa. Me? I'm a girl in spirit. YEAHHHHH!!

I like The Bell Jar (the ending has me wanting more though) and I can understand where you're coming from but I can think of other male writers who hit home. The Bell Jar reminds me of Bret Easton Ellis at least in the beginning. Less Than Zero was pretty affecting.

When visiting this forum I was really impressed by the female authors on the female authors chart which someone should give on me. It was really comprehensive (someone post it plees). I am borrowing my friend's complete plays of Sarah Kane after reading one of them aloud togeather. I think it was 4.48 Psychosis or if not it was Skin. It was very good.

I didn't finish this but this shit is fucking incredible.

ayyy here's mine y'all, it's a wonderful meta-fictional fat-fuck fest

Posting. It's great, yes. Both the chart and Kane.

Really want to read this. And all her stuff. She sounds awesome. Kind and forgot I had her in my to-read list.

It's a short play. You could read her whole work in pretty much a single day if you can stomach it.

The Waves

Middlemarch and To the Lighthouse

Throwing in Mrs. Dalloway for top-tier Woolf

>not a book
>posts book

I'll never understand how someone can think that book only means novels.

"The Time of Man" by Elizabeth Madox Roberts.

One of the best works in the entire Appalachian Literature canon.

Primero sueño by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

>Sorcerer's Stone

I thought Decline and Fall, Black Mischief, and The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh were all funny and well written. I know most women aren't funny but Evelyn was an exception

that dirty slut. i'd love to ravage her angst-y pussy

Jane Austen.

It isn't her fault she is frequently misunderstood or that there is a long line of people who think she was a romantic author, the "Jane industry" etc etc.

>mfw I regularly meet people who don't understand the finest opening line in all literature is a joke.

*golf clap*

>mfw I regularly meet people who don't understand the finest opening line in all literature is a joke

"It's a truth universally acknowledged ..."? How can anyone not get that?

Probably Orlando

You'd be amazed. I reckon >50% of people who read it.

Of course its brilliant, its amusing, it establishes the authorial voice instantly and really offers an abstract to the interests of the novel. Its just lost on some people.

It may be relevant that the people involved are basically the same people Jane Austen is making fun of. I guess you can over-identify sometimes.

complete stories of flannery o'connor

I liked Veronica and Bad Behavior both by Mary Gaitskill

>It isn't her fault she is frequently misunderstood

Is this the "she writes horror stories" thing again?

Its mostly that she isn't taken seriously as being a satirical writer. Often she is clearly taking the piss or you are supposed to detect that people are not being entirely honest with themselves, yet readers often take it at face value and prefer to treat them as romances. Its all very ironic and I think its because of film/TV adaptations.

Fifty Shades of Grey

hellloooo reddit

This (plus the whole series) are probably my favorite science fiction series ever.

I love her other books, and Cyteen is probably 'objectively' better, but I still think the Foreigner series is great.

Not that kind of girl
Lena Dunham

Serious question here; is this worth reading or "Girls" worth watching? I watched an episode once and It seem like the kind of self hating, decadent thing I'd like, but I would like to hear some opinions before.

>hating, decadent
if you can stand it at all, I would say it gives a pretty good insight into ...girl like that ...idk girls nowadays in general
and about the book ... it's like theself obsessed teen version of 50 shades for me so far
I would like to hear an opinion of someone who actually read this

Oh my God

Stop baiting, man, and get to the point.

Get out


Though I haven't read any other good books by women.

Not a book, but O'Conner's "Artificial Nigger" is best American short story I've ever read

This is pretty noice.

If you can stomach Roth or Updike at their most self-involved. Put it this way, there's a scene in season 4 where Dunham's character (a writer) is discussing blowjobs in lit with her Iowa workshop classmates. 1 (male) classmate says they are sometimes handled well, and names some examples. Dunham points out all his examples are male authors.
The group is silenced, shocked. None of them mention female authors, none of them laugh at her identity politics, and for the rest of that season she is alienated from them.
Her entire character is that gross "God, I'm so awkward and weird, on account being so intelligent and woke" self-aggrandizing disguised as self-deprecation. If you can get past it, a lot of other characters are watchable, but it's nothing great

Blasted knocked my class sideways, so good. As edgy as it can get, it's one of the best written evocations of the brutality of conflict, along with McCarthy and Mailer. Anyone have any recommendations for hard-to-read/ stomach lit?

The continuation is pretty good too.

"Phaedra's Love" is quite similar, and "4.48 Psychosis" is truly jarring in its bleakness parade of doom. She had a great gift for desolation.

Out of Kane (and out of McCarthy and Mailer) Celine is bleak too, Murakami (Ryu, not the Nobel-to-be) is disgusting too in the Palahniuk / Easton Ellis way. Peter Sotos could work too, he's too edgy for my taste, kind of a "diminising returns" kind of thing, but he's a edgelord for sure.

>no Marilynne Robinson
Get right the fuck out.

Didn't make the chart myself, bro.

White Teeth is such fucking trash.

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith is my favourite book by a woman.

Other favourites, TKAM, The Vegetarian, Mrs. Dalloway

Where's a good starting point for Alice Munro?

Girls is the best show on tv


Carson McCullers

Also, where do I start with Zadie?

Also, where do I start with Lispector?

>Also, where do I start with Zadie?

is this bait?




You are dumb but ya trips are nice :)

The Passion According To GH
by a mile


Anything. She's a short story writer. The only '''''novel''''' she's written is still technically a short story collection.

dude come on Oroonoko is an extremely important story but it fucking sucks

are you fags really not gonna rep Anne Carson? Plainwater, Autobiography of Red, and red doc> are fucking amazing

Willa Cather: Death Comes For the Archbishop


>Hating White Teeth
>Liking The Vegetarian

Start with White Teeth or On Beauty. The Autograph Man and NW can be skipped. Her new one is okay, not sure how I feel about it yet. Her essays are hit or miss.

Zadie Smith writes people like she's never spoken to one. She's trash.

>The fat chick from Girls

Agreed. Anne Carson blows every other woman out of the water.

>Sor Juana

The Secret History is worth a mention at least.

She's my favorite female author and my third favorite poet. Unlike most of Veeky Forums I don't give a shit about a writer's gender race etc. I just care about how good they are. Still, gotta rep Anne in one of the few threads about women that are positive.

>tfw Carson is unironically the best writer alive today

Clearly this.

Have you read her newest project? All those chapbooks? I haven't yet but it sounds very interesting.

Middlemarch and it's not even close


>>Serious question here; is this worth reading or "Girls" worth watching?

Gertrude Stein is extremely good