Here a poem I wrote "The Girl and the Trucker"

Why does the truck walk?
The dusty rain calmly buys the girl.
Small, dusty jobs quietly desire a misty, big worker.
Fast, grimy jackhammers roughly shove a hot, dry hood.

>Why does the truck walk?
>The dusty rain calmly buys the girl.
>Small, dusty jobs quietly desire a misty, big worker.
>Fast, grimy jackhammers roughly shove a hot, dry hood.

oh wow a poem about sex thinly veiled by bland statements and bad metaphor
fuck off

This is only your own interpretation, that's the beauty of writtren language.

This isn't actually bad stuff but its too short. You've set a scene but don't do anything with it

i wrote a couplet. it's called: Original Poster
>His poem was a drag
>OP is a fag

Thanks for your opinion :)

Thanks for your honest opinion, but have you understood the meaning (I would even say the meaningS) of my poem ?

I liked the first line, but everything that comes after is a nightmare. I counted 8 stresses in the third line, at this point its just prose. Endless barrage of cheap adjectives made me angry
>calmly, dusty, quietly, misty, grimy, roughtly

Are you a random word generator?

stresses ? but thanks for your advice.

No no no since there meanings behind my poem, it could be interpretred as consensual sex (first layer or ordinary meaning) OR prostitution ! (second layer or extraordinary meaing) :)

>have you understood the meaningS
Yep. It means you're a fag.

Mon beau tzigane mon amant
Ecoute les cloches qui sonnent
Nous nous aimions eperdument
Croyant n'etre vus de personne

Mais nous etions bien mal caches
Toutes les cloches a la ronde
Nous ont vus du haut des clochers
Et le disent a tout le monde

Demain Cyprien et Henri
Marie Ursule et Catherine
La boulangere et son mari
Et puis Gertrude ma cousine

Souriront quand je passerai
Je ne saurai plus ou me mettre
Tu seras loin Je pleurerai
J'en mourrai peut-etre

I can't read italian, sorry.

I know you are all ironic and all, but that's not a bad advice when you think about it.

oy vey, il duce is gonna have you gassed

Beautiful :)
I've only dipped into a little Apollinaire, but this is such a gem. I'll trade you an Eluard:

J’aime les bêtes c’est Maïakovski
Qui dit j’aime les bêtes et il a aussitôt envie
De le prouver il leur sourit et il les voit répondre

Nous avions une chienne elle était un peu folle
La tête un peu trop noire pour un corps trop gris
Il a fallu la tuer j’entends car c’est la chasse
À tout moment le coup de feu qui la consume

La source de la vie se courbe sur sa fin
Nous nous courbons chaque jour un peu plus
Sur notre chienne absente notre chienne exigeante.

You only get to use ugly, incoherent lines if they can make a larger and beautiful coherence. Like Browning. This is the avulted fingernail of Browning. You've made me angry, at least. Read more.

avulsed* rather

interesting read, thanks man.
as a native english speaker, french poets have made me appreciate poetry a lot more.


> could be interpretred as consensual sex (first layer or ordinary meaning) OR prostitution ! (second layer or extraordinary meaing) :)
Wow so deep!

Did you get the meaningS? Deep as in depth of thought (first layer or ordinary meaning) or deep as in depth of shittiness and pseudointellectuality (second layer or extraordinary meaning).