"As she finished explaining to him why socialism is so shit, Atlas Shrugged, looked at her and said..."

"As she finished explaining to him why socialism is so shit, Atlas Shrugged, looked at her and said..."

Fucking really? what a hack

>We've really blown it now, Eve. Our Paradise, lost.

Christ, Milton deserved to go blind.

>Thank you for reading my diary desu, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner


Thank God for another one of these

im gay

>Alas, the bomb exploded in heaven, only Dead Souls remained.

Gogol you absolut vodka

>We're done renovating and we've finally built it, our own Paradise Loft.

Milton was really the worst.

>As I was walking along the Algerian causeway with Marie, I waved hello to The Stranger
Jesus Fucking Christ Camus you deserved to die in that car crash

>And, As I Lay Dying, I whispered to my destitute family...

Faulkner was a fucking mistake.

>i'm from redit and upvote my post

Wow Sebald, great job

actually funny

>"Gee, that sounds like one hell of a journey," whispered the awestruck Telemachus, "I guess you could say it was one hell of an Odyssey, pop!"

Whoever told me to start with the Greeks was fucking wrong

>And that ladies and gentlemen is my Critique of Pure Reason
I kant believe youve done this


>Am I just to be a clockwork orange?

Really, Burgess?

I see what you did there

>Eram peccator scelestissimus, deus meus, sed per gratiam tuam amoremque, post hos annos omnes, sum factus Confessiones Sancti Augustini.
non-Congregational canonization was a mistake

>Paradise Loft
>not Paradife Loft
At least be consistent.

>Haha I'm a Stoner, haha.

Christ almighty, John Williams must've been stoned when he wrote this.

>Give me Harry Potter, and the Philosopher's Stone, quipped Voldemort

Fucking Rowling has me howling

>As the image of the dark-skinned ship's boy's reflection in the river below played across his mind again, he knew for certain that young Jamal was the Nigger of the Narcissus

wow Conrad that was pretty bad

>Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest