So. I have a family background that would make Freud's eyes pop out of his head

So. I have a family background that would make Freud's eyes pop out of his head.
(No, I won't be giving details. But even the bare outline of public events would stir up interest.)

How do I prevent Freudians from dragging my literary work back to my childhood?
I write in the first person, so they will be eager to snout around my early years.
I'll be using a pen name, for a start, but what other measures can I take?

You're being defensive. Nothing gets more attraction from Freudians than being defensive.

If you care what other people do with your work once it is done, don't publish it.

So best advice is grow thicker skin, and focus on what you are doing, not what you have done.

Interesting like west Virginia or like long island?

I'm familiar enough with their methods to know how to avoid triggering interest, how to lay false trails, that sort of thing.

What happened contradicts many of the basic things I believe in. I don't want my beliefs to be taken away from me and filed under "Overcompensation"or "Reaction," explained and thus belittled.

A little of both. We went from haute bourgeoisie to, ah, whatever that loathsome, disordered situation could be described as.


What did you mean by this?

>How do I prevent Freudians from dragging my literary work back to my childhood?

>I don't want my beliefs to be taken away from me and filed under "Overcompensation"or "Reaction," explained and thus belittled.

We get it. The point is, you can not control that and never will.

Let go.

Well, this is just laziness. Isn't anonymity something that can be achieved with the right precuation and plans?

I think he meant something like:
Deliverance hillbilly or Pete Campbell?

you probably won't attract enough attention for this to be an issue

If you're worried about them doing that, it's probably because you're worried there's enough evidence in there for them to come to that conclusion, meaning you probably believe it yourself to some degree even if you disagree overall.
I think it'd be better if you just kept it in mind as one of many possible observations people could make, but also keep in mind your work, nor anyone else's, is suddenly invalidated or devalued by Freudian analysis.

>teenager thinks the world revolves around him
Nobody cares about you or your work. Even if you become famous (which you won't), nobody will really care about you.

I have some external factors working in my favour.

Well, of course not. I haven't whispered in their ear yet.

This. Dont be a bitch. Your childhood isnt special.

Incest is about half the story.

do you want to start a thread where you can just talk about yourself, instead of vaguely alluding to facts about yourself and waiting for strangers on the internet to ask you to go on?

I'm much more interested in ways to publish anonymously, but strangers on the internet are always ready to question the question when they have no answer for it.

This is why it was necessary to spoonfeed reasons why I am "allowed" to ask this question.

you could have easily asked the question without giving us a would-be tantalizing lede to your backstory

Instead of
>So, I'm a girl and I have boobs that would make Hugh Hefner's dick pop out of his pants.
>(No, I won't be giving pics. Even the bare outline of my perfect breasts would stir up public interest.)

You could have just, you know, asked the question directly, something like:
"other than with a pen name, how can I ensure anonymity after getting published? I value my privacy"

Also, I'm getting major deja vu; do you post this thread all the fucking time?

Then people would tell me I shouldn't value my privacy because nobody cares, or something equally sulky.

I have made a similar thread a few days ago with no explanation of why I wanted to publish anonymously.

There's really no way to ask this question without triggering some kind of insecurity about... not knowing about privacy laws or copyright ownership or obscure stuff like that? I really don't understand the mentality. Some people just have to say something, and the easiest thing to say is "fuck off, I don't care."

You are calling out what you see as attention whoring; to that I say fair enough, there's usually fire where there is smoke, though not in this case.

You're just a dumbass user. Give up on understanding things.

The best easyish way is what """Elena Ferrante""" did, she only got caught eventually because she ended up generating most of the publishers income and it was obvious af who received that money. Like if she had been less successful no one would have known, and even then it was a secret for nearly 25 years.

You can register a pen name with a bank easily enough and have cheques or similar written in that name, but obviously the bank and employees will know who you are. I think now the best thing is to start some kind of limited company and have the money sent to an account in the name of the business tho.

Freudians drag everything back to childhood for everyone. You can't take a shit without them trying to explain how it's all a mental state of having anal sex with your mother.