Tfw reading 3 books at once

>tfw reading 3 books at once

How do you manage that?
At most if I make myself cross eyed I can sort of read two

You became anime?

Nice job. Keep up the good work!

>Read book for a bit
>Put it down for several months
>Resume it from where I left off

>tfw can read as many books at once as I want because my mind catalogs and stores the information and I can pick up where I left off whenever I want

How many heads do you have, user?

Maki doesn't smoke.

Are you me attempting to get through Don Quixote?

I'm working my way through it too. Where are you ?

One of the times where Don Quixote and Sancho get their asses whooped (there's so many it just blends together). I think I put the book down where Sancho stopped Quixote from going out on a trip and shit himself.

>tfw reading 7 books at once

Manga is not "books"

I'm kind of reading 3 books now as well.
I'm reading Harry Potter for my GFs sake, reading Frankenstein for my own sake and reading Stephen King's CELL for my essay.

>I'm reading Harry Potter for my GFs sake

How do you know?

The. You're only reading one book at a time

>mind catalogs and stores the information and I can pick up where I left off whenever I want

wow, in my land we call that a brain, what name does it go by in your native land?

Dumb maki poster

You're a tripfag, so any achievement of yours is automatically invalidated the moment you post.


Man you haven't even reached the good bit of the first (worst) book.

The beatings stop.
I counted and discovered I was reading twenty-seven books, so I made hard rule of six. Which I've recently broken, with Dante.

Harry Potter is by far the best of that lot.

I really hope you are baiting

>only 3

I got about...eight on my list right now., and need to start a few more today.

>The supernaturalists
>The Whipping Boy
>Bizzare of Bad dreams
>Hitchhikers guide tot he galaxy
>Esperanza rising
>Ender's Game
>Ender's Shadow
>The Night
>The Taking

Then I have to start reading these in the next few weeks:

>Lord of the Flies
>Sandman Slim
>Dead Rising
>Tombs of Atuan
>Any war stories with under-age kids that I can get my hands on

I'm so tired after work, all I want to do is sleep. But I gotta get this done.

>mfw reading all books at once

>people think reading multiple books at the same time is special
Want to know how I know none of you ever went to university?

>tfw reading 0 books atm

I'm reading the Alexander Hamilton Biography by Ron Chernow, and about halfway through I just couldn't take it anymore and had to read something else. So i read 1984 and just picked Hamilton back up after i had finished that.

feels like smoking a cigar?

I don't think it's special, I just do it cause I'm trying to write and need different perspectives and styles.

The tendency to read many books at once is a red-flag early warning symptom of adult-onset schizophrenia. If you do this, I suggest getting a therapist lined up.

kek, op is a fucking weeb degenerate faggot
