HOW TO FIX Veeky Forums

Hiro allows one thread on each board so fuck off mods!

Here is how to fix Veeky Forums:

Ban Reddit
Ban /pol/
Ban /tv/
Ban /v/
Ban Veeky Forums
Ban /r9k/
Ban /co/
Ban all males who post with an effeminate tone
Ban all beginner threads with the comment "LOOK AT THE STICKY, RETARD"
Ban all suggestion threads that can be answered in the sticky
Ban all art threads unless discussing aesthetics or literature with regards to art
Ban all frogposters
Ban all writer ranking threads
Ban all vague threads "Write what is on your mind" "Who do you regard as the greatest writer"

That's it for now, thanks! I'm 50% on the way to becoming Janitor so I should clear things up soon.

> ban all opinions which differ from mine
Yeah, great janitor.


My opinions are what shall make this board great, you plebeian of the highest order.

Point out one bad thing on the list and I shall review it and discuss it in the IRC chat with fellow Janitors.

>slow as shit board
>banning everything is the answer

Banning everything that is shit*

Had to correct you there, buddy.

>ban other boards from shitposting and the frogposters
all of those are correct
the others only make you sound like you are an autistic fuck that should go back to ribbit

Banning Reddit is number one, buddy!


> you plebeian of the highest order
How embarrassing.

You're obviously some pretentious teenager. You'll learn with time, son; differing opinions are what make discussions interesting.

Projection oozes from your post like dog shit oozes from your mouth!

Nice simile: you're destined for great things.

Vote for me in the janitor election and I will ban banning things.

Sokrates once said, "I know that I know nothing."

In reply I said, "You're right about that Sokrates, I read Plato's accounts of yours and you're a fucking idiot!"

>he's 50% of the way to doing it for free

Also, while I'm not absolutely sure it applies, an argument can be made that your thread violates rules 8 and 12
>fuck off mods
>projecting the "authority" of a janitor without actually being one

The only reason people come to this place is to post frogs and participate in threads about women and liberals and blacks

Nice try, Reddit shill but Hiro recently made it clear in a thread on /qa/ that each board is allowed a discussion thread on the quality of the board itself and how to improve it.

Not up to date, hm? Now invited to the party?

You will be one of the civilian deaths in the upcoming Janitor wars.

Just watch me purge your kind.

We need more cute threads of anons dressed in girl clothes while writing and reading.

You too shall have a request of a perma-ban send to a senior moderator.

Can't wait to ban your lost, you have destroyed this board. Many such cases!

>Ban all males who post with an effeminate tone
*tips Make America Great Again hat*

presumably the mods would be aware of this, so telling them to fuck off is a violation of rule 8 afaik

>Not up to date, hm? Now invited to the party?
What did he mean by this?

Ah, you too shall be banned.

Ignored entirely the "Ban /pol/" but that is fine, you too shall be purged.

Under my reign, all posters will be allowed to criticize!

This isn't Stalinism, only freedom!

You genuinely have all my support.

This thread is no 'discussion of quality'. It's a thread where you act like a cunt.


I unironically support most of these.

Not that being a janitor is inherently bad, just that one has to be dammaged to even want to be one. Fucking tripfag. Fucking scum

Just you wait, your IP will be logged by my comrades and you will have your posts excruciatingly reviewed in detail in future. Say goodbye to shitposting on MY board.

B-but Muh clickbait ad revenue?!?!

>Board is slow
>lets quickly continuously fill it with absolutely irredeemable bait troll trash to archive-kill any worthy decent thread

good luck banning pol and r9k
Ill trace you down and hunt you irl i swear if you as much as touch them or whisper anything bad avout them

I wish this board was as slow as it used to be. All the volume is made up of garbage.

Don't worry, friend.

Under my control, this board shall return to its former glory.